
Chapter six- Cry into a bowl.

The dinner had been akward. And not only for me. My parents constantly smiled up at Noah and his "New girl". I could Tell his parents were ashamed. The only two people Noah were The Noah i knew- Well one of them- Were his two siblings, Nathan and nati.

"So...This food is so good Mrs. Johnson."

I rolled my eyes secretly and stuffed my mouth with some bread. "I didn't cook it."

That was a lie. No one can miss the fact that Mr. Johnson can NOT cook.


The room fell back silent. I peeked through My lashes to look at Noah. He was chewing his cheeks, and his eyes looked tired. Those Icy blue and hazel eyes. No longer bright and vibrant. Just...Dull..

I sighed. What have I done. His smile, now into a frown. Those dimples, now no longer deep.

His eyes, no longer my favorite colors mixed. Noah, no longer my Mo Mo.

He looked up and I gasped when our eyes connected. He stared at me for a while, I blinked and tried to smile. My body froze and my eyes teared up...

"It's your fault."

I blinked hoping my eyes were playing tricks on me. I didn't even bother to sit still for another second. I held in my tears and stood up.

"Honey are you ok?"

I nodded and gulped. I didn't miss the confused look on Noah face. I looked away and walked away into the back of the house.


My tears were icy cold on my cheek. Did he actually say that or is my eyes playing tricks?

I hugged myself tighter and ignored the cold air blowing on me and just decided to enjoy the white puffy snow covering the once green grass that once has little diamonds all over it whenever wet. Now its the snow turn to shine bright and twinkle catching everyone eyes. I love christmas.

I sulked deeper and sobbed.


I gulped and stayed still. I felt the bench swing move and in the corner of my eyes i saw Noah sit down close to me. Even when the atmosphere between us is horrible, he still makes my heart beat fatser than a cheetahs. He better have a new heart ready for me...T_T

"What happened?"

I blinked. I turned to him. "You happened."

He sighed and ran his hands through that thick brown hair. He looked at me crooked and i felt my body melt. He licked his lips, and his eyes finally twinkled. His crooked smile made the butterflies awoken.

"I am sorry bunny. I don't know why i said that. I was just upset."

I turned away quickly. If i look at him for another minute i swear i would forgive him.

"I didn't mean to. I just wanted to help you."

It was silent. "I know. She wasn't my type anyways."

I looked at him in curiousty. "What is your type."

"Not girls who go around kissing every boy she see's. I might as well date men."

I didn't mean to. I swear that caught me off guard. I jumped into Noah arms and hugged his waist sliding off the bench slighty.

I was about to fall off but noah caught me. His hands were on my hips and his other hands was cluthcing my arms. I looked up at him and he looked down at me in amusement.

"Please don't do that. I -"

His eyebrow arched and he broke out into laughter. "Bu- BuNnY I WaS JokInG."

I burst out into tears. I felt like a baby. Wait i am. I am 14.

"I might as well cry into a bowl."

Noah looked at me and sighed. "You and them books."

I laughed. He could cry, scream, and be angry. I just want him to know i am there for him.