
I'll be going back to work

Stacy you're late again". Elizabeth said when she saw Stacy walking in.

"OMG, I'm so sorry, how minutes late?". Looking at the clock

" Four Minutes". She replied, folding her arms.

"Look, I'm really sorry. Is the boss here yet?".

" Nope". She replied as she made her way to the kitchen.

Stacy sighed " Thank Goodness". She quickly walked to the inner room and dressed up without wasting time.

"You better hurry and start work". Elizabeth opened the door and walked in. She came to pick something from her bag.

"I'm done already".

Stacy was walking in a restaurants, One of the biggest restaurants in their Town. Her salary wasn't that much to provide for the family but it was quite helpful. She wasn't the only person working after all, Dawn was too. The only person not working was Zoey and that's because she's still studying.

****. **

Dawn was busy with the work given to her in the office when Lily her best friend at work walked to her desk.

"Hey Chick". Lily said as she sat down on Dawn's desk.

" you're gonna break that,you know" Dawn replied without even looking at Lily. Her attention was on her system

"C'mon I'm not that heavy".

She came closer to see what Dawn was doing "So what's up".

Dawn finally left what she was doing. she looked at Lily and kept quiet for some seconds before she spoke

"I'm busy you know" .

"Well I know. Ermm... you know I.... "

" Shh..". Dawn cut her short. " You better go back to your desk before that crazy boss of ours gets you here".

she faced her system and continued working

" He's not even the real boss".

" That's what you'll say".

"well, I'm serious. I heard that the real boss, the real CEO of the company will be here in a few days or weeks to come".

Dawn glanced at her " are you serious or you're just pulling my legs".

" Come on you know I don't smile when I'm serious". she replied as she stood up. "Well I better go back to my desk before the boss gets me here".

" The better for you". Dawn replied.

Lily quickly walked back to her desk.

**. **


Zoey returned from school and was so so tired. she was wondering how she'd start preparing dinner since her sisters were busy at work.

she was a little bit surprised when she found the door open so she quietly walked in and saw Stacy keeping food on the dining .

"you are back?". Stacy asked.

Zoey walked to the couch "yes". She flung her bag on the floor and also Flung herself on the couch.

"Hey you better pick that bag on the floor". Stacy uttered

Zoey picked it and kept it next to her.

" So how was school?".

" The worst day ever". Zoey yawned and stretched alittle.

" Why did you say so?". Stacy walked to her. "Hope you're fine?".

" Yes but no. I was alone all day, no friends and the most annoying thing.." she paused talking and looked at Stacy

"what?'. Stacy shrugged

" I was embarrassed by the lecturer on my first day in school".

" Wait, but why?".

" Hey chill". Zoey yawned again. She stood

" Stacy I'm hungry please is the food for us?".

" Yea, go get some and eat".

Zoey quickly walked to the dinning and sat down. " Why are you back so early?".

" Well I knew you were gonna be tired after school so I decided to come back and make something for you and Dawn to eat. My boss isn't around so I used that opportunity".

" Thanks so much Stacy. You're such a darling". Zoey started eating.

" I'll be going back now". Stacy picked her bag.

"To where?".

"Zoey we do close by 8, remember and this is 10 minutes to 5".

"Ohh.. that's true".

" Yea. I'll see you later then. Bye". She gave Zoey a peck on the forehead and made her way.


  It was 7:30 when Dawn returned back from work. She walked in and found Zoey sitting on the couch and was watching a movie.

"Heys". Dawn said as she closed the door. She walked to the couch and say down.

   "You're back?". Zoey asked without taking her attention off the television.

" Yea". She yawned " hope there's something eatable?".

" Yea, there is. Stacy returned and prepared food".

" Wow, so what did she make? ".

"Fried rice. It's right there on the dinning table".

"Wow". Dawn quickly stood up and walked to the dinning. " So where is she?".

" She isn't yet back from work".

"But you said she returned and made food"

" Yes. She only came back because her boss wasn't around. So she used that opportunity to come back home and cook".

" Ohh, so..."

" Dawn,". Zoey quickly cut her short can I watch my movie in peace please?".

" Hey, come on". Dawn opened the meal and served herself.

   The door opened and Stacy walked in, forgetting to lock the door. 

"Hello sweeties".

" Stacy, the door". Zoey uttered

" Ohh". Stacy quicly went back and closed the door. " Why are you all silent?".

"Because Zoey asked me not to talk" Dawn said

Stacey walked to Zoey and sat down next to her.  " Zoey, are you still upset?".

  "No, thanks"

" Upset about what?". Dawn asked

  " Ohh, Zoey didn't tell u she got embarrassed today in school?."

" Wait but why?". Dawn asked

Stacy saw how Zoey was glaring at her. " Zoey, what?".

Zoey stood up. " You mustn't let everyone know". She dropped the remote and walked to the bed room.

" Stacy, what really happened?".

Stacy zipped her mouth. " I remain silent".

She also stood up and walked to the bed room.


"This two must ne crazy." Dawn uttered. She also stood up and walked to the room.


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