
To Every You in 2017

By warping the space through a drive, time travell is actually plausible, specially through a drive that can contract the space in front while expanding the space in the back, theoretically, the travel speed of that drive exceeds the travel speed of time. A group of scientists managed to create a functionable time machine, yet it caused a major chaos in all of the existing timeline causing dilemma after dilemma. What are you willing to sacrifice in order to be with you lover again and again and again? Saving all the existing timeline.

JustDos · ไซไฟ
17 Chs

Chaoter 10: Again

"What happened, Amiel? Please tell us" Glady and Professor Reginald said in a conference call.

"The people from the UN killed Maia. They have done it. An eye for an eye. If they are seeking for war, then I better give it to them first hand" I said.

There's no stopping this. They already committed a flaw in this timeline.

The deaths of her in a wrong time can be dangerous for the timeline, it will be in complete and utter chaos.

I actually messed up the second chance that is given to me, she's dead again, it feels like ai have failed miserably.

I saw her died, two times, and both of those times are all my fault. I should be the one to be blamed here, she doesn't deserve this kind of death.

The next day, it was Maia's funeral.

Many people came to the funeral, most of them are enraged from what happened. Specially that there's no cctv camera footage that shows the culprit's face, it seems like it is really planned throughly.

The only person who knows who killed her is me, Professor Reginald and Glady.

I decided to call Glady, since I have made up my mind, I'm actually going to avenge Maia.

"Hey, Glady? Give me the location of Luke, I'll go to him right now" I said.

Glady seems to be hesitant, but she still gabe it to me anyway.

Luke is the main reason why the timeline is altered.

He's also the reason why we need to go back to the past to bring the blueprint of the time machine so that the creation of it will not be revealed to public.

Without him, the timeline will become stable.

If I can take care of him here, then there's a high possibility that the timeline will become more stable.

I need to take care of him and also take care of the UN.

If I may be able to take care of the UN, no other country will keep an eye on our machine, no one would force us to create a time machine that's only beneficial for them.

There are only two plausible scenarios to achieve right now.

To kill Luke or to completely obliterate the UN.

As soon as Glady sent me the location of Luke, I immediately tried to go there as soon as possible.

While I was driving, I heard my phone rang, it was Glady.

"What is it?" I said.

"Are you sure that you decisions final? Once you killed Luke, there will be no turning back. The sudden changes of event will be a huge problem, you think you can handle it?" she asked.

"One of the main reason why I came back here is gone, she's dead Glady, she's dead. What would you expect me to do? To sit here all day? Mourn for her for a couple of years? While on the other hand, I have the ability to avenge her?

I've been mourning for her for numerable years. It is painful enough back then, but now? It is completely painful. To see her die again for the second time, I will never be able to forgive myself unless I take revenge for her" I said.

"But you're putting your life in danger" she replied.

"An eye for an eye" this is the only thing that I muttered.

As soon as I arrived in Luke's house. I have seen two people outside.

I quickly knocked out the two of them, leaving them unconscious for the time being.

"Luke! Show yourself you piece of shit!" I shouted.

"Hello? What seems to be the problem? Bro, chill. What are you doing here? Do I know you?" he said.

"The problem you said? You! You are the problem. How about I blow your head out?" I slowly said while pointing a gun in his face.

"Woah, woah. Calm down buddy, whatever the problem is, we can still sort it out" he said.

"But I don't want things to be sorted out, we can never talk it out, you dirty shit and your preposterous organization" I said.

I quickly punched Luke in his stomach and then smashed the gun in his nape.

He became unconscious for a while, it is pretty advantageous to me, since I may be able to tie him up easily.

After I tied him up, I throwed a bucket full on water in his face.

The temperature of the water actually did it's job to wake Luke up.

"Good that you're awake smarty pants" I said.

"Who the hell are you? And why are you doing this?" he shouted.

"I'm actually someone who has a grudge against you and your organization" I said.

"Me? I don't even know you, and by organization, you mean the UN?" he answered.

"Precisely. If you can tell me the current location of your base right now, I think I may be able to spare your life" I said.

I've been planning on blowing up the hole facility, hoping that it can finish the legacy of that organization.

"I'm not gonna tell you, dumbass" he said that with a serious voice, he even tried spitting on me.

"Oh? Is that so? Let's see how long you can shut your mouth up" I replied.

I grabbed a hammer in my backpack and smashes one of Luke's finger.


"You holy dumb, that hurts!" he shouted.

After smashing one of his finger with hammer, I grabbed one of the tools in my backpack and tried to remove his nail.

He shouted so loud and his tears is visible in his eyes.

"Painful isn't it?" I asked.

"Now, tell me the coordinates of your fucking organization. If you won't, I will remove your nail in each one of your finger, and then after that? I'm gonna go for your toes and then I will cut each of your finger!" I shouted.

"Okay, okay. I'll give it to you, just spare my life" he said.

After he gave me the coordinates, I shoot him in the head and them leaving his corpse behind.

"An eye for an eye" I said.

I drove two hours just to reach the coordinates that Luke gave me.

It is indeed a facility, a secret facility of UN.

So that's why it is really hard to find.

They are located in an abandoned area.

I saw tons of guards outside.

As I was looking and scouting the vicinity, someone punched me in the back of my head, leaving me unconscious.

As I woke up, I was already inside the facility.

"Congratulation of finding us, time traveller" a very unfamiliar voice said.

"It seems like you already knew about me" I said.

"Of course, we already know everything, of course. You're not the only one who time travelled. Luke, one of our associates revealed everything already, even before you obliterated him and his team" the unfamiliar man said.

"Now, we will ask you the same thing, are you going to work for us or no?" he added.

"I won't work for any of your bullshits" I said.

"I see, so you're still as stubborn as ever? How about we kill your family next? Is your lover not enough to shake you off? Then we'll show you how it is done" he said.

It is a good thing that they never take off my backpack and belongings.

I tried to reach for the explosive that is in my backpack right now.

It is the same explosive that I used to take care of the Luke in my original timeline.

The only thing that makes if different from that is the fact all I need to do now is to remove the pin and then throw it, same concept of how a grenade can be ignited, but the damage that it can cover is pretty huge.

"Then let's all go to hell" I said.

As soon as he saw my actions.

He ordered his man to commence fire.

I can feel the bullets piercing to my body. It hurts so much.

"Is this the end of it?" I asked.

"Well I guess this is really the end of me"

For the second time, I already know how death feels like, it is warm.

*Tooooot toooot tooooot*

"Amiel, wake up! You're going to be late at school! Get up and eat your breakfast already"

What? What the hell? Is that my mom's voice?

Am I in my room!?

What the hell happened? Didn't I just died a moment ago?

"Mom? What is the exact date today?" I asked.

"September 15, 2016" she answered.
