

In the Ellen's Church welfare home in London, a room flickered with dim light in the early evening of July 1980. A young man stood in front of a mirror, his reflection staring back at him from the wardrobe. He stroked his chin and occasionally extended his hand, as if grasping something in the empty air.

"It's been eleven years," he sighed. "Eleven years since I arrived in this broken world, still stuck in an orphanage in the 1980s. No computer, no mobile phone... How did I even end up here?"

Before the young man, named Anduin, could ponder further, a loud knock interrupted his thoughts.

"What are you shouting about? Aren't you afraid of being discovered so late?" Anduin opened the door, frowning.

"Er, sorry. I'm tired from carrying this big box of things. Hey..." said a 16-year-old boy standing at the door. He wore a wrinkled shirt and trousers with suspenders, his hair slightly unkempt.

The young man who had brought the box was William, several years older than Anduin and also an orphan from the same home.

"Why are you back so late? It's not those guys from the North District bothering you again, is it?" Anduin asked, puzzled.

"No, not at all. Ever since you taught those gangs in the North District a lesson, nobody has come to bother us. We just got a lot of good stuff today, so it took longer," William explained, taking out some notes from his pocket and handing them over. "Here's your share for this week."

Anduin received the money without saying a word. He was about to open the box when he noticed William still standing nearby, laughing and rubbing his hands.

"What's the matter? I need to practice Kung Fu," Anduin interrupted, not interested in William's lingering presence.

"Hey, it's still early anyway. We just wanted to relax..." William began.

"Fine, I want to play cards" Anduin interjected, cutting off William. He went to the bedside and pulled out a wooden box from under the bed. "Let's play, but no gambling. We don't want Mammy to get angry and confiscate it."

"Don't worry, I'll return it to you in two days," William promised, grabbing the box and disappearing into the room.

"And another crazy one. I hope I didn't teach them the wrong way to play poker," Anduin muttered, closing the door.

He then happily rubbed his hands together and opened the large box William had brought.

"Soy sauce, sesame sauce, vinegar, cooking wine... It's been a while since I've seen my friends. Without a mobile phone or computer, I can only make up for it in other ways. British food almost makes me sick," Anduin remarked.

The box contained condiments that Anduin had asked William to buy from Chinatown. Since arriving in this world, Anduin, despite his blurred memories of past lives, still retained certain knowledge, like his previous birth in a martial arts family and his time in the army. Adapting to this world was a necessity, and Anduin used his adult experience and memories to navigate through life.

The orphanage where Anduin lived fell under the jurisdiction of the church. William and his brothers grew up alongside Anduin, several years older than him. However, they looked up to Anduin and listened to his guidance.


Because they had to.

Anduin possessed exceptional martial arts skills. Growing up in a martial arts family and having military training, he prioritised physical exercise from a young age. He had a repertoire of styles, including Military Boxing, Tong Arm Boxing, Wing Chun, Splitting and Hanging, Tai Chi, and more, all ingrained in his muscle memory.

After having a meal with them at the age of 9, Anduin earned the respect and obedience of William and his brothers. Under Anduin's guidance, they even started their own business ventures outside the orphanage.

"If I keep going like this, I'll become the head of a rogue gang, collecting protection fees every day," Anduin chuckled, poking fun at himself. He dismissed the thought and stored away the spices from the box, planning to cook some Chinese food for himself another day.

Once he tidied up the materials, Anduin locked the room door from the inside. There was a secret about him that no one knew since he arrived in this world.

He possessed extraordinary abilities.

Anduin gazed at a ten-kilogram dumbbell placed in the corner of the room and pointed at it. To his amazement, it floated in the air as if influenced by an invisible force.

Controlling the floating dumbbell, he let it hover above him while he went to the desk and quietly opened a book.

Anduin had developed a training method for his "super abilities," which he called delayed training. He discovered his unique power when he was around seven or eight years old. After a workout, feeling thirsty, he simply thought about it, and the water cup on the table flew to him.

Realizing his distinctiveness, Anduin became cautious, knowing that if his ability was discovered in the church-run welfare home, he might be treated as a monster or a heretic.

He referred to this special ability as his "super ability." Through deliberate testing and practice, he gradually gained better control over it. He noticed that he could harness this power more effectively after completing his regular training sessions. It seemed that entering a state of empty-mindedness, achieved through meditation and relaxation, allowed him to better manipulate his power.

Being disciplined and self-aware, Anduin meticulously planned his daily routine. He believed that this "special power" was not something to be wasted. He combined martial arts practice, meditation, and his "super ability" exercises into his daily regimen.

Initially, his training involved weight-bearing exercises similar to his physical workouts. As he gained more control over his "super ability," he started incorporating targeted training, beginning with small objects like teacups and books and gradually progressing to larger items such as chairs and tables. However, he began to sense that something was amiss
