
Just a babysitter

Writers P. O. V

Dawn knocked on the door once and Jorge asked her to come in. She gently opened the door and walked in.

"Sir, I'm here."

Jorge didn't answer her, neither did he look at her. He only brought out a paper and kept it in front of her.

"Have this."

Dawn picked it without even reading it. She thought it was a task given to her to do so she made a U-turn and was about to leave when Jorge said some words. "Make sure you don't forget to drop everything that belongs to the company."

On hearing that, Dawn quickly read what was in the paper given to her.

"A sack?" Her eyes were now wide opened. She quickly turned to look at Jorge. " Sir....you.. sir, I don't understand." She stammered.

"Well, you can't even read."

"Sir," She went down on her knees. "Sir, I know it's about the missing file. Sir I promise to look for it. Please believe me."

" No need to stress yourself. The file is no longer important. I lost a contract just because of you. So leave."

" Sir, please listen to me. I can't afford to lose this Job. This job is just like my life, losing it is like losing my life. So it please pardon me." Dawn started tearing up. She's the one who always receives the highest salary at work. Stacy's own wasn't that much.

"Leave my office or I'll tell the securities to get you out."

" Mr. Jorge please. Just check the CCTV cameras to see for yourself."

Jorge brought out his head phone and covered his eyes. Dawn saw how heartless Jorge was so she stood up, wiped her tears and walked out of Jorge's office.

Amelia was having a conversation with the person next to her when she saw Dawn walking to her desk. She was looking so dull so Amelia walked to her and asked her what the problem was. Dawn didn't reply, she only showed her the letter she received for Jorge's desk. Amelia read it and was surprised to see what was written in it. 'A sack '

"I'm so sorry, friend."

"It's fine." She sniffed. "Thank you so much for always been present whenever I needed you. You're indeed a great friend."

Dawn couldn't control her tears anymore, she allowed it to drop.

Amelia felt the pain so she quickly hugged Dawn and never want to let go. A security guard walked to them.

"Urmm..Miss Del Sol, the boss asked me to tell you to leave."

Amelia had no choice but to let Dawn go. Dawn walked to her desk and picked everything that belonged to her.

Amelia watched as Dawn walked out of the company, she felt so bad. There will be no one to talk to, no one to chat with, no one to share her secrets with. What a Boss.


Elizabeth, Stacy's friend at work heard about what happened to Stacy. She wanted to confirm it first, before concluding. So she decided to call Stacy. Stacy asked her to meet her at her regular place, the BILLSON'S garden, where she do go and watch kids play.

"You got a sack?" Someone said

Stacy quickly turned to see who it was. It's was a young man, putting on black suit.  Stacy quickly jumped up when she saw her sack letter in his hand. "Hey, give me that." She said as she tried to collect the paper.

The man chuckled "you don't even look like someone who got a sack."

"That's none of your business, Mr. Man. Just give me back the paper." She tried to collect it but he refused to give her. "Please can you stop stressing me?" She finally calmed down. " I'm tired already, that's why I came here rest." She took her sit and left the letter for him.

" This is not a place to rest, is it? " He dropped the letter and sat down next to her.

" I'm actually waiting for someone." She picked the letter and put it back into her bag.

" I noticed you do come here thrice in a week. "

"Wait, how did you know."

"I  come here almost every day, my friend do work here."

" I enjoy watching the kids play whenever I'm sad, it's makes me happy each time the smile, jump, clap their hands."

Stacy phone rang and she picked immediately.

Stacy: Lizzy, I'm still waiting for you

Lizzy: I'm really really sorry Stacy. I'm just coming out from the hospital

Stacy: wait, what happened, are you alright?

Lizzy: yea I'm fine. It's mum, she fell again.

Stacy: (she quickly stood up) Jeezz. How is she feeling now. I'll come and meet you, just send me the hospital's address.

Lizzy: No Stacy, please go home. You just got a sack so please I need you to rest. We'll meet tomorrow.

Stacy: (she sighed) since you said so. Tommorow then

Lizzy: Bye. (She ended the call)

"Your mum is sick?"

"Nope." She picked her bag and got ready to leave when the man in Black suit held her hand. "Hey, what now?"

"Can you at least tell me your name?"

"Why, huh?. I don't strangers my name."

The man smiled as he stood up, still holding Stacy's hand. "Stacy, am I right?"

Stacy was shocked when the stranger called her name. "Wait, how did you know my name?"

He smirked and let go of her hand. " I heard your friend saying it over the phone."

"Then why did you ask, if you've already known the name."

" The name sounds sweeter when it's being called by the owner."

" Whatever." She folded her arms.

" I'm Skyler,since you don't mind telling me your name."

" I didn't ask for it."

" Don't you think you're being rude here?"

" Don't call me names." She was about to leave again when Skyler held her by the arm. "Hey dude, what do you want?"

"Come on, please be nice." He said Okay, let's talk about something that will help the both of us." He let go of her hand. " But you'll be the one to benefit more."

" And what's that?"

Skyler smiled when he saw how Stacy kept her face. She wasn't even smiling.

"At least, smile."

"You're just wasting time." She made a U-turn and started walking away.

" It's a job."

Immediately Stacy heard that, she halted, turned and look at Skyler.

Skyler smiled and came closer to her.

"Are you serious, or you're just trying to pull my legs."

" C'mon Stacy, I'm damn serious. You'll get 50 USD, pay month."

On hearing that, Stacy bursted into laughter. The money was huge and she thought Skyler was pulling her legs.

"Why are you laughing."

"You're the one making me to laugh"

" But how, do I look like a Joker to you?"

" Yes, of course. You mentioned paying 50 US Dollars?"

" Yes, sure and I'm not kidding. Well, if you're not interested, it fine." He wanted walking away when Stacy quickly stoped him,she stood in front of him. "Hey dude, why in a hurry?". Stacy asked.

"Are you in or out?"

"Wait , wait, wait. What Job is it?"

" I only want you to babysit my kids."

"Awwn.. You have kids?"

" Yes, that's why I came here. I brought them here to have some fun with friends."

" So you want me to babysit them and you'll pay me that huge sum of money?"

Skyler nodded.

" Wow you're rich, you know."

Skyler smiled. "So are you going to that?"

" Ermm.. I'd really love to do that. But can you give time to think first?"

" Yea sure."

" How many kids."

" Just two. They're twins, Alex and Alexa."

" OMG, you don't mean it. I really love twins so much." Stacy said to him. " Sorry to ask, what about your wife?. She...."

" Please." He cut Stacy short. " Let's not talk about this."

Something was wrong and Stacy noticed. His mood changed immediately she said those words.

"O..Kay" She said.

"I'll have to go get my kids now." Skyler said. He brought out a card from his pocket and gave it to Stacy. "Here, my phone number and address is on it. Feel free to call me when you're done thinking."

" Okay." Stacy collected it and kept it in her bag.

" Bye then."

" Bye".