
Throne: Path to Supreme Power

'Throne' is a MMORPG in which players play characters with races, professions and equipment just like any others. Players can also build organizations, control cities, and even ascend the throne to become a king. The king has many powers, such as issuing quests, collecting taxes, and even making laws. Therefore, the throne is crucial and becomes the key for each big organization to fight for. William was once an ordinary player who missed the best opportunity, but he now has a chance to start over. Can he compete with those oligarchs with his own power?

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26 Chs

Bishop Jim Arnold

William did all this in the name of the Church action, although the Church will not punish William, but he will undoubtedly be more beneficial to him if he can transform this matter from his own private action, into the Church authorized, by him to carry out the official action of the Church.

But this thing to do, but also need a key figure, preferably he knows, have a good feeling for him, can have a certain voice within the Church.

Although William would have liked this figure to be the local ruler of the coronal church, Bishop Jim Arnold, 'the divinely inspired'.

But it was obvious that the day-to-day bishop, although very optimistic about William's future potential, was not going to receive him right now.

So he found an 'old friend' he had just met a few days before, the bishop's mouthpiece, Priest Malthus Bolton.

It was in the afternoon of the next day, and by the time Malthus finished his meeting and came to the appointed place, William had already had a cup of black tea and a few pieces of delicate snacks.

When he saw Reverend Malthus enter the small tearoom, he hurriedly rose to greet him.

As soon as they met, Malthus gave a kind smile. The special nature of his work made him always smile at people, so some people also nicknamed him 'the mask of smile'.

"I've kept you waiting, William."

"I'm the one who came a little early. Mr. Bolton, come and have a cup of tea."

After the two men sat down, they drank a cup of tea and talked about some idle anecdotes. William took the opportunity of pouring tea for Malthus to offer his own thoughts.

He certainly did not say that he was regarded by the world as a poison 'melting rock' magic potion without any experiments directly to the patient to drink, only that he heard about this matter after remembering the treatment method heard before, after going to consult the pharmacist, they after experiments found feasible, and now ready to promote.

After listening to his introduction, Malthus pondered for a while and looked up at William: "If there are unpredictable consequences, and what to do."

William took a sip of tea and explained without moving, "If the experiment fails, it is fate, and if it succeeds, it is that the Church has saved people once again in the glory of God."

Malthus did not refute and acquiesced to this statement.

After that, he asked, "What do you think about the cause of this incident? Will the cured patients get sick again?"

William thought about it and whispered, "I think this matter is not so simple to end, it is likely that there is some kind of contamination in the ground that caused the miners to develop this symptom, and perhaps the mining should be stopped."

Malthus did not respond to William's thoughts, but fell into a long period of contemplation.

Finally, he set a tone for the matter: "If there is nothing wrong with the second treatment either, I will put it together and submit it to the bishop for review, such a great honor must not be borne by individuals. Regarding what you said about contamination, I will go to the mine to take some samples myself and hand them over to the Heresy Trial Office for analysis."

After solving this major problem, the atmosphere between the two people suddenly became active again. After all, once this matter is successful, it will certainly help the Church's reputation in the local area, and those lower classes who originally had some separation from the Church will have more faith in the Church as a result.

Of course, under the premise that the church's prestige and God's glory would be carried forward, some of their personal interests would be satisfied together.

After some eager exchanges, Malthus personally put William on the carriage, and then himself also got on another carriage and went to one of the most important buildings in the city of Phoenix: Cathedral of the Assumption of the San Virgin.

This magnificent cathedral is higher than the walls of Phoenix, the whole body is made of white marble as the main material, embellished with countless mosaic glass windows and sculptures depicting the sacred story frescoes.

The church's high spire is topped with a powerful prop in the shape of a sun wheel, the 'sun wheel blessed by Polenesius', making it not only a central point that holds the faith of the province's sun worshippers, but also an important link in the war fortress of Phoenix. This made the church face some threats, but also further increased its status in the city.

The church is presided over by Bishop Jim Arnold, who joined the church at the age of seven to study the sacred scriptures, became a friar at the age of eighteen, became a priest at the age of thirty, and was ordained a bishop at the age of forty-five to guard the 'Diocese of Bilges Province' until today.

This powerful bishop is now close to sixty years old and seems to have lost the sharpness of the 'divinely inspired', but if any player sees his HP which has almost turned purple, he will realize that this old man is about to become a dignified high ranking bishop and enter the highest authority of the coronal church. The pope, the Grand Inquisitor and the Virgin of the Sun are the core figures.

Although not young, but his Extraordinary Order decided that his life is not as short and fragile as mortals, and even compared with Malthus, who is fifteen years younger than him, he seems to be the younger one.

The bishop, who had presided over the afternoon clergy meeting, was now sitting in the main hall of the cathedral, in the front row of the wooden chairs, as motionless as a statue.

Malthus, who came in a hurry, did not dare to disturb him, and could only hold back his mood swings, sitting in a row of chairs behind him, while plucking the rosary beads in his hands, while secretly praying that the bishop would finish his prayers as soon as possible.

Luckily for him today, the bishop soon ended the process of 'enlightenment' and broke away from the state of linking with God.

Without waiting for Malthus to speak, the revered elder had already made his decision: "God has enlightened me that the power of evil is spreading underground."

"I will sign the bishop's order to allow the Heresy Trial Office to start the trial process and restore the normal mining area as soon as possible."

"As for William, he has done a good job, for the time being, follow his 'treatment plan' to save the contaminated people," he looked at Malthus, whose forehead was beaded with sweat, and gently instructed, "Take more care of the young man with potential, and when he is qualified to become a priest, you will bring him to me."

"Yes, in accordance with your will." Malthus restrained himself from trembling and did not look the bishop directly in the eyes. Communicating with God is a very dangerous thing, and Malthus did not want to damage his sanity as a result, so he did not go to peep into the majesty of God.

After he hurriedly left the cathedral to carry out the bishop's orders, the radiant divine light in Jim's eyes only gradually extinguished, and a friar brought a glass of rose wine from the side to moisten his dry mouth.

"Thanks to the great Polenesius, his church has recognized the devil's plot and sent me to save you." William's speech in the mines was faintly heard in the midst of the quiet church, as if he had experienced it himself.