
The Young boy who wound up in another world

A young boy sitting on the lush green cliff top looking out towards the ocean, the wind was blowing in his face like the sea waves splashing on the rocks down below. The boy was about 15 to 16 years of age with brown scruffy hair. And rectangle like glasses, he was wearing a navy blue t-shirt with the superman logo on it along with black denim jeans and some sketch trainers.

The young boy looked up to the sky and was thinking to himself, "what is there to do I have been and done everything that I could round here and not once have gotten to the point of being bored, as I am today." Suddenly there was a bright flash of light and a warp tunnel you see in a video game opening up. The young boy fell through and was suddenly in an old medieval-like town. People were gathering around where he landed and notice that. He was not from their world. The young boy looked around shocked and amazed at the time, seeing the world he was in. was odd. Suddenly knights in glistening armour marched and cover him while a young girl roughly around his age walked out from knights and towards him. "I am Jessica princess and next queen of the kingdom of Lancelot"

The boy looked up to her and smiled like a kid in a candy shop. "Wow am I really in a different world," he said in amazement. Jessica looks back at the boy, "yes you are now hurry up and get up. My father the king does not like to be kept waiting." He looked and got up from the brick laid floor and stood next to Jessica. Jessica looked shocked at just how handsome the boy was but quickly shook her head to show that she was going to show him. "ok" said the boy.

"Before I forget my name Jason, I thought it be best to call each other by our names then just me calling you Jessica and you calling me boy all the time." Jason smiled brightly as he held out his hand. Jessica grabbed his hand and pulled towards the horse and carriage. "come on we can't be late" yelled Jessica as she gets into the Carriage and pulls Jason in.

in few moments the carriage got to the castle as Jason was looking up to just the sheer size of it and was gobsmacked on how big the towers and the windows and rest of the building was. Jessica told the Driver to stop here and got out of the Carriage, Jason followed. "um Jessica" mumbled Jason "why was I even summoned in the first place. the last thing I remember was that I was just sitting by the cliff edge and looking out towards the ocean and notice just how beautiful the scenery was then, I was in the town and then I met you and the kingdom guards."

Jessica smiled and replied sweetly "well everything will be explained shortly. once we get to the throne room." Jason nodded his head as to say he understood and to show he replied without saying a word." Jessica started working through some double doors that are twice the size of both of them. Jessica and Jason both walked through them and on either side to the smaller normal-sized door were there to lead to the west and east part of the castle. in front of them was one more huge double door. Jessica walked towards the doors with Jason just behind her. the Doors opened inwards and on the floor was a red carpet on both sides was gold strips leading all the way to the other end and up a small set of the stairs where three thrones stood. on the left throne was a man in what looked to be fancy attire with blue dress robes and some armour plating. the man looked down and saw his daughter and smiled. "my sweet daughter jessica i see you have returned and with the hero no doubt" The king said as Jessica then smiled and curtsied to the king. "yes Farther i have brought the Hero Jason with me. He ended up in middle of town and not in summoning magic chamber for some odd reason" replied Jessica.

"Now then how about i Explain the reason why you where summoned to this kingdom" spoke the king in a calm but loud manner. Jason looked upped and nodded his head.
