
Lost (1/3)

A/N: Tell me if you see any mistakes!

Thank you for the stones and collections!




**Team Rocket Grunt James defeated**

Rewards: PT 20exp , Eevee 300 exp, 1,000 PD(Pokédollars).

**Eevee has leveled up to 11.

**PT has reached level 1

**Congratulations on reaching level 1. A special reward has been sent to item space.

**Item space has increased from 10 to 15


'Please tell me this won't be a thing...my precious exp.' I frowned as swiped the screen out of my face. I wanted to see the reward, but I'll check it when I finally leave this place.

"Eevee!" the little fox suddenly exclaimed with an exciting look.

"Haha, you did great Eevee," I said, picking her up and placing her on my right shoulder.

"Eevee!" Eevee puffed out her chest.

Well, at least one of us is happy. After Officer Jenny arrived, Team Rocket actually escaped in their hot air balloon. Of course, I'm not looking forward to dealing with them again, but it was my decision and I'll live with it.

"Issac, you and Eevee were so cool!" Ash said with stars in his eyes. "When Pikachu gets better, we HAVE to battle!"

"You're being too loud!" Misty shouted with an aggrieved look on her face. She would then turn towards me and flash a sultry smile. "Besides, I think he would rather battle a lady...and after-"

"A lady?" Ash raised an eyebrow. "...You mean Nurse Joy? Why would she battle?"

"No! I mean me!" Misty answered as a matter of fact.

"....Pffft! Hahaha!" Ash tried to hold in his laugh, but it proved to be impossible as he just heard the best joke he has ever heard in a long time.


'Oh, boy...not even a few seconds and they are already at it.'


After Ash and Misty's squabble, they were kindly asked to be quiet or leave by an angry Nurse Joy, who finally registered me for the Indigo League. Finally, it was time for me to take my leave and explore the Pokémon world.

I was beyond excited. It was as if I were two best friends whose enthusiasm bounced off each other and while that was a weird analogy, I thought it was appropriate for the situation. As I was leaving the Pokémon Center, I was stopped again by Ash and Misty.

"You're going already?"Ash asked, sounding a bit disappointed. He didn't mention it, but he hoped to travel with me.

"Yeah, I don't think I can wait anymore. I really have to get out there." I smiled. Although it probably would have been fun traveling with them, I decided that I want to go out on my own.

"...How about we trade numbers to...keep in touch?" Misty asked in a nervous tone. There was a visible blush on her face and her eyes looked everywhere but at me.

"Sure." I shrugged, pulling out my Pokédex. I didn't mind giving out my number to a person like Misty.

Pokédexs also doubled as actual phones that are exclusive to proper Pokemon Trainers. I learned a lot of stuff from the Viridian City Library, but I also used TSN otherwise known as the Trainer Social Net which essentially is social media for Pokemon Trainers. It was a bit strange seeing it, however, it did have quite a bit of information and it is updated in real-time, so it could potentially be a lot of help in the future.

"Ooo-ooo!! Me too!! Add me too!!" Ash said excitedly, pushing Misty out of the way.

"Ahh!" The orange-haired girl yelped, nearly falling over. Thankfully, she balanced herself with her arms. "You! Watch where you're going!"

"Sorry Sorry." He apologized

'Man these two...'


Unknown Area (Third-Person)

"All those resources... And you have NOTHING to show for it?" A voice clearly angry said. The voice belonged to what sounded like a middle-aged man with a rather rough voice. It was full of power and pride, someone that was obviously a leader.

"We-We're sorry boss. If you just give us another chance then we'll bring something even better." Another voice replied. If a certain someone was there then they'd recognize it belonged to Jessie from Team Rocket.

After they escaped from Officer Jenny, the group found a quiet place in the Viridian Forest to land and contact their boss with a standard-issued communication device built for Team Rocket.

Their boss, Giovanni, was talking to them through it. However, his back was turned on the screen, and one could only see the back of his chair.

"We won't let Team Rocket down if we get another chance," James commented, trying his best to help their case.

"..." Giovanni was silent for what seemed like forever before answering them. "You'll have your chance, but if you fail again then whatever money you use is coming out of your paycheck."

"Yes, boss!" Jessie, James, and Meowth answered.

"Good, don't call me again unless it's good news," Giovanni said with a growl before ending the call.

"What are we going to do Jessie?!" James shouted before biting on his nails.

"What we do all the time James. We steal." Jessie replied with a confident grin.

"You two bozos!"


"Ow!" Both of them yelped in pain as they were hit in the head by Meowth.

"What's the big idea!"

"That's not very nice of you Meowth."

"Why don'tcha just shut up for a moment. We can't just go back out there willy-nilly. We need to come up with a plan." Meowth said.

"Ah, yes a plan! What do you suppose?" James curiously asked.

"Why don't we take that Eevee."

"You mean the one that scared you? The one with the handsome guy?" Jessie replied.

"Yeah-No! I wasn't scared of it!" Meowth exclaimed, stomping his foot in anger. "I-I was just being helpful in the background!"

"...Sure." Both Jessie and James deadpanned.

"Wha-I was!"

(A/N: Now, I know in the series Team Rocket follows Ash EVERYWHERE. However, that will not happen to our MC. He'll eventually get rid of them and not in a way most people would think)


Two Hours Later (Issac POV)

Viridian Forest.

I'm doing something rather unorthodox and I'm beginning to regret it.

After gaining Ash and Misty's numbers, I immediately left for Viridian Forest.

At first, it was great!

Battling and exploring the massive forest was immensely fun.


Halfway through the forest, I decided to take a different path and make my way to Celadon City instead of Pewter City.

Big Mistake.

"I can't believe I'm lost." I groaned as a took a break underneath one of the many giant trees in the Veridian Forest.

Truly, I wasn't exactly upset that I was lost, but I thought I'd be more competent when it comes to finding my way. I would have used the map function on the Pokédex, but it would seem that I need service for it to work...

'I'm cursed by ATT!...or whatever that means.'

However, it wasn't all bad as Eevee leveled up a bit more and reached LVL 14.


Name: Eevee

Level: 14

Current Mood: Hungry

Ability: Anticipation (???)

Move Set: Growl, Tackle, Charm, Covet, Quick Attack, Sand Attack


"I wonder about those question marks...even my stats look odd," I muttered, pulling up my stats to look at them.


Name: Issac Augustine

Age: 17

PT Lvl: 1

Str - 8

Agi - 5

Vit - 11

Int - 7(???)

Luk - #%&%@

Item Space: 6/15

Personal Skill: Soul Dive


"Oh, they went up a little from the level up," I said, continuing to look through the system.

"Eevee..." Eevee suddenly cried out as she rubbed my hand with her head.

"Ah...sorry Eevee." I quickly apologized before taking out what looked to be an energy bar from my bag. I wasn't entirely useless and I bought several of these PokéBlock bars for Pokémon.

As Eevee was eating one, I finally realized that I never looked at the special reward that was given to me earlier.


10 Pokéballs

1 Pokédex

1 Pouch of Pokédollars (4,250)

1 GFAS150 Motorcycle

7 PokéBlock Bars

1 Pokémon Egg (Status: Ready To Hatch)


"It's an egg! I-wait...it doesn't tell me what kind of egg it is..." I frowned. "I hate RNG.."

(A/N: I will be taking suggestions on what it should be. Next Chapter will be the 2nd and 3rd Pokémon. )


Unknown Area

"Do...do you think he's ok?" A voice belonging to a woman asked. Her voice sounded like the most beautiful instrument in the world and currently...it was playing a song of sadness. She sounded exhausted, almost broken as if someone had ripped her heart out metaphorically.

"We can only hope so...they are doing everything they can. We'll definitely get to the bottom of this." A man replied. His voice was that of a lion, loud and full of pride. However, at this moment it was as quiet as a mouse scurrying through the dead of night.
