
Wrap Up Ⅱ

Months later, Izo seats in a comfy seat across from Doctor Wang who is overseeing the therapy session from a corner of the room. A large plump, pleasant man says, "But how does that make you feel?"

The still too slender girl raises an eyebrow at the question. "It makes me be grateful for the fact that I now have food to eat. In fact, I will never cease to be grateful for the food now put on the table before me. Does that answer your question, Dr. Berkeley?" Izo loudly replied.

Dr. Berkeley stiffens indignantly causing his jowls to jiggle. Dr. Berkeley opens his mouth to retort back, but Dr. Wang interjects, "I believe that is enough for tonight's session. Izo, you're excused."

Izo jumps to her feet with glee and flees out the door and slamming the door pointedly shut behind her. Dr. Berkeley opens his mouth to complain as Dr. Wang says, "Dr. Berkeley, my suspicions have been confirmed from tonight's session. Miss Lee is to be immediately discharged and will be assigned a different therapist for her out of hospital transition."

"But, she's an invaluable source of information and research!" Dr. Berkeley complained.

"Dr. Berkeley, I understand that she is a fascinating subject. But despite all odds, I find that she is in full control of her cognitive and emotional functions. Despite, the fact that she's been under severe physical and mental strain, Doctor Janice Anderson agrees with me. We find that it would be best for Miss Lee to be discharged as soon as possible and have her meet with a therapist bi-weekly," Dr. Wang countered.

Dr. Berkeley mutters a few choice words under his breath, before haughtily declaring, "Dr. Wang, I will have you know that my father-in-law is on the border of directors. He will take it poorly that such a valuable patient has been removed from my care."

Dr. Wang sighs at his colleague's antics. "Dr. Berkeley, I needn't remind you that Miss Lee is my patient and ultimately the decision for treatment or her release is in my hands. Nor should I remind you, that you shan't be making an enemy out of me, but out of the Lee family," Dr. Wang firmly reprimanded.

Dr. Berkeley pales upon remembering exactly whose daughter, Miss Lee is. Dr. Berkeley hastily coughs and covers his tracks by saying, "Of course. I merely wanted to make certain your priorities were in their place. Excuse me, my next patient is waiting for me." He swiftly heaves himself out of his seat and waddles away at full pace.

Dr. Wang sighs with relief as he walks back to his office and is somewhat surprised to find the seated figures of Mr. and Mrs. Lee. He carefully shuts the door behind him, before sitting down and greeting them. "Hello and Mr. and Mrs. Lee, how are you?"

Mr. Lee smiles politely back and replies, "Well thank you. How soon can my daughter finally be released?"

"As a matter of fact-," Dr. Wang started to answer before being rudely cut off.

"What is wrong with my Izo? She doesn't like the clothes that I bring back from her favorite shops. She only wears those tasteless clothes that she calls comfortable! Her food tastes are utterly different. She hates her favorite snacks that are stuffed to the brim with caviar. She prefers tasteless foods such as pizza and burgers! And worst of all, when I embrace her, she coldly embraces me back!

It's like someone switched my Izo with her doppelganger!" Mrs. Lee desperately said as she pleaded with the Doctor to give her a satisfying answer. That her daughter would eventually return to the daughter of her heart.

Mr. Lee gives Dr. Wang a sympathetic smile as Dr. Wang answers, "Just a moment, Mrs. Lee," and he pulls out his phone to text. Mrs. Lee slumps weakly against her husband's chest in despair.

A minute later, the door opens and shuts to reveal a mocha-skinned woman with brown eyes and dark hair in hundreds of tiny, long braids. Her white coat is stark against her skin as she introduces herself. "Hello Mr. and Mrs. Lee, I'm Dr. Janice Anderson. I will in charge of reintroducing your daughter to society and will be seeing her bi-weekly upon her release. I was also told that you had some questions regarding your daughter's change in personality?" Dr. Anderson firmly said as Mr. Lee smiles painfully in response, while Mrs. Lee nods her head vehemently in reply, before pointedly turning to glare at Dr. Wang.

Dr. Wang used to such actions from patients or patient's families merely smiles nonchalantly back. Dr. Anderson hides the mirth in her eyes at the actions of Mrs. Lee and promptly replies, "Your worries are well founded, Mrs. Lee. I am certain that your daughter is vastly different from your memories. However, personality changes are quite common in traumatic situations such as these. I must emphasize the importance of not treating your daughter any differently. Traumatic victims like your daughter often go through abrupt personality changes to survive and adapt to their situation. To treat her differently could further damage your relationship.

As of right now, I can clearly see there is tension between the two of you. Your daughter is dissociating with her past self's pastimes such as shopping and even clothing styles are a constant reminder of her previous weak-self. Despite your well-intentioned actions Mrs. Lee, they are serving to push your daughter further away deepening the gap between the two of you. Your daughter is currently trying to stand on her two feet such triggers are only hurting her in a constant reminder of how powerless she was in her traumatic situation. She is doing her best to recreate herself, but mostly she is trying to feel safe in the new world around her.

Please be more patient, Mrs. Lee. But please understand, that your daughter will never be the person she once was. However, that doesn't mean she is not your daughter. She is merely different than the daughter you once knew. You now have ample time and opportunity to get to know your current daughter. Without a doubt, you will come to love her as much you have in the past and will be able to reconnect once more."

Mrs. Lee's shoulders tremble with an unknown emotion as she keeps her gaze firmly fixed to the floor. Mr. Lee rubs his wife's back as he gravely glances at Dr. Anderson. "Then what do you recommend, Doctor Anderson?" Mr. Lee finally asked.

"As of right now, I have several recommendations, but I will state the most pertinent ones for now. Firstly, do not reintroduce Izo to everyday society nor allow her existence to come to light. Under such limelight, the still-fragile psyche of Izo will surely be crushed. This may lead to a tragic outcome that we all wish to avoid.

Secondly, her current return to the Lee manor or any other family home is out of the question. These places are a trigger to her and could very well cause a relapse. Not to mention, that such a situation may cause worse mental issues to become present. I know this may sound strange, but a victim's mind is in a different state from the rest of us.

Instead, may I suggest, that you give her own space and privacy. A small apartment, where she can feel independent, but safe. Izo needs to feel that she is still in control of her situation, but more importantly, that the two of you trust her enough to keep herself safe.

However, I do realize she is still very much a minor. May I suggest a friend or relative or possibly a caretaker to watch and cohabit with her?" Dr. Anderson persuasively said as Mr. Lee nods in understanding.

"Thank you, Doctor Anderson, we will follow your counsel. How soon can she be released," Mr. Lee firmly said.

"By the end of the week, if the proper arrangements have been made," Dr. Wang truthfully answered.

Mr. Lee nods in thanks as Mrs. Lee leans against him and they depart from the office. Dr. Anderson raises an eyebrow at Dr. Wang that says it all, "Rich People." Dr. Wang shrugs sheepishly as Dr. Anderson asks, "Have you eaten yet?"

He shakes his head regretfully and says, "No, but my wife is expecting me for dinner."

Dr. Anderson snorts, "Salad again?"

"Salad again," Dr. Wang tragically replied.

"Makes me glad, I'm not married," Dr. Anderson cheerfully replied as she strides out. She pauses at the door and adds over her shoulder, "I'm having steak by the way," before confidently marching away. Dr. Wang groans hungrily as he sits down and gloomily answering his wife's phone call.
