
A Job As A Hunter(2)

After the miserable scene now was in control, everyone went to do their own things. No one talked about the scene a while ago and didn't care anymore because it was a false accusation from some crazy men.

After the other Hunter takes the man to the Detention Room, Becky continues her job to help other people.

As everyone thought that it was already in a calm situation, suddenly there was another screaming for help that came from a girl at the south corner of the hall.

Everyone turns to a panicked state and quickly moves away from the dangerous area. They were afraid that if it was something dangerous, they would get the consequences as well. 

Becky, who was nearer to the site, quickly walked to where the scream came from. When she found out, there was a man in his middle-aged age who was already lying down on the floor while his eyes were partly turned to white. A white bubble came out from his mouth while his body was cramps.

"Please help me!! My father!! His fit is coming again!! Please do something. I don't want my father to die here," said the daughter, begging for help with her eyes full of tears. She was already kneeled down beside her father. When Becky showed up, she looked at Becky with her eyes full of hope. 

Becky quickly approached them. When she saw the condition of the father, she panicked. She couldn't calm down and she bank. She doesn't know what she has to do. She tries to look everywhere to find other Hunters who can help her right now. 

The daughter screamed again before she shook her father's body. Seeing that, Becky quickly grabbed her hand to stop her. 

"Miss, please step aside for letting me treat your father," said Becky.

In a few minutes, Carlos and three Hunters come near Becky. "What happened here??" asked Carlos.

"He's got a fit! We need to send him to the hospital quickly," said Becky.

The three Hunters quickly help them to make sure the people around them give some space for the patient.

Carlos took out his walkie-talkie. "Medic Control Room. We have one patient over here. We need to send him to the hospital immediately."

"Copy that!"

Without wasting any time, Carlos quickly gave the recovery position to the man. Becky who was kneeled there from the start, feeling amazed for Carlos for his fast action. She couldn't even think what she needed to do  because she was panicked but as for Carlos, he just knew what he had to do to face this kind of situation. 

'Good Heaven, Carlos was here to help me,' whisper Becky inside her heart. 

After a few minutes, two people came with a stretcher in their hands. They quickly put the man on the stretcher and brought him to the hospital using the ambulance. The daughter also followed them, still crying over her father's condition. 

Becky sighed when all of the critical time was over. She looked at Carlos who was also sighed in relief. "Thanks for the help, Carlos. I almost don't know what I have to do a moment ago. It's a good thing that you were here," said Becky.

Carlos look at Becky. "Your welcome. Next time you encounter a situation like this, you have to calm down first. Don't make your nervousness make you take a wrong step," said Carlos, giving another advice to Becky.

Becky smiled after hearing what Carlos had said. "Alright, I'll keep that in my head."

Carlos just nodded before he walked away to continue his job. He also made sure that no other similar incident occurred.

Becky looked at Carlos's back who slowly disappeared between the crowd. Without her realising it, Becky was already smiling like an idiot and when Becky realised it, she quickly shook her head. 'No, no, no!! There is no way I will fall in love with him!!'

Becky didn't want to think further about it so she does her duty, deliberately wanting to make herself busy. In this way, she can forget all the things that she was thinking right now.

If Becky's friends knew what she was thinking right now, then they surely would laughed at Becky.
