
Through Time, for You

She never saw it coming, ...He was always there. Forced to marry a man old enough to be her father, tossed into intricate politics of another land and sold far away from all she ever knew for peace and stability of a kingdom she had come to love. trying so hard to survive and finally dying to save someone who had hated her. She had lived a terrible life in the past, but it was now time for her future...a date with time. Reborn with broken memories of the past, she decided to live again and live for herself this time around. Heads up - The story of her second passed life will be told in a little more detail than regular reincarnation novels, but I promise it's an urban romance story.

Aicardia · สมัยใหม่
16 Chs

The man in her dreams (2)

"Ninou" whispered a familiar voice. "my love come with me"

It was him, the man in her dreams. Puzzled Ninou stood up from where she sat, on a swing in her courtyard in the emperors palace. She turned around searching for the source of the voice.

"I'm here"

finally turning in the direction of the voice, Ninuo grew even more puzzled. She thought she had heard the man in her dreams, but in front of her stood the current emperor of Dayu, Si An. He looked younger and more vigorous.

he smiled, noticing the confusion and waved his hand enthusiastically motioning for her to follow along.

"Come over and join me, there's something I have to show you" he said stretching out his hand to take hers.

Ninou walked over to the emperor in a daze, so many thoughts running through her mind, he looked like the emperor but not quite, he gave up a familiar feeling, like the emperor when he was in a cheerful state and also like the man in her dreams. Still she felt compelled by something inside of her to trust him whole heartedly and take his hand. she calmed down and let him take her hand and lead her forward.

Watching the emotions change rapidly through her eyes an indescribable emotion passed through his. His lips cracked into a slight smile. Someday she will understand everything he thought to himself as he turned his face away from her and on to the garden path as he led her on deeper into the garden.

They walked hand in hand through the garden at the far east side of the palace, past a vast clearing to a silent stream that flowed from the palace garden and seemed to stop behind a few hills. Ninou looked back at the palace, which was just a fist size mass and was surprised how much distance they had covered in so little time. She turned her gaze to the emperor who was smiling softly at her, his face seemed to be growing younger as they walked on.

"Hurry my love" he softly urged her as he gently pulled her forward. "we haven't much time left"

"Where are we going?" Ninou finally asked.

Mysteriously, the emperor, put his index finger to his lips and smiled.

"hush now my love, the heavenly emperor must never hear of this" he said sweetly. His voice dripping with honey, smooth and soft and sweet.

This voice. The man in her dreams! Ninou looked up surprised trying to steal a glance at the emperor but he had turned his back to her as he continued to lead her on.

Ninou found that she grew stronger the more they walked. She could almost feel a warm steady stream of energy flowing into her from the place where their palms touched.

Finally they arrived at a cave deep within the hills at a point from which the stream seemed to flow from. Over the passed years Ninou had never known that such a place existed in Dayu. It was so beautiful yet so hidden.

"Now I want you to look closely and remember" the emperor said, pulling Ninou from her thoughts. She turned to look at the emperor and this time let out a surprised gasp. The face looked nothing like the emperor and exactly like the deathly handsome man in her dreams. She was stunned speechless, seeing him up close in person he was so much more handsome than in her dreams.

He chuckled and placed his other hand under Ninou's jaw and lifted her head, partly to close her slightly parted lips and to point her head in a direction up ahead.

Ninou focused on the path ahead slightly embarrassed as he lead her through a small waterfall created by the spring source. There was another cave behind the waterfall , they kept walking till they got to a place that seemed to be the caves end. The wall was covered with thick green moss. Which he waved away with a flick of his hands to reveal a beautiful solid gold wall. on the wall were several realistic constellations carved into the wall with a grove at the centre.

"give me your necklace" the emperor said with his other arm stretched out to Ninou.

"I don't have…" Ninou started to say, but following his gaze she reached her hands around her neck and truly felt a necklace. Stunned she took it off and handed it to him, the emperor chuckled.

The pendant had three stars and was carved from a stone that looked like diamonds but felt much more shiny and enthralling. It almost felt like it was part of a pair that formed a constellation, it felt very familiar, like it had always been with her. But why? She was sure this was the first time she had seen this pendant. stunned by the unfolding of events Ninou couldn't properly coordinate her thoughts so she let it be.

He placed the stars on the key hole and the pattern immediately lit up.

"I won't be able to be with you for a while, and my friend is gone" he said as they both walked into the room behind the door.

Ninou stared at the contents of the huge room. The treasures in it were enough to last her at least seven long lavish lifetimes. Ninou had come from a very wealthy family and had married a very wealthy emperor and she could boast that there was no treasure she hadn't seen, but looking into the cave she couldn't help but marvel at the wealth it contained. Who was this man? Was he the emperor, he'd didn't even look like the old emperor anymore? Why did he choose to give her all this? Was she dreaming?

As more and more questions whirled through Ninou's mind she felt a warm hands wrap around her waist and embrace her from behind. He dragged her close to him and rested his jaw on her slender shoulder as he said in a voice, just slightly louder than a whisper.

"Bye my love, I'm sorry you have to wait for me again"