4 Chapter 3

I plopped down onto an ugly brown couch near the counter.

"Hey do you want some hot chocolate? I could make us some," David asked me while racking his fingers through his curly hair again. 

I hesitated but then nodded my head. He disappeared behind a door marked: Staff only. I opened the brown paper bag and took out the book. The rain outside stopped abruptly when I opened the book. My heart hammered in it's cage. It was a coincidence right? I tried to calm myself. Anxiously I closed the book again. With horror I realized the rain outside poured down again. I heard a loud scream, then realized it came from my own mouth. My arm flung the swamp green book across the room, knocking down a Chinese vase on it's way to the floor. David came rushing towards me with hot chocolate spilling all over his hands and on the floor. Quickly he put them down on the counter. 

"Whats wrong?! Did something happen?!" he yelled in confusion. My hands were trembling and I grabbed the object nearest to me; a broomstick.

"This book is cursed right? Tell me what I just experienced was not normal!" I yelled pointing the broomstick at David's chest just in case he was part of this witchery. He chuckled and it made me more nervous. I pushed the broomstick hard against his chest. David flinched and his smile faded. 

"Tell me what's going on," I hissed between clenched teeth. 

"I am sorry, but I don't know what you are talking about. I thought you were joking with me. Oh, and unfortunately we may not sell any cursed objects here." 

I lowered my weapon and David relaxed. He sat me down in the couch again, and grabbed a rusty chair for himself. David raised his eyebrows, and handed me the half cup of hot chocolate.

"Tell me what happened, and why exactly you broke an expensive Chinese vase," David said staring me in the eyes. I took a big gulp hot chocolate before speaking.

"This is going to sound crazy, but when I opened that book I bought the rain outside stopped. That could be an coincidence, but when I closed it again the rain started pouring down. Before I bought the book, I desired to have it, but I don't even like reading. I don't know what in saints name is going on, but it's not normal," I said gesturing wildly with my hands. 

I stared at David expecting him to start laughing, but he just nodded. 

"Could be a sign that something important might happen to you." 

I sighed and tried to believe him. After the last drop of liquid vanished into my mouth I stood up with jelly legs.

"Hey thanks for the hot chocolate, but I better get going. When should I come by again to pay for the broken vase?" I asked picking the book up from the floor.

David smirked at me. "It's fine Leona, I will cover it."

Smiling I turned to open the door but David stopped me: "Wait."

He rummaged behind the counter until he got hold of a bright red umbrella and handed it to me. "I expect to see you soon, because you gotta return that umbrella."

"Thanks," I mumbled and walked away from the warm antique shop. 


I couldn't wait to get home and sleep the rest of my day away. As I got near the house I saw a gloomy figure standing in the rain. It was Derora. I sighed at the sight of the lunatic girl. She looked mad and as if she had been standing in the rain for hours. Water dripped down from her hair like tiny waterfalls. I tried looking to the ground as I walked past her, but she grabbed my arm. I wanted to run, but my feet stuck to the ground.

"I need your help." she said.
