
Chapter Three

Although i have never been with a man, the idea of waking him up by pleasing him with my mouth is very exciting to me. With that in mind i slip out from under his arm and slowly slide down the bed until my eyes meet his package. The loose pants he wore to bed make it easy for me release his dick from them. I heard a soft moan come from him as i grasp his shaft, the tip was already glistening with precum. I run my tongue across the tip, licking up his precum. i swirl my tongue around his head before i take it in my mouth and start to suck lightly. I start to move my head up and down on him taking more of him in my mouth with each thrust, moving my hand up and down his shaft at the same time. His sleepy moans fill my ears and i am loving every second of this, i love how power and sexy i feel when i am giving him pleasure. Suddenly his hand is on mine, stopping my strokes, his other hand tilts my head up causing me to release his cock from my mouth. I try to look innocent, but the look on his face shocks me, i see hurt, and anger, and what i think is betrayal? Before i can speak he is up off the bed, he stomps to the bathroom and slams the door. I thought it would be a fun suprise, but his reaction makes me think he hates me. I pull my keeps up to my chest, wrap myself in the blanket and cry.

I dont know how long i cried, but when i finally stopped the i could hear the shower was on. Probably washing away the feel of me i thought bitterly. 'No!' my wolf growled 'Wolves, especially males, are very territorial. Don't you see, he has been saving himself for you his whole life, he has never touched another woman. Just waiting for his Mate. And he loved what you did, loved that you wanted him so readily, but it made him think there have meen others....' She trailed off as i understood. He thinks I'm a slut and he's jealous and pissed because most wolfs only have sex with their real mate.

After what seemed hours Alpha came out of the shower, he looked like he was having trouble coming to a decision. He hadn't dressed, he was had his lower half wrapped in a towel, he clenched the ends to tightly i thought his hands may break. His chest, oh my his chest, beads of water shined on his rock hard abs and i wanted to badly to run my fingers across those glorious muscles.

I slowly stood up off the bed, i could see the hesitation in his eyes, so i held up both hands at shoulder height. "Please, just listen..." i started, waiting until he nodded to continue. "You where talking in your sleep, it woke me and... i thought... well... i thought you where dreaming of me... and i just.." i look down at the ground, my voice growing very quiet "I'm sorry if i hurt you. I thought i was doing it right. I didn't know..."

At this he cut me off, taking me into has arms so fast i didnt see his movement's, one hand held my waist to his the other cupped jaw and tilted my head forcing me to make eye contact with him as he asked "Have you never..? I mean, are you a.. um.. ah.. you know... a virgin" I swallowed hard at the word virgin, but he was so cute, the bad ass alpha brought down by the sex talk. "Yes, of course i am, i have been living in the woods alone. But even if i hadn't been alone, i told you i wanted my soulmate" I bite my lower lip and look down, very aware that he is practically naked in front of me, with out bodies pressed together. He let out a sigh of relief as he put his forehead against mine, with both hands wrapped tightly around my waist holding me to him. Instinctively i places my hands on his shoulders, sliding them up to his neck, with my left hand i ran my finger through the hair on the back of his head.

The soft moan that escaped his lips made me weak in the knees, all i wanted in that moment was to keep causing him to make that glorious sound. But i knew i had to stop, i couldn't have sex with someone i JUST met, even if he is my mate. I kissed his neck once, and then turned to the bed climbing under the blankets i told him to get dressed and join me. A puzzled look flashed across his face, but it was gone in a second.

When he joined me in the bed, my wolf was begging me to let him take us, this is the way of the wolves, they mate first and then get to know each other after. But i am not just a wolf, i reminded her. With a huff she agreed to get to know him first, 'just don't take too long, or he will think we are rejecting him' she reminded me. I pulled myself closer to him, laying my head on his chest, i heard his heart rate spike as i did. That made me smile, just knowing i effected him, when he was the alpha, the living embodiment of a greek god, i wanted him to want me.

I spoke first "So.... are you? A virgin i mean..?" I hadn't noticed i was running the tips of my fingers up and down his stomach from the bottom of his ribs down to the top of his pants and back, when he growned and grabbed my hand gently he said "Please, stop." His voice sounded like he was begging. He turned onto his side looking me in the eye and said "No woman but you has ever touched me. I had every intention of taking things slowly if ever i found my mate, I've always wanted something more than just sexual attraction and i think the best way to do that is to start there and save the sex stuff for later, when we know each other better. However.." He paused for a moment, taking a deep breath before he continued "That being said, I am insanely attracted to you, every time you touch me you send this tingling sensation through my skin, and its taking all of my will power not to act on my urges. So please, don't tempt me." His words made my heart and my wolf smile. "Okay" I told him "i will keep my hands to myself, but i am glad to know the sparks happen for you also. I always thought that part of the mates thing was exaggerated. I wasn't sure if it was just wishful thinking on my part or if i was really feeling it." He chuckled at that, and we both lay on our own pillows, trying to get a few more hours sleep before we arrived at the port of garlic. That's not it's real name, but its very similar, and this is where garlic is exported from, so i had always called it such.

By 10 in the morning we had docked, James and Tod paid the crew and dismissed them. I heard some of them grumbling as they passed by my window.

"Don't make sense, they hired us for such a short trip"

"Yeah, sneaking in and out of enemy territory. and for what? We ain't even attack them witches"

"You two don't pays attention do you? We halped them kidnap some girl"

"Kidnap a witch? even a young one could have sunk this ship easy, i don't believe that at all"

"Yeah, well i thinks those men who hired us ain't really humans like they say"

The group of men passed by James and stopped talking, taking their payment and leaving the ship.

I hope we leave quickly, i told my wolf, i don't like the idea of being too close to humans for too long. 'I agree, let's go take a bath in that huge tub in the bathroom and hopefully they will set sail before we finish' she suggested and i agreed. The tub was the size of a Jacuzzi, it could comfortably fit 6 people, it had heaters and jets, a small screen on the side controlled the temperature, jet speed and even had an option to add preportioned amounts of bath oils. I choose Rosemary and lavender oils, set the temperature so it was hot but not scalding, then i stripped and sunk into the water. The was the best bath of my life, i hadn't had a warm bath in 5 years. and this one was amazing.

I spent well over an hour in the bath, about half way through i felt the ship began to move as we set sail. I climbed out, grab a towel and dry off, when i plug in the blow dryer my wolf whines. What's wrong? i ask her. 'I'm not sure, but something isn't right. The smell of humans is too strong, we should be leaving the stench behind as we sail away. Plus the only wolves i smell are Alpha and James, they wouldn't leave Tod behind, right?' I cursed under my breath for not bringing any clothes with me, i wrapped the towel tightly around my body and hurried across the bedroom to the closet. I don't have any clothes here, i slip on a pair of Alpha's boxers and one of his tee shirts. I was barely covered when the door burst open, the first person i saw was Alpha, i was happy to see him until i saw the worried look in his eye. I slipped deeper into the closet as i noticed the ropes tying Alpha's arms behind his back. I could smell the wolvesbane on them from here. Wolvesbane doesn't kill wolves by contact, in very small amounts, usually mixed with beer, it is used to get drunk. But in concentrated doses, it burns the skin, and if they forced him to drink it at that concentration, it will cause him to hallucinate, and raise his temperature dangerously high, it's possible to live through, but not likely. He would most definitely have brain damage.

I was too busy worried about Alpha and the 2 men holding his arms, i didn't notice the 3 other men in time, they saw me and dragged me out. Alpha growled, "Let her go, she is just a human girl. Daughter of some General, we where going to ransom her, but her daddy didn't want her back."

The men didn't seem to hear Alpha's words, they dragged me to the bed and ripped my shirt open. I tried to cover my breasts, but there where too many of them in the room, 2 of them held me down while 2 others took my hands, each tying a wrist to the headboard. The same 2 men turned to my legs, they each grabbed one knee with one hand, opening my legs wide, and with the other hand they held my hips to the bed. A man i recognized as the Captain whom i met when i first boarded the ship entered the room with a wicked smile on his face. "I have always wondered what a bitch tasted like, I'm about to fuck you straight into next week dog." My heart felt like someone was squeezing the life out of it i couldn't breath, and i couldn't move, no matter how hard i struggled the men just held tight. I could feel Alpha's eyes on my, slowly i turned to look at him, 'play along' he mouthed. Play along? Did he want me to let them have me? I couldnt do that, But then Alpha spoke aloud "She is no wolf, she is a witch" the men gasped and looked at each other, clearly worried. But the Captain laughed and said "if she was a witch we woukd all be dead already, unless the stories of their power are greatly exaggerated." But then he saw the smile on my face, i didn't want to kill them, i had no wish to be a murderer, but i would make them pay for what they tried here. I thought of the spell for fae fire, it looks and smells like fire, but it does not destroy indiscriminately the way normal fire does. Fae fire is controled by the caster, in this case me, i willed it into being, fire in a long snake like shape 4 feet in the air twisting and swirling around the room. I started with the Captain, i let the fire have him, it burned away his clothes, and skin first, then his flesh, and lastly his bones until all that was left was ash, his screams will haunt me to my grave.

When the human men saw what i could do with just my mind they wisely untied me and promised to return us with our ship to port. James and Alpha had a hushed exchange once we freed him, and then the 2 of them gathered all the humans and threw them overboard. We where only 12 miles from shore, they had a chance to live, if they are good swimmers. I didnt like this, but it wasn't my place to stop them, this was their ship after all.

I quietly returned to my quarters, or rather Alpha's quarters, i found a comfy looking chair in the corner behind the bathroom door that i hadn't noticed before. I curled up on this chair with a soft throw blanket, replaying the last few hours in my head. How could i not notice that something was wrong right away? Witches in my mothers coven are known for seeing or sensing the future, nearly eveyone has the ability to do so in one form or another. Maybe i really was a freak, a disgrace to the witches. Drowning in self doubt, i pulled my knees up to my chest, silent tears falling. I planned to stay in this spot until we reached the port and i could finally meet the werewolf crew, but i soon heard James and Alpha calling me. I ignored them both at first, but Alpha soon became frantic, thinking they had accidentally cast me overboard. I saw James about to pass by my window that overlooks the deck, so i opened the small round window and said in a small voice "I'm here, i just... wanted some space." I turned and sat back down, James nodded and walked away.

He must have told Alpha where i was, or at least that i was fine, because the shouting stopped. But no one came in the room, and i was greatful for that. I sat there for hours trying to come to terms with being cast out by the witches, seeing the humans die, causing one death myself, my premonition powers not working or not existing, being the mate of an alpha, and the daughter of a vampire. So much had happened and been revealed in just a few days, i was trying hard to keep up with everything, but maybe it was too much?

I woke up in Alpha's arms, "shhh..." he cooed "I'm just moving you to the bed sweetheart" He placed me on the bed, on the side he had slept last night. After he changed in the dark, he moved to the hide a bed, and my wolf said 'He put us here so we could sleep on the pillow he used, it has his scent, he wants us to be comforted by him, but he wont push.' I want tell him to come here, next to me, but i just... 'you need time, its okay, he understands. I don't, but he does, just, don't take too long.' I watched him for a while, i expected his breathing to slow as he fell asleep, but it seemed he couldn't get comfortable because he kept changing positions.

"Alpha..." *sigh* "can i ask you something..?" i asked

"Of course, anything." he said with an edge in his tone implying i should know that, or he was angry i wasn't sure which

"Why did you throw those men overboard?" i asked

He laughed a dark laugh before answering "You are mine, my Luna, my heart, the other half of my soul, the instant i knew you to be my mate you became everything to me..." He paused, taking a deep breath to steady his voice "They dared to touch you, they planned to ra... harm you, i couldn't stop them." he paused for a moment befor adding "I was so angry, i could have easily torn them apart, let my wolf out and allowed him to bathe in their blood, like he wanted to. But i didn't want to scare you, so i gave them a chance, i threw an inflatable raft, if they find it some of them may live."

We where both silent while i thought this over. I slipped from my bed, i didn't say anything as i walked into the bathroom. I washed my face with cool water, and looked into the mirror, i want him to hold me, hell i want HIM, but i don't feel the mate bond yet, how do i know he is telling the truth about that? About anything for that matter, am i crazy? I just ran off with a stranger, no evidence he is who he says he is, what the hell am i doing?

My wolf interrupted my mental rant, 'calm down, you want him because you do feel the mate bond, as soon as you turn 17 you will feel it all the way. Those tingles are just a taste, it will be so much stronger later, you will feel each others every emotion once you are mated. As for trust, i trust him and his wolf. He loves you, and he will be a good mate for us. He will always do everything to keep us safe.'

She made some good points, i turned off the water and walked out of the bathroom, he was sitting up on his bed, watching me intently.

I walked up to the side of his bed, he stiffened, sitting up straighter with his legs straight in front of him. With one finger in tilted his chin towards me and kissed him, a quick peck. Then, before i could lose my nerve, i threw one leg over his lap, both hands on his shoulders, i straddled his lap. I could feel his dick harden under me, his hands found my knees and slowly travelled up to my hips. My hips where rocking back and forth on their own, i looked him in the eyes as i bit my lip moaning softly. I felt his answering growl from deep in his chest.

"Please... don't tease me. I can't handle this." He begged

I leaned in and kissed him, hard. I broken our kiss too soon for my own liking, but i kissed his jaw instead, kissing my way up to his ear. He returned my kiss, but otherwise remained totally still. When i reached his ear i whispered "I am not teasing you..." his deep growl cut me off

"I want you so bad i can't think of anything else" i said and then i lightly bit his ear. His answering moan made me smile a small smile. He tightened his grip on my hips pulling me down onto him harder.

He attacked my neck with kisses, and i was sure he left at least one hicky. I knew he was trying to claim me in a temporary way, until i allowed him to claim me permanently.

I ripped his shirt open, leaning down i notice he has some tattoos i hadn't seen before. I lick the one over his heart, the silhouette of a wolfs head howling at the moon.

"Lift your arms." He says in a husky voice.

I do as he says and he removes my shirt in one swift move. I am now naked on top of him, he reaches down between my legs, his fingers find my clit and he starts rubbing slow circles on it. It's the most intense feeling, i have played with myself before, but to have someone else touch me down there... My moans are getting louder as my hips rock against his hand, and my arms grip is shoulders for support. He wraps his other arm tight around my waist so can't fall, he finds my ear and nibbles on the lobe whispering "Cum for me baby" His words push me over the edge and i cum hard.

"Good girl" he says as he flips me over placing me on my back on the bed, he kneads my breasts in his hands, lowering his head he takes my nipple into his mouth. He teases my nipple with his tongue, sucking it and letting his teeth lightly graze across it. Then he does the same to the other side, before kissing his way down south. He lightly bites my inner thigh, then kisses where he bit. He repeats this on the other thigh, back and forth, each time getting closer and closer to my core. He blows his warm breath onto my throbbing slit before licking it from end to end making my back arch as i moan loud enough that i am sure i woke half the crew.

He starts sucking and swirling his tongue all around my hot wet pussy. As his pace quickens so do my moans, he slips 2 fingers into my core while his tongue plays with my clit, his other hand is tweaking my nipple. Its all too much, i can't take any more, i scream as i cum again. He laps up every drop of cum before he starts kissing his way back up my body, he pauses to lick and suck my nipples once more. Then he move further up, kissing me full on the mouth, i can still taste my juices on his lips and tongue.

At some point he removed his pants because i can feel the head of his cock pocking around my clit, i moan as he rocks back and forth teasing me with his dick.

He leans up, using one hand he positions himself af my opening, then he looks me in the eyes and says. "Are you sure? Because you say the word and we can wait, But once we start... I don't know if i will be able to stop."

I smile a smal half smile before i reply "I'm sure baby, i want you now."

At the word 'now' he plunges his dick deep into me, i feel my virginity as he rips through it, then he pauses, letting me get used to the feeling of him inside me. It hurts so bad, but i just nod my head for him to keep going, he takes it slow at first, moving in and out of me until it no longer hurts me, my moans of pleasure full the room once again. Now he is really moving, pounding me harder and harderm, i am loving every second of it each time he slams into me balls deep. He is kissing my neck, one hand playing with my breasts, the other slides across my stomach, his thumb finding my clit and giving it some attention. My hips arch up to meet him, my hands clawing into his back and shoulders, as i cum for the 3rd time tonight.m, screaming in pleasure. He wraps his arms under me, holding onto my shoulders he pounds deep into me a few more times before he cums, my throbbing pussing milking him for every drop.

He collapses on top of me, careful not tilo hurt me. We are both breathing hard, as i whisper "Mmmm.... thank you love, that was wonderful"

"I wanted our first time to be special, im sorry it was here, like this. But fuck, you are so tight and just... damn baby... i never thought sex was so amazing." He replys

"I'm glad it was here, now. Because... half way though that... i officially turned 17... And it went from amazing to mind blowing. and just... wow." i told him.

We took turns in the bathroom cleaning ourselves up, then we laid down on the other bed. Just like the night before, i cuddled up to him and quickly fell asleep. Only this time i could feel what it meant to him to have me in his arms, how compleatly happy and at peace it made him.
