
They Need the Villainess

A lady not only transmigrated but a regressor as well. Shiska, unlike others who transmigrated inside a novel. She didn't do anything to disrupt the flow of the story. She kept her distance and keep on being herself. As the villainess in the story, the only changes she did is not harassing the original female lead and didn't open up to any male leads. The novel ended and follows the path without her in the scene. The leading character had a happy ending and she got survived, unlike the original villainess who got killed. However, Shiska always finds herself regressing in time every time the story ends. She lost count of how many times she regressed. Until she realizes that maybe she needs to act as the villainess and be killed for her to stop regressing.

DuchessMarchioness · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs


A lady came from a country called the Philippines and suddenly transmigrated inside one of the manhuas she read. She also couldn't believe at first that something would happen only in the stories she read, could something happen to her. She felt excitement and eagerness to see the characters of the story. She perfectly remembered everything that happened in the story.

Just like any other transmigration story, she possessed as well the body of a villainess. However, she doesn't have any plans to do something or change the course of the story. Seeing them alive and now living in the story world is enough for her. Aside from that, She is not the type of person who will do anything and everything. Her personality is too lazy for those kinds of things.

Because of her personality as a lazy human being, she ends up changing the character of the body she possessed. She didn't do anything to the leading characters. She just lives by who she is. But because of that very reason, it seems she experience the weirdest thing she could ever experience.

Not only did she transmigrate and own the villainess's body, but she as well became a regressor.


"AH!" Shiska gasp while waking up from a dream.

She sit up and sighed before roaming her eyes on her surrounding.

"Here I am again," she mumbled to herself. "This is the nth time I came back. I even lost count of how many times this happened."

She glanced at the window where she saw the curtain is still blocking the light from the outside. She stands up and trudges towards the window, holding the curtain before sliding it to the side to open up.

A bright sunlight welcoming her made her eyes wince. Slowly she open her eyes and adjusted to the brightness. After a few seconds, Shiska heard a knock on the door.

"Your Highness, are you up already?" the servant asked after knocking.

Shiska glanced at the door. (Just like in my previous life, Nettie would come inside to wake me up.)

The door opened and a servant lady come inside before closing the door behind her. When she lifts her head, she dazes to see Shiska standing near the window as if she is being enlightened by some holy light coming from the window.

"Good morning, Nettie," Shiska greeted her with a bright smile.

"Ah, yes. Good morning, princess," Nettie coming back to her senses. "You are up earlier than usual."


Nettie intently peered at her. "Perhaps, did you have a nightmare, your highness?"

Shiska smiled weakly. "Perhaps?" she answered unsurely watching the clear sky outside her window.

(I didn't do anything other than being myself. Everything happened accordingly to the flow of the story even though I didn't participate in it. So, why do I keep on coming back to this time at the same place?)

Shiska pondered in her deep thought without realizing that Nettie is watching her because of her strangeness.

(Every time the male and female lead overcome the challenges and end up together, I found myself waking up in the same spot as if everything is just a dream.)



"Yo... ness"

"PRINCESS SHISKA!" Nettie shouted and grabbed both Shiska's shoulders.

Shiska gasped in surprise and blinked her eyes before realizing that Nettie is already in front of her.


"Are you okay? I called you so many times."

"They get the happy ending. So, what goes wrong?" Shiska blurted out with a face that wanted to wail.

"Pardon?" Nettie answered with a confused face.

(Do I have to act like the villainess and be killed? Just so this regression will end?) Shiska concluded that made her tremble in fear and turned pale.