
This Isn't The end

Spicy Romance, MATURE CONTENT involved For some people, the adrenaline rush is fun. Some even have certain hobbies to intentionally pump their heart and blood faster to earn the hormone and achieve excitement. ### Joshua is a tall muscular young man, steady and established in his career, good-looking and good in bed. Warm and nurturing towards his loveable young wife - Carly, and yet selfish, just like most men naturally are. Carly is a petite young woman, 4 years younger than her husband, doing well in her profession, but has been expecting to be a mom and be a good one by staying at home and starting to handle her own business. ### But the heart and blood-pumping things Carly had experienced in the last few years have diminished and even turned her off to the lowest level of her life. Her ascending value of life just spiked down all of a sudden after she lost her most precious hope, family. How did she manage to stand up on her feet one more time? What kept her alive?  Who did?

janeDoe · สมัยใหม่
13 Chs

Moving Out to Moving In

The last couple of months were draining, Carly and Joshua have been scrutinizing ads for rented houses that match their budget. Carly told Joshua about the war between her in-laws and has insisted on moving out and living separated from Joshua's family. It was not easy to convince him because he was the oldest son of the family and he felt that he had a big responsibility to take care of his parents in their late ages. But Carly had given so much of her patience to deal with Joshua's family, and they both agreed that the last incident was ridiculously overwhelming. So there they were, going around the town looking for an in-budget house that caught their eyes and they finally found it. 

It was an average one floored house, not so tiny, luckily. But even so, it was only two of them, a couple of humans, so they didn't need a massive space. The building was newly renovated and freshly painted, mostly in a very light blue sky on the inside, and medium creme on the outside. It had a small area that looked like a tiny fish pool on the corner of the garden, built to appear like a natural hill. Carly was so in love with the terrace, she imagined putting a small bench there and enjoying her morning or afternoon coffee when she was not going to work.

They got the deal, and paid for the house for a couple of years. The house owner was so nice that she gave them two sets of both guest room and kitchen furniture for their stay. Therefore, Carly and Joshua didn't have to buy any until two years later.


Saturday morning, both Carly and Joshua were off of work. They started to go home to their new house last night after settling a full set of bedroom furniture last weekend. Carly had overtime for two hours at work before Joshua picked her up for a dinner date that they usually do once a month. Carly was so excited to start a new life, alone with her husband only, without the in-laws. It was a cool, fresh and quiet evening for both of them, perfect for a good night's rest.

"It's a fresh start, this is the time for me to learn to be the real wife," she thought when she got up and headed to the kitchen, to deal with their morning coffee. 

Carly chuckled lightly realizing she was walking around the house half-naked, only in a large t-shirt and panties.

"I couldn't do this back in his parents' house… This feels cute though," her mind said.

Carly heated some water in the kettle and poured some instant coffee into two cute mugs that she purposefully bought for the new house. Her own glassware in her own kitchen, sounds decent even though it was a rented house, she embraced the fact and just be grateful.

Carly poured the hot water into the mugs and lay them on the kitchen table, stirring a cute teaspoon in each mug, then set it aside when Joshua entered the kitchen, only in his boxers, and suddenly pulled her on her waist.

"Good morning, Mistress Wife," he kissed the back of her neck and groped into her t-shirt, Carly yelped and giggled feeling the tickles.

She turned her body around and faced Joshua, her arms linked around his neck when she teased, "good morning Mister Husband, how was your sleep outside your parents' house?"

"It was damn amazing, we should've moved out a long time ago!" Joshua grabbed his mug and took a sip.

"I told you, you didn't listen, not even once," Carly leaned on the table.

"Yeah, I know, my bad, but you know how I feel about my parents, Carly. And I believe none of my siblings can do even a half of how I have taken care of them."

Carly took her mug and started a sip before talking, "living separately doesn't mean you can't take care of them, Josh. We still can spend time there, sleepover on the weekends, give them visits every holiday or day off, anything. We've been doing that with my parents all of this time."

Joshua suddenly pulled her again and caught her mumbling mouth in his and kissed her deeply and loudly, making loud sounds of his nibbling and groaning.  He put his mug away, continuing to kiss her, even though she was fighting him a bit because she was still holding her coffee mug. 

Carly pushed him away and burst into a laugh, "Josh!!"


"What was that?" She laughed more and put her cup away.

"That was me, kissing my wife in my kitchen, Carly, what else?"

"What if I pour the hot coffee?"

Joshua took both cups and put them next to the washbasin, to make sure they would be far enough from them and walked back to Carly to aggressively pull her into his tight embrace.

"We're alone, Carly, now we can fuck on the table like the movie we watched back then, you remember?" Joshua said while sitting Carly at the table.

They kissed, loudly and freely, Carly's soft moaning muffled with his lewd tongue inside her mouth. Joshua's hands wandered around her body, kneading her love handles and dragging her close, leaving no gap between their waists. Joshua started kissing her neck and undressing her on the table. His eyes widened to the view of Carly's exposed skin.

"Josh… can we do this in the bedroom?" Carly asked while she traced her fingers along his chest.

"No." Joshua answered rigidly, filling his mouth with a mound, making Carly throw her head back and squeal, slowly dropping herself onto the table.

"Josh, I don't… mmhh… feel comfortable doing this… ahhh… here," she tried so hard to finish her sentence while moaning in pleasure.

Joshua groaned and got himself bare, his morning wood didn't give Carly any chance to rebel. He made love to her right there and then.