
Chapter 1 - The Palace Gates

The carriage stopped immediately at the palace gates. The carriageman shouted "Ho! I bring news to The King!".

The gate was opened just a little bit and a rather middle aged short looking man came out. "Who are you and why do you want to see the king?"

The Carriage driver replied "From the farest kindgom of Diagalder. And the news i have for the king isn't for ordinary ears. Here is the proof".

And he raised his arm to show a sign of sword raised with two horses at each side. "Alright. You may come in. Open the gates!".

The big red gates were swung open to reveal a long entrance. The carriageman immediately entered the enourmous palace. Going straight, he took a right turn to the East Wing where the king holds his meetings with the officials. After requesting for an audience with this king, the carriageman entered.

"What news do you have, young man?". The king who looks like he is in his late 50's with his moustache and beard asks the carriageman.

The carriageman who immediately knelt in front of king answered "I come from Diagalder Your Highness. The kingdom is in deep crises with the worst famine the kindgom has ever seen Your Highness. The king ordered me to bring this to you". The young man held out his arms and presented the king with a long white piece of paper that has been folded".

"Hmm I see. What is your name young man"?

"Your Highness, my name is Joseph".

"Give the letter to Sari to read it out Joseph".

"Yes Your Highness".

Sari unhooked the letter and began reading it out. "To the King of Adburn, King George. I, James Borden the king of Diagalder wish to ask you for your kind support in the crises my Kindgom is now faxing. We are in a great famine and all our crops have died. Children have been dying since the past week. Yesterday some villagers decided to leave the kindgom. On their way, due to lack of food and exhausion they died. All 49 of them. It was an awful and incredibly sad sight to behold. I need your assistance in this hard times".

King George nodded his head in deep thought. "You may leave". He told the carriageman who bowed his head before leaving the room.

King George turned to his palace ... "What do you have to say about this?"

The King's second in command, an elderly man of about 70 years cleared his throat and began. " Your Highness, Diagalder has been our ally since forever. We owe it to them in their time of need."

"I do not agree with you, Christopher. We ourselves are in problems. Why would we waste our time and effort in helping them? Your Highness, I do not think we should help them. This would only add to pur problems. Daniel the war officer stated.

"No I do not agree...

"But we have to...

"Daniel what are you saying? How can you...

"My opinion is that...

They all started shouting and pointing at each other.

"Stop!" The King commanded.

"Daniel, gather your men with a lot of foodstuffs to help Diagalder. We cannot turn own backs on them now. You set for Diagalder tomorrow." With that, the King rose and exited the meeting room. Daniel looked surprised with his mouth aghast. The world Is coming to an end, he thought.
