1 She's not perfect

She's not the perfect girlfriend. She'll yell at you for no reason sometimes. She'll get jealous even when you keep telling her she shouldn't. She'll lash out on you and blame it on her period. She'll nag when she isn't getting her way. She'll complain when she isn't being understood. She's stubborn when she argues and will keep going until she gets the last word. She overthinks even when you tell her not to worry. She has trust issues that might stop her from fully believing anything you say. She gets insecure even when you give her a lot of reassurance. She has these mood swings that'll come out of nowhere. She'll probably never listen to you. She'll won't always do everything right. She'll probably end up making you mad, disappointing you, and hurting you without even trying. But there is something about her that she thinks is good, and that is she can promise you her loyalty, her honesty, her attention, her effort, her time, and her heart. She can promise she'll be there when you need her and she'll love her in the best way she can. Despite her flaws, she can promise she'll do everything she can to keep the relationship together.

Tag your boyfriend. ❤️
