
To be Prince of Europe

This is medieval Europe, yet not the real Europe. Because here, in addition to everything original from medieval Europe, there inexplicably exist mages, demihumans, monsters, and all sorts of dangerous and powerful creatures. Damian, who reincarnated here by accident, how will he survive in this strange European continent full of magical colors? "Don't worry, everything will be fine," Damian smiled after looking at the war system interface in front of him. "If it's just about surviving here, there shouldn't be a problem." The adventurous courage and passion, the blood and fire of war, the intrigues and power struggles of the court. Defeating dangerous enemies, gaining reliable allies, upgrading one's own system abilities, cultivating a powerful army unique to oneself, encountering various charming women, and finally——standing at the top of Europe amidst the adoration of the masses. In fact, he originally just wanted to survive on this medieval European continent. But unknowingly... power, wealth, authority, women, everything silently fell into his hands, until he became the prince of the entire Europe. "So, who exactly is spreading rumors that I became the prince by relying on my lower half??"

Savnd · แฟนตาซี
73 Chs

Wardship and Test

In any case, in the Middle Ages, wardship of lords was a rather flexible thing.

For instance, the Holy Roman Emperor often used wardship arbitrarily, launching invasions into the territories of underage dukes under the guise of acting for the good of the children, but actually seizing their lands in the name of wardship.

To make the wardship appear complete, they often arranged informal marriages between themselves or their close female relatives and underage dukes, who often succumbed to depression before reaching adulthood.

For Conosa, exercising wardship and arranging a non-formal marriage between Damian and Joan, on the one hand, was to consolidate her own position and ensure that no one would betray her again.

On the other hand, it was also due to a crisis she saw in Lady Shayla, fearing that her admirer, Damian, might feel too lonely to resist the temptation of other women.

But the core issue in this matter lies in the difference between friend marriage and formal marriage. It's like cohabitation versus obtaining a marriage license, with different legal protections.

Both Joan and Damian were under Conosa's guardianship, but they also had their independent positions, and Conosa's decision was somewhat hasty.

"I… don't object," Joan said quietly, stealing a glance at Damian. She found that the stout monk did not look down on her for being a knight, and agreed surprisingly quickly.

Damian couldn't help but turn to look at the female knight beside him. Her eyelashes trembled lightly, and beneath her chestnut-colored long hair, her bright eyes still revealed a hint of surprise and shyness.

Joan, the female knight who had fought side by side with Damian since the Battle of Gaogang, actually agreed to this hasty friend marriage first.

On the other hand, the countess suddenly began to regret seeing this scene again.

Joan was her childhood buddy, and the two grew up together from an early age. She had always complied with Conosa's requests wholeheartedly, playing the role of a loyal subject. But if Joan and Damian really became a couple, the countess found it difficult to accept.

What if she goes to great lengths to drive away lewd women like Lady Shayla, only for Joan to then run off with Damian?

"I understand." Damian turned back, took a deep breath, and extended his hand to Joan. "I wonder if the appreciation of Miss Joan can be won with a troop of three hundred men?"

Joan quickly curled up her chestnut-colored long hair and pinned it behind her head, forming a married woman's hairstyle. Despite being overshadowed by Conosa's beauty, Joan was still a quite beautiful woman.

She had star-like eyes, beautiful smooth wheat-colored skin, but what was most attractive was her naturally sunny smile, which was like starlight.

"There's no better gift than this." Joan smiled brightly and fulfilled Conosa's request.


The news of the friend marriage between the Joan and Damian in front of Countess Conosa caused a sensation in the territory.

Very few people guessed that there was an ambiguity between Conosa and Damian.

Everyone just assumed that Damian's insistence on ensuring that Joan obtained the manor at the meeting for the distribution of spoils was justified. He and Joan had already had an ambiguous relationship long before that.

As for why they didn't marry directly, there are also various opinions among the people.

Damian's current identity is not defined yet. He is nominally still a monk, but in fact, he is no different from a knight. However, the newly arrived Dean Andreas and his intention to win over Damian also made this marriage difficult to achieve.

In conclusion, friend marriage is not taken seriously by people, and Damian and Joan have actually completed their agreement. People don't need to come over to attend the wedding or give blessings or gifts.

If they want to divorce, they just need to declare it and pay a certain amount of compensation.

However, this news also made the newly emerging female merchant Grace somewhat depressed. But she also understands that as a mere merchant, it is difficult for her to establish herself in the noble environment of the knights. At most, she can strive to obtain a friend marriage.

Taking this opportunity, Amelia from Bovendon Village brought a gift and once again came to the Free City, formally announcing the alliance with the Bovendon family.

Bovendon Village is located at the southern tip of the Duck Pond River crossing. Gothingen Free City is situated in a river bay to the north, forming a flanking position with Gothingen Castle. Joan's Manor is not far from Gothingen Free City, across the river, where flax is abundant, making it a local weaving center.

These three areas, along the Duck Pond River, almost control the central area of ​​Gothingen County. The alliance of the three families can effectively ensure the family's status.

Sitting at the head of the hall, on the left hand is his contractual wife Joan, and on the right is his sister-in-law Amelia. Below are dozens of captains, and trade master Grace assists in business, which makes Damian feel a taste of power.

Unfortunately, the food problem of these soldiers caused Damian a lot of trouble, so he had to temporarily let Conosa take care of them.

"Archers guard the city gate and be sure to be vigilant all around. Infantry and peasant archers, take care of your own territory and patrol the countryside. The zealots live in the castle's church farm. Don't worry, I still have this power." Damian comforted his subordinates one by one, encouraging them to be loyal to their duties.

The next day, the army set out one after another to garrison Gothingen Castle.

At this time, in Damian's camp, the peasant army camp was just halfway built.

Many people later learned of this news—Damian handed over most of his army to the Countess, and conspiracy theories arose.

Some suspected that the Countess used a beauty scheme against Damian. Some thought that Damian had gone mad.

When this news reached the monastery, Dean Andreas frowned slightly.

"Don't go to Gothingen Castle for now," he stopped the excited Lady Shayla and whispered, "let me arrange for someone to test Damian first."

Soon after, near the monastery, a legion of bandit knights under Count Schmalen from the southeast of Gothingen County appeared. They ravaged all the way, aiming directly at Gothingen Free City.

Astute people could see that although these were bandit knights, they were definitely used by some dignitary to test Damian's bottom line.

"Bandit knights? A large group of bandits?" Damian, holding Joan lying on him, gently kissed her cheek and then showed a relaxed smile.

When the news reached Gothingen Free City, Damian had already spent a wonderful time with Joan in bed. At this moment, he was lying on the bed, thinking about the future development of his territory.

In fact, recently Damian had discovered a killer weapon in the peasant army camp.

Basic Unit: Peasant Mounted Archer (basic number of 40 people, monthly salary of 4 gold, recruitment cost of 10 gold. Don't expect a group of mounted peasants to shoot through the enemy. Just as you can't expect their nagging horses to break the enemy's formation.)

Although this unit is expensive, they have a total of 40 horses and 40 experienced peasant soldiers who can ride and shoot arrows.

Using them to deal with poorly disciplined bandits would be extremely effective.

"Andreas, do you really think such a test can defeat me?"