
50. Love Song

[A/N: Holy crap, I've been gone forever! Sorry guys! I totally wasn't planning on that but school got a little hectic and busy. But good news is, I'M DONE! So done. Not just on break but I'm freaking GRADUATING. Booya. This fic is getting FINISHED ASAP. Believe you me lol.

Anyway, to reply to some reviews (thank you all for the feedback and love! You guys seriously rock):

phieillydinyia: DID I?! XD Read on! lol Also, probably shouldn't let Mike go in lol

elizi02: Hopefully in the context of this chapter, the previous chapter's song makes more sense for you now.

Resisting-Moonlight: Yeah, her poor hair :( I've got serious love for the mother/daughter dynamic here so Terry's scene was a challenge


mistake: Um, okay? lol

DeusTenebris: I SO SORRY. XD

StrangerThings94: Thank you! I have, actually. I started a 4th of July one-shot last year that I'll probably end up finishing now (maybe around July? lmao) but I'm definitely open to writing more so long as I have ideas haha

: You helped bring me out of my - not funk, because it wasn't that - but you helped me get back into the ST fic zone! lol And thank you for the congratulations :)]

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Chapter 50: Love Song (The Cure)

"Whenever I'm alone with you, you make me feel like I am home again. Whenever I'm alone with you, you make me feel like I am whole again..."

. . . . . . . .


The stars seemed to shine a bit brighter in the mid-June night as Hopper stood outside the gas station, casually smoking a cigarette and leaning back against the brick wall. He'd left the house to buy a pack of smokes but in the end, the stillness of the early summer night and the clarity of the sky had seduced him into relaxing outside.

It was a Saturday night and most of his former classmates were out and about - hanging out inside the gas station, going in and out of the movie theatre across the street, or just generally walking around. There wasn't much to do in this town and that's why he was counting down the days until he left for the police academy. It still felt strange realizing that he was done with school. This was the end of a chapter of his life and while it was odd, he was more than ready to move on and get away from the suffocating predictability of Hawkins.

As he took another long drag on his cigarette, contemplating whether he wanted to head back home soon or not, the sound of someone crying caught his attention. Looking up, he saw Joyce storming angrily down the other side of the street, away from the movie theatre. His curiosity piqued, Hopper stomped his cigarette out under the heel of his boot and jogged across the street to catch up to her.

"Hey Joyce," He greeted but if she heard him, she made no indication. "Joyce," He caught her by the shoulder and she abruptly whirled around, momentarily catching him off-guard. "Hey, what's going on?" They'd dated for a while the year before but had since remained friends. He sometimes wondered why they'd broken up until he remembered that it was his own fault. He recalled the words he'd said to her during that last conversation: "I just don't feel it anymore." It hadn't taken too long for him to realize his mistake - the foolishness of a teenage boy with a limited attention span and dozens of pretty girls making eyes at him at the beginning of his senior year of high school. By the time he realized what he'd so casually given up, she was already with someone else.

"Nothing." Joyce replied sharply, avoiding eye contact. Hopper scanned her face, recognizing the contorted expression and the tears that hung from her eyelashes like dew. He'd done that to her before and it didn't take long for him to figure out what was going on.

He looked back at the movie theatre. "It's Lonnie?" He'd meant it as a question but his tone made it sound more like an accusation. Despite all of his mistakes and regrets with Joyce, he was thankful they'd been able to maintain something of a friendship and whether she realized it or not, he still felt fiercely protective of her.

"Just leave it alone, Hop," Joyce said, defeated. "I'm going home."

"Well, what did he do?" Hopper asked, trotting to catch up with Joyce as she'd started to walk again. "You look like -"

Joyce shot a warning glare up at him and he immediately stopped his words from tumbling out. "I mean, you're obviously upset." he finished lamely but mentally patted himself on the back for not putting his foot completely in his mouth.

"Yeah, no shit." Joyce murmured under her breath and while she expected him to keep pushing the question, she was relieved that he was quiet after that. Instead, he fell into step beside her on the sidewalk and neither of them said a word as they continued down the street until they began to approach his parents' house.

"Do you want me to grab my dad's truck and give you a lift the rest of the way home?" Hopper offered, breaking their comfortable silence.

Joyce considered this for a moment before nodded weakly. They were only a couple blocks from her street but after twenty minutes of walking, it would be nice to get off her feet.

They'd maintained their quiet even as they walked up Hopper's driveway and gotten settled into the truck. He used his dad's truck so regularly he hadn't felt the need to tell anyone he was taking it out for a quick run. As the two of them settled into the front seat, Hopper absentmindedly tried to straighten up the mess he'd made of the center console. His morning commute to school usually involved several cigarettes and a snack from the gas station so the cab of the truck was a bit of a mess. Sandwich wrappers, empty bottles, paper bags and crushed cigarette packs lined the floor and the ashtray was overflowing with butts, leaving a ring of ash around the surrounding area.

"Sorry," he mumbled, reaching over the console to collect the trash at her feet and toss it behind them.

"It's fine." Joyce breathed, her expression somewhat unreadable as he leaned back into the driver's seat.

The ride to her house was quiet and Hopper tried his damnedest to keep his eyes on the road even when he heard the soft whimpers of Joyce crying again. He could tell she was trying to be quiet but with the radio off and the quiet neighborhood streets surrounding them, he couldn't help but hear her.

"Look," he said as he pulled up along the curb by her house. He shut the engine off and killed the headlights, leaving them in relative darkness sans the light from the streetlights trickling in. "I don't know what happened but…" he paused. "If Lonnie hurt you -"

"Jesus, Hop, he didn't touch me, if that's what you're thinking," she looked at him sharply, almost rolling her eyes.

"Then what the hell did he do?" Hopper asked, his patience wearing thin. While he knew Joyce well enough to know she wasn't easily pushed into anything she didn't want to divulge, it was driving him crazy seeing her like this.

"It isn't any of your business." Joyce shot back without looking at him, her hand perched on the door handle yet she didn't make a move to get out yet.

"Oh, yeah," Hopper retorted, becoming irritated. "The guy who drops what he's doing to give you a ride home when your piece of shit boyfriend fucks something up - you're right, it's not my business!"

"I didn't ask you to!" Joyce bit back, her gaze meeting his with a fiery glint. "And let's not pretend you were doing anything important. I saw you over there killing time outside the gas station,"

"Whatever, Joyce," Hopper muttered, bouncing his hands on the steering wheel out of frustration.

"God, this is familiar," Joyce groaned, exasperated as she leaned her head back on the headrest.

"What the hell does that mean?" Hopper asked her, his eyes narrowed.

"This," Joyce gestured between the two of them. "Us. Arguing over stupid shit and you being an asshole."

"I'm the asshole who tried to make sure you were alright and gave you a ride home!" Hopper shot back, incredulous. "You're a piece of work, you know that?"

Joyce opened her mouth as if to say something but abruptly closed it, launching them into a tempestuous silence as both of them tried to ascertain what was going on in the other's mind.

After a few minutes of uncomfortable quiet, Joyce was the first to speak. "Thank you,"

"For what?"

"For the ride," she explained. "For checking on me."

After all these years, he knew her - he knew their dynamic - like the back of his own hand. Even when they fought and she drove him crazy, he still had a soft spot for her. He didn't like to admit exactly how much pull she still had on him, especially since they'd broken up earlier that school year, but it was almost magnetic in the way it affected him.

"Are you sure you don't wanna tell me what happened?" Hopper asked gently but Joyce shook her head.

"No, I…" she glanced up at her house. The porch light was on and Hopper wondered if anyone was expecting her home yet. "I'll be fine." The way she said those words felt poignant and Hopper wondered if there was more to what she was saying than what was coming out aloud.

With a sigh and a shrug of his shoulders, Hopper turned to her and said, "Alright, well, listen - I… I'm here, okay? I don't have to tell you what I think of Lonnie's sorry ass 'cause I'm pretty sure you already know but just... " He wanted to tell her how much he didn't think Lonnie deserved her. He wanted her to know how much he regretted letting her go and how he almost felt responsible for the pain she was going through right now, even if he didn't know the cause. He wanted to say he wouldn't hurt her like Lonnie but he knew he already had.

"Thanks, Hop," Joyce smiled and the light hit her eyes. Her eyes glistened and shone from the tears that never fell and for a moment, Hopper found himself lost in her smile. No matter how many girls he'd dated before or after Joyce, none affected him the way she did. It both captivated and terrified him.

Without trying, he found himself leaning closer to her. Something about the darkness surrounding him, the shadows and subtle highlights across their faces made the setting all the more hypnotic and when he realized she wasn't pulling back, his heart beat wildly with anticipation. There was a momentary shock when their lips met and Hopper's head was swimming with emotions and desire. When he felt her shift, momentarily deepening and returning the kiss, he felt almost dizzy with excitement and nervousness and relief. He reached for her, gently cupping a hand over the side of her face as he lost himself in the moment.

As quickly as it had begun, however, it was over.

"I'm sorry," Joyce said, abruptly pulling away and opening the passenger door. "I-I can't do this," He could hear the tremble in her voice and when she slid out of the truck, the door slamming shut in her wake, he fell back against his seat and dejectedly watched her scurry up to her front door.

Frustrated and crestfallen, he slammed his hands down on the edge of the steering wheel. "Shit."

. . . . . . . .

Present Day

Hopper's adrenaline was slowly ebbing as he stumbled away from the lab, still carrying El in his arms with the damp blanket draped over them. The fire was roaring and the screeching cries of monsters burning and metal warping seemed to echo in the quiet Hawkins air.

They'd made it through to the staircase and down to the first floor within minimal issue. The fire had been everywhere but after getting past the wall upstairs, they'd had something of a path to escape, albeit a tight one. Flames had licked at his heels the whole way but in a way, he hadn't felt it. His only concern was El and getting out of the building. He could tell the building wouldn't withstand this much heat much longer, especially with the fire being spread throughout.

By the time they got downstairs, the lobby had been consumed by flames and as the blanket's dripping gradually lessened, Hopper didn't want to take the chance running through more fire. Months of working at the lab had finally paid off when he remembered an emergency exit around the side of the building that he'd hoped wasn't blocked. Racing around to the other side of the lobby, Hopper dipped and ducked through a few doors and fallen ceiling beams to the side exit. The metal was hot on his hands as he pushed the door open but he didn't care. Suddenly they were outside and the air was cold, sending a shock through him as he continued to get as far from the building as he could. Panting, he gently laid El down in the grass, shucking the blanket off of him in the process. He quickly knelt down beside her, putting an ear to her mouth to hear if she was breathing just before checking the pulse in her neck. She was alive. Still unconscious, but alive.

Before he could think of anything else, he heard the crumbling rumble of the building beginning to collapse and for a moment, he sat back on his haunches and watched. The floors caved in on one another and Hopper caught his breath, one hand protectively on El's shoulder as what was once the Hawkins National Laboratory became nothing more than a pile of metal and wood.

. . . . . . . .


The evening had been a blur of skin and heat and adrenaline. Joyce reached out, opening her eyes when she realized there was no one in the sheets next to her. For a moment of brief disorientation, she bolted upright, wondering what time it was and where the boys were.

They're with their grandmother. It's Friday night. The realization settled into her mind like a reassuring hand on her shoulder. As she sat up, she could almost still feel the heat of his body against hers. Her lips were swollen from being kissed and she leaned over the edge of her bed in search of the underwear she'd been wearing.Hopper had only been back in Hawkins for a few weeks. How had this happened? She couldn't say she hadn't enjoyed it but the fact he was already gone and it was a quarter past midnight dampened the elation she'd felt before falling asleep. How long had she been out? When had he left?

They'd met at the bar earlier that evening, a semi-regular occurrence at this point. He sulked and brooded over a beer and she released all of her frustrations and disappointments with the divorce process with Lonnie. They commiserated and they found comfort in one another. That day in court had been particularly rough; Lonnie's lawyer was playing dirty and trying to paint Joyce as a bad mother. She didn't doubt that the judge would see through the ploy but being dragged through the ringer was emotionally exhausting nonetheless. Lonnie didn't even want the kids - that was the worst part. He wanted to snake his way out of the debt he'd accumulated under their name and get away with more than his fair share of their assets - not that they had much. More than anything, though, Joyce knew he was doing this out of spite and that was what took the biggest toll on her.She hadn't been sure what prompted her but she'd invited Hopper back to her house for dinner. While she knew he was okay to drive, she'd made it a point to tell him he shouldn't be drinking on an empty stomach. Little did she know, that was more or less a regular occurrence for him. Besides, she'd told him, the kids were staying with their grandmother for the weekend and she just really didn't want to have dinner alone that night.

He hadn't put up much argument and their conversation over reheated frozen lasagna had proven to be more engaging than their bar venting. They reminisced about high school - the people who had changed and those who hadn't, the memories that made them laugh and the realizations and reflections that made them sigh. When the subject of their previous relationship came up, a palpable electricity could be felt in the air around them. Hopper recalled the night he took her home from the movie theatre and Joyce felt like a rock settled into her stomach. He'd apologized for putting the moves on her when she was obviously distraught over whatever had happened with Lonnie.

Joyce had brushed off the thought, telling him it didn't matter anymore but she still bit her tongue before telling him what had actually spurred their encounter that night. She'd hated the fact that Hopper had been right about Lonnie but at that age, she'd still felt so torn. Earlier that summer morning, a positive sign on a pregnancy test had prompted her to tell Lonnie on their movie date. They'd sat in the car as she told him and she could still vividly recall the callousness in his voice when he told her they weren't ready for that and she should just "get rid of it". After a drawn-out yelling match between them, Joyce had hopped out of the car and angrily slammed the door shut as tears streamed down her face. But none of it mattered anymore because things were so different now.

"I really fucked up," Hopper said, exhaling through flared nostrils. His gaze was fixed on hers and she felt almost paralyzed.

"It's fine, you were trying to help," Joyce tried to reassure him but he shook his head.

"That's not what I mean," he corrected her and for a moment, the air around them seemed to still. She couldn't pull her eyes away from his and the dim lighting of the last dying bulb in the chandelier above them was like a callback to that night in the truck. She still felt something for him - she always had even after she'd moved on. Something about their chemistry, the way they clicked, felt like it would always be there.

Before she realized what was happening, he was leaning over her, one hand on the back of her chair and one on the table, effectively pinning her. His eyes, dark and clouded with the pain of the life he'd lost in the city echoed with the familiarity of the boy she'd loved in high school. Her heart raced with anticipation as their lips met and she rose slightly to meet him. This time there was no hesitation, no holding back. She wrapped her arms around him, pulling him even closer as he guided her out of the chair and her hands entangled themselves in his hair. His breath was hot on her skin as his lips traced her jawline and Joyce inhaled sharply, catching her breath as the hair on her arms and neck stood on end. She felt like she would melt if he weren't holding her up, flush against him. Hopper brushed away the loose hair that hung over her shoulders and left a trail of soft kisses down her neck that made her shiver before he returned to her mouth. He kissed her greedily, pouring every regret and hope, every memory and desire into it and as her hands ran over his back, she marveled at the way the boy she'd loved in high school had changed into the man before her.

He broke their kiss momentarily, scooping her up in a bridal carry and heading off down the hallway in search of a bedroom. He let her down on the bed gently before leaning over her, propping himself up on his forearms as he stared down at her. She was breathing heavily and the sight of the hunger in his eyes only fed the anticipation and desire growing in her.

Now alone in an empty room, Joyce pulled her sheets around her, suddenly feeling exposed as she tried to process her feelings about what had happened and what it meant to her.

. . . . . . . .

Present Day

With the lab destroyed and its lights gone, it was suddenly much darker outside. A few streetlights lit the gate entrance and the fire gave off its own illumination but the woods and surrounding area were otherwise cast in shadows.

Joyce, Jonathan, Nancy, and the boys were still congregated at the edge of the woods. Mike had become distressingly quiet after a couple minutes and everyone else was trying to process what had happened when Dustin suddenly perked up and squinted his eyes.

"Guys, do you see that?" He pointed across the field to the opposite edge of the lab's property. He could barely make out the movement of a figure in the distance as he nudged Lucas beside him.

"See what?" Lucas asked snappily before following Dustin's gaze and Will and the others gradually followed suit.

"It's Hopper!" Dustin suddenly exclaimed excitedly, nearly pushing Lucas over as he clambered to standing. "Holy shit, it's Hopper!"

"What?" Mike lifted his head, almost not believing.

Joyce focused her eyes on the figure as he moved closer, carrying something large with pale, gangly legs in his arms. After a moment, her eyes widened. "It is Hopper and he has El!"

Instantly, Mike was standing and the kids were running toward Hopper with tear-stains on their cheeks and hope in their eyes.

The police chief watched them approach like a stampede of wildebeests and he paused briefly to let them catch their breath after nearly running into him. He needed to get El to the hospital to be treated but knowing she was alive gave him the flexibility to allow a brief reunion.

"El!" Mike immediately pushed his way to the front of the group, his face falling slightly as he noted her blank sleep-like expression. Hopper watched the blood drain from the already pale boy's face. "Is she…?"

"No, kid, relax," Hopper said gruffly, stifling a cough. "She's been in and out for a while but she's okay. We've gotta get her to a hospital."

"Is she okay?" Joyce asked as she caught up to the group. "Are you okay?" She looked him up and down. Both of them were covered in bruises, blood, dirt, and soot - it was difficult to tell just how hurt they were but Joyce noticed a nasty burn on the side of El's neck that made her wince.

"We're alive," Hopper quipped humorlessly, his voice stretched thin before he coughed harshly into his shoulder. "Did Nancy and Jonathan make it out okay?"

"Yeah," Joyce nodded vehemently, overwhelmed with relief and unaware of the way her eyes had welled up until tears overflowed down her cheeks. "Yeah, they're okay,"

"Good," Hopper replied, his voice hoarse. "Let's get the hell out of here."

. . . . . . . .

Despite Joyce's insistence that Hopper not drive, he'd stubbornly climbed into the driver's seat of his SUV. As Joyce and Hopper drove away from the lab, the roar of sirens could be heard approaching. The delay wasn't a surprise, frankly. It was the middle of the night in a small town and Hawkins lab had been situated in the woods, offset and almost hidden from most of the community. Hopper turned on the siren of his own vehicle and raced to the hospital with Joyce following closely behind.

Once at the hospital, Jonathan and Nancy were treated for moderate smoke inhalation and Hopper and El were admitted. The various cuts, bruises, and burns they'd endured prompted the medical staff to run multiple tests and X-rays to ensure they didn't miss anything. Hopper, predictably, had insisted that he was fine but given his prolonged exposure to the fire, the doctors didn't want to overlook anything. El was stable but still unconscious when a nurse came by the waiting area to inform Joyce and the boys that they could visit her. Nancy and Jonathan discarded the oxygen masks they'd been instructed to keep on their faces for the past hour and the group followed the nurse back to the ICU.

"Is El gonna be okay?" Mike asked tentatively as they rounded a corner and approached El's room.

"She should be," The nurse replied, glancing over her shoulder at him with a reassuring smile. "She's starting to wake up now and we're keeping a sharp eye on her, don't worry," When the boys raced ahead to enter El's room, the nurse looked up at Joyce and added, "We're waiting on her scans to come back and we've treated her burns but she's gonna have a tough recovery. For now though, she seems to be doing well and if she stays strong through the night we'll be moving her out of ICU,"

Joyce nodded her understanding. "Thank you."

El was slowly beginning to come to moments after the boys filed into the room, surrounding her. Jonathan and Nancy stood toward the back, still taking it easy, and Joyce stood off to the side with her arms crossed over her chest and a tight, beaming smile of relief on her face.

"M-Mike?" El's lips barely moved as she murmured, her eyes half-closed.

"I'm here, El!" Mike said, shuffling to get closer to her and grabbing her hand. "You're safe. We're here. How do you feel?"

"Tired," she croaked, then erupted into a series of coughs. "Hurts."

"Here, sweetie," Joyce said, filling a paper cup with water from the sink and handing it to her. El gingerly held the cup in her hands and Mike and Dustin, the two boys closest to her, prepared to catch it if she dropped it. "You got it?"

El nodded weakly and sipped, resting her head back on the pillow with a wince. The blood, dirt, and grime had been wiped off of her face and she was wearing a clean hospital gown but the tubes in her nose and a large white bandage across the base of her neck were reminders of the ordeal she'd just experienced. She tentatively touched the bandage, curious yet afraid of hurting herself.

"It'll heal," Mike reassured her, reading her expression. "You're gonna be okay, El!"

"Yeah, and the lab is toast!" Dustin added, equally excited. "Burnt toast." He grinned, looking around for approval of his joke but when no one laughed, he quickly looked down.

"It's all gone," Lucas chimed in. "The lab, the agents, Brenner -"

"The demogorgons," Will supplied and everyone nodded vehemently in agreement. "-and the portal."

"You're free, El," Mike said to her emphatically, his voice quiet and purposeful. "You're free from that place. The bad men are never gonna come after you again!"

She looked up at him and the beaming light radiating from his smile was infectious. He looked so happy and while she wanted to match his enthusiasm, she was just so tired. Everything was a bit foggy and though she was comforted by the presence of her friends, she was exhausted and heartbroken nonetheless.

"Mama?" Her voice was hesitant and the somber expressions that befell everyone in the room told her everything she needed to know.

"We never found her, sweetie," Joyce said gently after a moment. "I'm so sorry."

Despite the tears welling up in her eyes, El nodded her understanding, causing some to trickle down her cheeks. I found her. She reminded herself, recalling the almost dream-like memories of her mother in the darkness. I found Mama.

. . . . . . . .

"How's the kid?" Hopper's first impatient words rolled out almost as soon as Joyce entered the room.

"She's doing well," Joyce said with a small smile. "They're keeping an eye on her but she's awake now and they think she should be good to move out of ICU by morning."

"Good," Hopper replied with a sigh of relief as he leaned back against his pillow. Joyce walked over to the edge of his bed and carefully sat down. "I keep telling these quacks I'm fine but they won't let me out of this bed until I'm 'cleared',"

"You took a hell of a beating in there," Joyce reminded gently, noting the cuts and bruises on his face and arms that were more apparent now that he'd been cleaned up. "How's the cough?"

Hopper shrugged wordlessly. "Jonathan and Nancy doing alright?"

Joyce nodded. "They needed some oxygen for the smoke inhalation but they seem fine now," She paused, looking down at the small space between them. How could she communicate everything that had been running through her mind since this crazy rollercoaster began? How could she express the relief she felt at knowing he and everyone else were going to be okay? "You worry the hell out of me, Hop… but I can't thank you enough,"

Mildly uncomfortable, Hopper tried to shrug it off. "You don't have to,"

"Everything you've done for me, my boys… El…" She looked up at him and for a moment, she wondered if he could feel the emotions welling up in her chest.

"I know." Hopper nodded, reaching over and taking Joyce's hand in his, their eyes never breaking contact.

. . . . . . . .

The world around her seemed fuzzy. The medical equipment, curtains, chairs, and cabinets around her had a white glow that felt like a dream. Was she dreaming? If she was dreaming, would she know she was dreaming? The shapes and colors around her began to shift, morphing and sliding out of view in a way that almost made her dizzy until everything was black and she was in a familiar place.

Looking around, she spotted her.

Mama. She didn't have to speak; her heart spoke for her.

My sweet baby… Terry's outstretched arms welcomed El into a tight embrace and El reveled in the plush softness of her mother's robe.

They stayed like that for what felt like an eternity and somehow, despite their silence, El could feel the intensity of her mother's emotions as though they were emanating directly from her heart and into El's mind. Relief. Comfort. Reassurance. Peace.

She knew Terry was gone but looking into her mother's eyes, it didn't feel like it. She let the emotions her mother was providing wash over her like a wave. The tears that inconspicuously escaped her eyes felt like raindrops washing away all the hurt. El exhaled deeply, sinking deeper into her mother's embrace and watching her tears drip onto the fabric of the robe. She didn't want this moment to end.

As though sensing her thoughts, Terry gently caressed the short, uneven hair on her daughter's head.

You'll never lose me. Her words were like the sun - golden and warm, wrapping her in comfort and drying up the rain. I'm always with you. She laid a delicate hand on El's cheek and the small girl looked up at her mother. The bond between a mother and her baby can never be broken.

. . . . . . . .

El awoke with a start to the sound of a page over the intercom outside. Everyone had gone home earlier except for Joyce who was asleep sitting up in a chair in the corner. Settling back down, El let herself sink back into her pillow, imagining it was her mother's plush robe and that her arms were still wrapped around her. She wasn't sure if she'd been dreaming or if she'd really talked to Terry just moments ago. In her half-awake stupor, she wanted to believe it was real and in her heart, she clung to the emotions she'd experienced in her mother's presence. Reassurance. Peace. With a sigh, her heavy eyelids fell once again and she slipped back into sleep.

. . . . . . . .

"However far away, I will always love you. However long I stay, I will always love you. Whatever words I say, I will always love you…"

. . . . . . . .

[A/N: Wooooo! Two more chapters to go! We're wrapping up, y'all. Two things:

How'd you like Terry's wrap up? What's your interpretation? Is El dreaming? Is it real? Hmm...

ALSO: Holy JOPPER, BATMAN! I did NOT expect to get that in depth with them in the flashbacks but hey, the mood struck, I guess lol. I love their slow burn.

Let me know what you thought!]