
The Wyvern[Marvel FanFic]

นักเขียน: II_Dandy_II
Anime & Comics
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What is The Wyvern[Marvel FanFic]

อ่านนิยาย The Wyvern[Marvel FanFic] โดย ผู้เขียน II_Dandy_II ที่เผยแพร่บน WebNovel.https://m.fanfiction.net/s/12928991/1/----------I am Posting this to spread the Amazing Work of [emmagnetised]----------Link is shown above and below.----------Sypnosis:The Journey of Tony Stark's you...


https://m.fanfiction.net/s/12928991/1/ ---------- I am Posting this to spread the Amazing Work of [emmagnetised] ---------- Link is shown above and below. ---------- Sypnosis:The Journey of Tony Stark's younger sister -- Margaret Abigail Stark. ---------- https://m.fanfiction.net/s/12928991/1/

4 แท็ก


Grade 8 back in the days I’m day schooling black and white picture, on my head Afro is growing. Short uniforms weird shoe I’m school going, obsessed with deals so the getto is ever callingI’m balling, thinking school is boring. Ignoring advice from my parent not knowing I’m falling but not until I met this girl when I was jogging . She was average height, normal hips and nice body nerds used to love her but surprisingly she just chose me. Grade eight is over I’m in grade nine I don’t even know any algebra she told me that it’s fine 02: o’clock waking me up to study she was like I like you but you can’t touch my body. She put in the zone of science and mathematics parents got surprised I was in the right path performance improved every month. She put in a lot until I went to the other grade. Te school that I went to was a boarding school and we used to right letters for each other until the time when she just suddenly stopped. I got a sick pass and I went home to see the same girl. I reached at her place the aunt saw me she then started crying I was worried she told me coming in, take a seat let me prepare something I was like auntie actually I’m not staying I just passed through to check up on Jane. She was like "there’s some bad news about Jane I know you were in love just don’t go insane.” She told me that Jane was recently admitted and it was so sudden she passed on the devil is wicked. Tears started rolling on my face just before I could leave she told me please wait, she left a letter just before she left. Read it alone was the demand she gave before her last breath. Just after I got it I left in the middle of the road I opened the letter. The first sentence is I’m happy you have opened “ Dear love, soulmate and best friend ; I’m sorry I’m dying this very second but I’ll never leave you I’ll always be by your side I heard that you made it actually I’m proud. I know you wondered why I never slept with you and your friends noticed I know you even got dissed that your girlfriend is fake but I did not refuse because I did not want it’s just that I was born HIV positive and I didn’t want you to get sick like me so steve God has a plan you are destined for greatness the limits are the clouds.” I felt sadness when I heard that I guess real love needs real sacrifice.

Niza_Ndanji · สมจริง
1 Chs

Renascimento no Apocalipse: A Terceira Vez é a Que Conta

``` O que você faz quando quatro homens entram na sua vida e a viram de cabeça para baixo? Não, sério, não faço ideia. Tudo o que eu queria era me esconder no meu rancho sem ninguém para me incomodar, mas aparentemente, eles tinham planos diferentes. Sorte para eles, essa não era minha primeira apocalipse zumbi. Se eles aprenderem a ouvir, talvez a gente consiga sair dessa com vida. Se não, quem sabe eu finalmente consiga descansar em paz. ------ Li Dai Lu nasceu e foi criada canadense em sua primeira vida. Isso significava que ela foi ensinada a compartilhar, a colocar os outros em primeiro lugar e a manter a paz o quanto pudesse. No entanto, isso tudo deu errado de uma forma espetacular. Renascida em um novo tempo e lugar, Li Dai Lu fez o seu melhor para proteger todos os que podia dos zumbis que estavam dizimando a raça humana. Infelizmente para ela, aqueles que ela resgatou não foram tão gratos quanto deveriam ser. Morta pelas próprias pessoas que salvou, ela segurou a respiração e esperou pela calma e pela paz da morte. Mas os Destinos não foram muito acomodativos e nossa heroína acordou em sua terceira vida, um ano antes do apocalipse zumbi. Desta vez ela viveria a vida em seus próprios termos e para aqueles que discordassem... bem, ela teria algumas palavras para eles. Com quatro homens ao seu lado, ela deixará cair o manto da civilidade e se tornará quem realmente estava destinada a ser. Isso se transformará em um harém reverso onde ela não terá que escolher. Não há m/m. Outros Romances: Dançando com Monstros: Em andamento Navios das Estrelas: Novíssimo! Em andamento! Discord: Sakura#6289 Canal do Discord: https://discord.gg/CapanRmy Instagram: @devil_besideyou666 ```

Devilbesideyou666 · ไซไฟ
235 Chs


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As I said. I am doing this to spread the great work of the amazing author-emmagnetised. There might be some forgivable mistakes here and there so watch out. This is also OC×Sergeant James Barnes. Anyway~ The Orginal can be found at the Link in -1- also at the Sypnosis.


There really isn't much detailed description of how she looks so this is what I found for those who want a picture to imagine about the OC/Tony Stark's Sister.


Starting is a bit dark but it is different from other fictions out there It does skip most of the begging marvel movies


I really liked it! It was a good story and it gets really dark in the beginning of the story. I hope people will like it because I have only seen Male leads and not Female leads so this story is a 5/5 review for me.😀


Well what to say... what to say I mean the story is great beginning is pretty dark but it gets real good especially in the department of character development the only negative is nothing more than a little annoyance which is that sometimes the spaces between multiple words are missing except for that to date one of my favorite marvel fics


It's very Good actually hope to see more of this though I'm not supportive of the ship but it's ok and Hope this don't stop updating [img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update]


