
This Game Is Sooo Real!

Light Chu, who accidentally ended up in a world of post-apocalyptic wastelands, unlocked the Sanctuary System, and was able to summon a bunch of mysterious creatures named "Gamer" from the parallel world. From that on, this whole world became weird... Why this game is so real!? Carrying bricks, running errands, collecting trashes, working as express couriers.....Normal companies can at the most force you to work 12x6 per week, but here you can feel the extra-buffed version of a 24x7 workload. K, stop bullshitting, the Mighty Governor is sending me to carry bricks. Governor has said, as long as we keep working hard and SASAGEYO, next month he can own another brand new power suit! At that time, he will lead us in pioneering the brand new map area, then we can collect much much more trashes on the vast world of wastelands! ......

Daoist530340 · ไซไฟ
63 Chs

Chapter 58: This man is impossible to see through

Official Website:

[Update: Testing weather system, adding "Snowy Weather".]

[Announcement: It's snowing lightly in the Wasteland today. The planners kindly remind all gamers to dress warmly and be careful not to catch a cold.]

Comments section below the announcement:

"The official website has posted another announcement?!"

"Okay, I thought there was a new update."

"The game planners said they would update, but it's not a complete update. Today, they are testing snowfall, and tomorrow they will test rainfall for you. It's another day of slacking off (joking)."

"Where is the big bro planner from? It's still 20 degrees here, too early for the temperature to drop!"

"Snow is not a big deal, I once rode my bike fifty kilometers uphill in minus thirty degrees winter, wearing only a down jacket to keep warm. When I came back, I didn't get frostbite and instead was covered in sweat, as if nothing happened."

"Are you also a Gaia player? (joking)"

Light Chu glanced briefly at the comments below the announcement and found nothing particularly informative. He closed the announcement page and opened the forum.

As expected, the forum was bustling, almost becoming an extension of the flea market in the former outpost.

The twenty new gamers who just entered the game couldn't wait to rush to the official website and express their game experience on the forum as soon as they went offline.

[Elf_king_Richard_Wang]: "On the first day of playing as a newbie, I have to say, the visuals, the special effects, the lighting! This game is amazing!"

[Who_dares_challenging_me]: "Let me cool you all down. The person above is a shill hired by the development team, don't fall for it! Let me say it again, this game doesn't exist at all."

[Elf_king_Richard_Wang]: "Are you annoying? Criticizing people as soon as you see them. Once or twice is enough, but you keep doing it every day. (rolling eyes)"

[WC_really_has_mosquitoes]: "Are you a newcomer? This guy is the group pet of Shachuko Club. After he was banned for insulting the management, he left the group and now he's here on the forum to seek attention. Just treat him as a joke. (grinning)"

[Elf_king_Richard_Wang]: "0.0"

[Level_99_trashpicker]: "Damn it! Does anyone care about Lizardmen's rights? When I was about to log off, I felt a shiver down my spine, stiff like I was cursed. T.T"

[Mercy_my_life]: "I don't care about you, you're just a lizard. (evil grin)"

[See_you_tomorrow]: "It's normal, lizards are cold-blooded animals. Don't worry, when summer comes, it will be your dominant period!"

[Level_99_trashpicker]: "%¥&@!"

In addition to gamers sharing their game experiences and insights, there were also many enthusiastic gamers offering advice.

Every time he read these posts, Light Chu felt like he was reviewing government files.

[Canyon_escaping_mole]: "Raise hand! I suggest the development team consider designating a trading area in the game. Most games have features like consignment and stalls. Even if we can't hire NPCs to run the shops for now, at least open up a consignment shelf for gamers to use. It would be more efficient than everyone crowding together and shouting their sales, especially since the time for trading before logging off is too short!"

[Light]: "This proposal is indeed good. I will bring it up in the next planning department meeting and plan a flea market in the game where gamers can freely trade. We can also set up a rentable container in the buffer zone of the sanctuary for gamers to consign their items."

[Canyon_escaping_mole]: "Excellent! ╰(°▽°)╯"

[Nighten]: "We already have a game lobby, why not add a quest board that allows gamers to assign tasks to each other? (Funny)"

[Light]: "There's no rush. We need to take it step by step with testing each system. In the future, as the game content becomes richer, we can consider adding a gamer commission board."

Currently, there aren't that many tasks for gamers to do, nor are there many gamers.

When there are more things for gamers to do, more space for activities, and richer content, then we can consider opening up this feature.

By using gamer commissions, it will be easier for us to understand and supervise what they are doing outside.

[Nighten]: "Whoa? Light Bro replied to me!"

[Light]: "..."

Haven't I been here all along?

[Lightning_lord_professor_Yang]: "To game planners: I have a suggestion. The price of food is unreasonable. It's absurd that dried meat, 200g, costs 1 silver coin, the same as 300g of raw meat! Can't it be adjusted? It's really unreasonable! I recommend changing it to 150g for dried meat and 350g for dried meat!"

[Light]: "From the game's design perspective, there is no fixed price for items. The trading prices are influenced by various factors. Additionally, in the setting, the NPC's warehouse only serves as reserve supplies, and prices fluctuate more based on strategic needs rather than supply and demand."

[Light]: "Wasteland OL encourages p2p trading, and the prices you trade with other gamers reflect the true 'market price' based on supply and demand."

[Lightning_lord_professor_Yang]: "What if I stock up? Like buying up all the food!"

[Nighten]: "Whoa, bro, how much money do you have? I can't even afford a gun!"

[Light]: "I'm not sure, why don't you give it a try?"

[Light]: "We're also curious to see how NPCs with complete intelligence and account disposal authority will maintain order in the game. This will provide valuable experience for closed beta and open beta testing."

[Ilaina]: "It's amusing to see scalpers dance in front of game planners. Does it count as turning themselves in? (Funny)"

[Nighten]: "Brother, I'm telling you, you should buy it quietly, when the NPCs aren't paying attention, hide it in a rented storage container. Then, when everyone is hungry, open it up and surprise everyone. (Funny)"

[Makka_Bakka]: "Hahaha, you're quite clever."

[Lightning_lord_professor_Yang]: "Uh, I haven't won a spot in the closed beta yet. Let me win the spot first. (Awkward)"

Damn, it turns out to be a cloud.

Light Chu knew this guy would ask such a dumb question.

[Light]: "...Well, let's wait until you win a spot."

Don't be discouraged if you don't win. There will be more spots in the closed beta and open beta, and the content and rules will be more abundant and refined.

These ideas are not needed now, but they will be used in the future.

[Lightning_lord_professor_Yang]: "I think I have a good feeling. I have a hunch that I'll win the next time. T.T"

Is he so optimistic?

[Light]: "Keep waiting."

Just like yesterday, Light Chu collected some useful suggestions and posted them on the document.

For example, a gamer suggested, "There should be a tax on transactions. It's not realistic without taxes." Light Chu admitted that he had indeed overlooked this, but it was too early to rush into implementing it.

What's the use of having so much money? Everything in the sanctuary belongs to him.

Up until now, he has only spent around 1,200 game coins, which is less than one-fortieth of the consumed inventory. Moreover, in a couple of days, that merchant Sun will bring him another batch.

Having taxes is possible.

It can recover a portion of the currency in circulation and limit the earnings of gamers in life professions within a reasonable range to prevent in-game inflation caused by excessive purchasing power.

However, it should wait until gamers have saved enough money, equipped themselves, opened shops, and are qualified to roll the snowball.

While browsing the forum, Light Chu noticed Summer sitting in the corner, glancing at him from time to time.

It wasn't because he had any special appeal, but rather this man always made her feel a little scared.

Since an hour ago, he had been staring at the screen with a "sinister smile," and she had no idea what evil thoughts he was plotting.

Thinking that she was sharing a room with a devil, Summer decided to say something to divert his attention. She definitely didn't want him to come up with bad ideas targeting her.

"...What are you looking at?"

Light Chu casually replied without even turning his head.

"It's none of your business."

Summer remained quiet for a moment and then continued speaking.

"...Can I ask you a question?"

Light Chu: "Go ahead."

Summer asked with confusion, "Why do you all have to go outside? I mean, the sanctuary is so safe, why bother building those walls on the surface? Isn't it better to stay underground?"

Light Chu: "For survival."

Summer: "Can't you survive here? The sanctuary has clean air, protects from rain, freezing, and theft... What about your water purifier? How come I've never seen it? And facilities like hydroponic rooms, I heard sanctuaries should have those."

Light Chu felt embarrassed listening to her.

He didn't know how to explain this issue. He couldn't possibly say that even though he was the manager here, he hadn't fully obtained all the permissions for this shelter, right?

That would sound too unbelievable!

Light Chu closed his eyes and meditated for a moment before speaking.

"Maybe you're right. Hiding underground is indeed a good choice. What happens on the surface has nothing to do with us. It's not like we made it like this. Let the outside be flooded, even if there's another nuclear war, we can still stay here safely."

Summer: "Then why—"

Light Chu looked at her.

"But perhaps, some shelters are destined to be different from others. The people born there are not meant to escape but to create and change."

Leaving this thought-provoking statement, Light Chu stopped paying attention to her and continued browsing the forum.

His little gamers are great.

They are all talented, speak well, and most importantly, they have amazing ideas. They understand this game better than him.

Honestly speaking.

Light Chu feels guilty if he doesn't draw inspiration from the wild imagination of these little geniuses.

[...What creature in this world is more suitable to be my contracted Shachuko than gamers?]

Light Chu now finally understands why the first manager wrote that sentence in the note.

With Light's last words echoing in his ears, Summer, sitting against the wall, looked confused but also felt a bit awesome.

She had a feeling...

This man's figure suddenly became taller for an instant.

But this feeling lasted for less than two seconds in her heart and disappeared as she focused her gaze on the notebook in her hand.

This guy is undoubtedly a devil, yet he made her memorize such complicated things.

Not only for herself but also for his companions, this man shows no mercy.

He not only makes them engage in heavy physical labor, but also sends them out to hunt and charge into battle as cannon fodder. He even hands them some useless metal pieces, pretending they are treasures, and they gratefully accept them.

For a moment, she thought he was a good person, but it must be because this guy brainwashes people subtly!


Thinking of the rumors and hearsay circulating in Boulder City, Summer Salt couldn't help but shiver and shrunk her shoulders, looking at Light Chu's figure with even more fear and dread.

He can manipulate people's hearts to such an extent.

This man...

Is impossible to see through!