
This Book Of Lies [Hiatus]

Is pain and suffering our only fate. Is this world truly were We are to be, this prison? As we die we once again live but this book we woke up in has lied to us, there is much more to this world than we know and our lives at stake. The end will not come for us, not now and not ever. (Black female lead)

LadyManner · Fantasy
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7 Chs

The Poison

It was the day before the ball and all the maids and butlers were rushing around getting everything ready.

The three lady's, Jada, Ava, and Dominique, Were gathered in Jada's room going through the plan to stop their house arrest from happening.

Dominique was in a rut this morning, the stress from her father and the main twins were causing her to lose her mind. The other two were spitting out ideas for what to do when they noticed her dull expression.

"What's wrong Dominique? Your so called family driving you crazy?" Ava said while patting her back.

Dominique straightened up and she politely moved Ava's hand away due to her feeling uncomfortable. Never has anyone, here or in her other life, have been considerate towards her and it showed.

Dominique has been neglected by her father ever since her mother died, He's tried before but it got worse when the twins came along. Now all his love is theirs and her father has no time for her, just like the authors father, that's why Dominique was the authors favorite.

Ignoring their comment she tells them her plan.

"I think we should make it look like the original plan failed and somehow make it like we were the ones that got hurt instead. If we were to just throw it away then it would look suspicious."

"AHhhh then the focus could be shifted to us and Jasmine wont get suspicious. Dominique! you should use your magic to heal us when we get hurt instead of the high priest" Jada interjected.

"Me?" Dominique asked.

"Yes you!" Jada said in excitement.

"If it's you then you can get recognition and stick it to your dad! Also I really don't want that high priest guy to do it." Jada explained but Dominique was still unsure of it, even so she agreed. Maybe her father might notice her if she used her abilities to save someone. 

"Yeah that's a great plan! but were going to need someone to blame for this right?" Ava was right, they needed some one to take the fall but who would that be.

As they thought about it Dominique thought of someone who they wont feel bad for if they are blamed.

"How about Reni the head maid. We can have her take the glass over to the twins and then I'll come in and take it!"

Reni was a maid in the novel that stole information from the royal family while she was under Jasmine, gave that information to the neighboring kingdom of Lespri and blame it all on Jasmine.

"That's too dangerous you might die from the poison! Let me do it my body is more used to poison than yours!" Ava exclaimed. Jada looked at Dominique and gave her a smile.

"Well yeah but it will cause more attention if it were me a PRINCESS! Not to mention Dominique here is a magician!" Jada's smile got even bigger. Dominique sighed and agreed.

Jada thought about it for a moment, This would be a good idea but what would happen to the story if they do that.

"Yes that's a good idea but what would happen to the story if we did that?" Ava said a little concerned. Dominique thought about it as well and came up with a conclusion.

"Listen up you two."

Jada and Ava listened carefully to what she was about to stay.

"From here on out it's either us or them and I'm not ready for it to be us. We need to find a way for us to survive, and if that means we need to change the story line then we change it alright!"

They both nod in agreement, they all know that they have to find a way to survive this world and changing the fates of some people is just the way it has to be.


With the ball coming up everyone seemed too busy to do anything else. Queen Maria was the organizer and was set on this year being the best the all the other years, as she was talking with the maids Main approached her with a gift box in her hand.

"What is it?" The queen asked, querulously trying to open it until Main backed away a little. The queen was a little tense when she did that and she repeated her question again.

"W-w-ell. Princess Jada wanted you to have this gift for letting her make her own dress without anyone interfering with it"

Maria was taken aback by this gesture. It has been a long time since Jada gave up on being a seamstress and when she heard she was making her own gown for the ball she was reluctant to let that happen at first, however she thought about it some more and thought that maybe this would be way of getting back her lost self.

Of course she already had someone make another one for her just in case of any misshapes. She opened the back and in side it was a turquoise bow with a beautiful white rose in the center. She smiled at the thoughtful gift her step daughter gave her, she askes her maid to put it on her and tells Main to wait there a moment.

The queen tells another maid to get her something, the maid leaves for a moment and comes back and a small pink box. Maria takes it and hands it to Main.

"Give this to her and tell her that I'll wear this everyday from now on."

"Yes your highness I will relay that message"

Main bows and leaves to give Jada her gift, the queen watches her back as she walks away. Maria has always wanted so be a good mother for all her children even when they didn't want her she still did everything behind the scenes to help them. It seems Jada changed up while at the academy and Maria is happy for what's to come to her future.


Back at the room the girls were talking about some strange things accruing that weren't in the books.

"When I was at home the other day there was a guard that's supposed to watch over Ava or me, but when I would try to talk to him he would ignore me and when I went out he wouldn't escort me either."

Dominique's eye twitched at this information, This was not an occurrence in the novel at all.

"In the novel he was the only one that stood by Ava's side but now he's completely different." Ava continued.

"Y-yeah your not the only one." Jada said.

"When I was walking past the garden the other day I over heard my brother Joshua talking about the black market with the head maid. I never read about him knowing it or even going their in the novel."

Jada's information made Dominique's head start throbbing. This wasn't part of the story at all but somehow it is? These may not be one off things and many other weird things have happened already.

They talk about the changes some more and go over the plan. The day is almost over, Jada went to the sitting room reading some books and trying to ignoring Michael's taunting.

Knock! Knock!

A maid opens the door and calls for Jada to come to her fathers office. She was a little nervous speaking to her father after the outburst two day's ago, but she can't refuse so she gets up and follows the maid but not before Michael trips her on the way to the door. She flips him off and heads out.

When she reach her fathers office she waits for for the maid to inform him of her presence.

"Come in Jada." He said through the door.

As she enters he stops what he's doing and points at the couch for her to sit on.

"Jada how have you been."

"I've been good Father." He gets up from his deck chair and sits on the opposite couch.

"I called you here today to ask you about those twin that you dislike at the academy."

Jada was taken aback, the king never did this in the novel. Was this because of her outburst? She's been changing the story too much and now things that aren't supposed to happen are happening. At this rate she should tell him how Jada really felt about the twins.

"W-well they're not mean or anything, but the girl hangs out with Jasmines fiancé a lot and because of that he started to fall for her."

Jada was starting to get worked up a little. She didn't hate them just hates what it's doing to her family and the person possessing her body felt the same way as well.

"And that boy captured the heart of brother Michael and the great magician as well, it's annoying the way they act around each other. Not to mention how it's affecting sister too."

She started to cry, Even if the real Jada was gone she could still feel her emotions through her memory and this made her frustrated.

"She doesn't deserve that dad she's gone through enough." She stops crying realizing that she called the king 'dad' without realizing it.

"U-um s-sorry father I didn't mean t-"

The king gave his daughter a big hug. Jada began to cry again. All of her memory's, all of her emotion and actions, It has finally come to her attention that her and Jada are one in the same, they are now one.

"I swear to you that I will fix this. For you and your sister." The king said this with sincerity. He would make sure the people that hurt his family would not be able to hurt them again.

They spoke a few more words, Jada left to sleep early for the big day tomorrow. The king called for his attendant.

"What can I do for you your highness." Jean answered.

"It's too late to uninvite them but make sure that Jasmines fiancé and those twins are far away from her at the ball. I don't want them to cause her stress."

Jean nodded and went to go make the proper preparations for it. The king stays in his office for a bit longer, thinking about his own father. His father was a cruel man to him and his mother.

His mother was a prostitute that gave birth to a child of the king. He was going to be killed but do to the laws of the kingdom, if his father did kill him then he would be dethroned.

He was sent to the palace and his mother was killed. There he would be abused by his step-mother and siblings. He vowed to himself that if he ever had a family he would never treat them like this.

The king called it a night and headed off to bed thinking of the day to come.


The day of the ball was somehow more hectic then the day before. Everyone was running around trying to get things done.

Young lady's getting ready, Young men fixing themselves up and others trying to look as good as possible for chance to impress the royalty.

Dominique and her maids were getting her ready. Making her fit in her dress and some last minute changes as well.

When Dominique's mother died her father was devastated and from a young age had to start acting as the head of the house. While her father was grieving she was taking care of every thing.

She was the one that paid the workers, kept her fathers business afloat, and went to gatherings to get acquainted with other families to form bonds. All while her father took in those twins when she was fifteen and treated them more like his children then her.

"My lady were done." Nadia her personal maid said. All the maids looked in aw at there hard work, Tears coming to some of their eyes. It was a light blue and dark blue ball gown with pink flowers and pearls, the sleeves where on her arms reveling her shoulders.

"No tears. Save that for my wedding day." Dominique's words made them cry even harder.

The possessor of Dominique's body knew her well, the stories of these characters are what kept her alive for so long and now that their in one of their body's, she'll make sure this body gets her revenge, she would do anything for her characters, after all she was the one wrote the book.

"And what of father." There was a long pause before someone answered her.

"H-he's with the those twins, preparing for the ball my duchess." said Naida, she frowned cursing the duke and the siblings.

"It's ok Nadia we needn't worry ourselves with them. is the carriage ready?"

"Yes my lady"

They all walk out of her room and to the entrance. The head butler and maid were there. They greeted their master, giving her a soft smile while she comes down the stairs.

"You look wonderful my lady."

"Yes just like your mother."

They both walk her to the carriage and off she went to the ball.

When she arrived there were so many people there, she started to feel a little nervous. This was her first ball but she'll make this day perfect even if she is afraid.

Dominique entered and her presence was announced. She walked around looking for any familiar faces. As she walked around there were a many people she recognized, business partners, acquittances, and some people who she did not like.

Then the announcer announced a familiar name. It was Ava, she went over to her. Ava saw Dominique and ran to her, hugging her.

"I-I was so nervous coming here." Ava whispered to her.

"Yes so was I but let's go someplace else." Said Dominique. They moved a little closer to the windows were there wasn't a lot of people.

The delegation from Belpeyi and the neighboring country of Flelamou the kingdom were Jada is the princess of. The third prince of Belpeyi was here with his aid, both left all the women and men in a daze with their beauty.

Then the young saint arrived with his companions. All the guest bowed at his presence. He was even more beautiful but not as the main characters, the twins and the duke came side by side.

The twins were amazed by the décor of the palace, flowers were everywhere and everyone wore flowers on their attire. As they walk down whispers erupted all around, and everyone was looking at Dominique.

Dominique griped her fan tightly, she was embarrassed and angry. Ava seeing her shaking and grabbed her hands trying to comfort her.

"Ignore them." Ava said.

"Yeah I know." Dominique replayed.

Many more came and the time for the royal family to make their entrance came. The kings aid appeared near the throne area and used sound enhanced magic to announce them. The king and his family appeared and the crowed rumbled with applause.

"Yes, Yes. Thank you all for attending this years spring ball." Said the king. He and the other members of his family stood next to him.

"This is a joyous occasion, for this year is a year of unity for our two countries. And the once war riddled lands are no more, replaced with new homes and happiness. May this year be filled with peace and prosperity for both our kingdoms." The king finished.

Applause erupted again, the music started playing and everyone went their separate ways expect for the king and queen who stayed were they were to talk to the third prince and saint.

Jada tried to find Ava and Dominique but was bombarded by many different men and women.

"Princess that dress is so pretty who's your designer?"

"Yes only a famous designer would make this, was is Jean Claude?"

"No it has to be Mirlande!"

Her dress was shoulder less dress with short puff sleeves and the bottom resembled an upside-down tulip, The colors went from white to pink to blue for the bottom. She had a flower crown on her head and flower earrings.

"No I made this dress." Jada said confidently. There was silence among the group for a moment. It seemed they did not believe her and it showed.

"W-wow princess your very talented!" Said one lady nervously.

"It's beautiful as yourself!." Said another man.

She thanked them and left to find her friends but was again stopped by another group of people, This happened may more times each one taking longer than the other.

Ava and Dominique saw her but was busy entertaining Jasmine so she wouldn't go off to see that fiancé of hers.

"It seems the two of you have been seeing my sister quite often, why is that?" Jasmine questioned. The two were a little stunned but Dominique was able to answer.

"She called us multiple times to discus ways to make sure no one would find out our plans Princess." Jasmine was a little skeptical about this answer, but seeing that her sister did this many times before it seemed plausible.

"I see, she is always like that. sometimes I wish she wasn't." Jasmine looked in Jada's direction, she looked like she was having a bad time with those people around her.

Jada spotted her sister but was to exhausted from acting and talking to do anything else. So she went to the back where she leaned on the wall.

'I wonder if this would work' She thought. Jada really wanted this to work, she didn't want that horrible ending, not for her or for any of the other girls. She subconsciously rubbed her neck.

Jada sighed and looked around, she saw her three brothers talking to the twins and looked at her sister talking to Ava and Dominique.

Then she looked to her right only to see a man dressing in light and dark gray colors that matched his light gray hair. He was slouched down a noise seemed to be coming from his stomach. She chuckled to herself but it seemed the mysterious man heard her.

"Laughing at my misfortune hm princess." The man sneered. Jada was surprised and hid her face with her fan.

The man looked up and Jada immediately knew who this was. It was the great magician Francois. He was one of the people that got Jasmine and her killed. Jada hated this guy but for some reason it wasn't as prominent as her hatred for the others.

"If your so hungry Francois then go to the buffet and eat or are you to lazy to do that." She retorted back. They glared at each other for a while until his belly grumbled and that made Jada laugh again.

He was annoyed at her rudeness, he watched her as she grabbed a servant and told them to and told them something a minute later the servant came back with a plate of food and gave it him.

"Here eat, I don't get why you're just sitting there." Said Jada. She was trying to be nice, François on the other hand, was looking at the food as though it had been poisoned.

"You're not going to die if you eat it." Jada told him, but he narrowed his eyes and stared at her suspiciously. Jada had enough and took a piece of meat and put it in her mouth. She was trying to show him that it wasn't bad.

"Ha! Great, now I definitely can't eat this since it's been touched by the likes of you!" He sneered.

She was too stunned to speak. Jada was very annoyed at this man. How can he be this stupid.

"WHAT! I was just trying to help you! And this the thanks I get." Jada yelled.

"Why should I trust someone like you? Someone that hurts others to get what they want. You and your sister are always doing everything in your power to sabotage others lives, so why would I trust you." When Francois said that, Jada couldn't respond.

Through her memories, she knew that they never officially met before, and that he didn't know the history between her and the twins.

"What do you know? All you do is prance around those twins and do what they ask you, right? But what do you know! Me and my family are going through so much pain because of all their antics?"

Jada could feel tears coming. She was about to cry. She closed her eyes to stop herself from crying and open them again, staring straight into Francois's eyes.

"I know nothing about you, and you know nothing about me, and you seriously know nothing about how this all started, so let's keep it that way. But if your actions hurt anyone I love again, then I will have to take action got that!" Jada finished and waited for him to respond.

Her eyes were sharp and cold and looked like it would kill any person that would dare look at them.

Francois was still looking into her eyes, he's seen those eyes before, he knew she was serious. He didn't say a word. he knew she was right. All he did was follow what the twins ordered him to do, because he loved them. They had helped him, and he wanted to give them all that he had. He didn't care if others got hurt.

Francois stood up, he was almost the same height as her but just a little taller. He scowled at her trying to intimidating her yet she did not flinch, not one bit. She was standing up straight and was more confident than ever.

"Is there something wrong Jada?" She did not turn to look at who it was, she already knew her brother would come to check on her.

They weren't by any means whispering all of this to each other, no of course they were loud, so it was obvious that Joshua would come and see what the commotion was, he knew his sisters voice well.

"It's nothing Joshua." She quickly turn in her heels and left. Jada went over to Ava and Dominique.

"What happened?" Ava asked in a worried tone. She was the most nervous out of all three of them. Seeing Jada arguing with someone made her skittish. Jada put a hand on her shoulder and assured her that everything is okay.

"Uh? Where's jasmine?" Jada searched looked around hoping she could see her.

"Don't worry she's over there talking to some people. Every time she tries to go see Frantz she get's stopped by people until they see him leave, then they let her go." Dominique explained.

"Wait that happened to me too." Jada started to question if this was what her father meant by handling things.

They talked some more and the ball continued with out any more incidents. Then it was time. They were keeping a close eye on the twins and company. The young priest Micheline was walking over to them and so was a disguised Reni who was about to come up to them.

Jada quickly dodged all the people trying to talk to her and went straight to were they were. She hide her face behind her fan, calmly walking up to them. When Reni was about to offer Roseline, the girl twin, Jada grabbed it.

"Well if it isn't Roseline and Ronald how are you? I hope your not causing any trouble?" Jada teased. The twins were uncomfortable with her remark, Michael came to there rescue as usual.

"Jada go to the corner you came from and stay there. Weren't you the one that just cause a scene earlier?" He smirked as he said this.

"Hm! Unlike you I was trying to protect are families name, but I guess someone like you wouldn't know how to do that huh?" Jada snickered.

"Ha! But you and your sister are working so hard to disgrace us already!" Michael yelled. Every eye was on them now, even the third prince and the king looked in their direction. It was now time for her mediocre acting skills to come on. Jada downed the drink in her hand and yelled back.

"And what about it! Those unsightly twins are the ones that are the disgrace! Not me and sister! Seducing Frantz and all of you!"

"You have no right to tell them that princess!" This time it was Frantz he was just as angry and Michael.

Jada's heart started to beat faster and her head was hurting, The pain increased as she yelled.

"Look at all of you! You turned your back on Jasmine. You painted her as a villainess when all she wanted was your support." She said bitterly.

"Y-your l-love." She was sweating and her words were slurring as she pointed at Frantz.

"A-a-and Your friendship." She was pointing at the twins or at least she thought she was.

The pain was immeasurable. Her head was pounding, her heart seemed as thought it stopped and her stomach churning. She couldn't stay up right, her swaying made her so dizzy that she threw up and then collapsed.