
jilk and the prince learn fear.

Jilk and Leon squared off in the arena Leon and Jilk would duel in a epic showdown.

Leon smirked.

"let me ask you something does your armor have any air bags?" Leon asked.

" You better hold your tongue Bartforde." Said Jilk.

" Sorry it's harder to speak that way." Quipped Leon.

"Jilk destroy that hunk of junk!" Cheered the crowd.

"I'll remember that." Said Leon.

" Master I do believe that the battle is about to begin." Said Luxion.

" Yeah and that bastard with his union flag reference will clearly be an annoying fly ." Said Leon.

" Begin." Said the official.

Leon pushed the alt forward firing off his auto cannon but Jilk evaded it and fired off his rifle to his surprise though the projectile only bounced Off the alt Eisen much to Jill's shock.

The alt Eisen let loose a rapid fire salvo of auto cannon fire.

The armor took a few hits to its rib cage the armor then fired a Magic bullet much to his shock the alt still didn't take no damage.

" What in the nine hells?" Thought Jilk.

The alt Eisen boosted into the air as Leon smirked he went for a strike with the revolver stake Jilk managed to defend with his hatchet before flying away and then setting off the explosives.

" Well so much for that." Said Jilk.

" Well that wasn't nice you scratched the paint." Said Leon.

" What b-but...b-but how!" Asked Jilk.

" Zero Orichalcium alloy you can hit it with a nuke and it still won't make a dent sweetheart." Said Leon.

" You acting spunky I'll kill you and all of your family." Said Jilk.

" Oh Luxion tell me he didn't just say that." Said Leon.

" Oh yes I believe he did master." Said Luxion.

" Okay if you insist I guess I have no choice then pay you back for that bomb." Said Leon.

" Hah like I'd let you." Said Jilk.

He boosted into the sky.

But he wasn't fast enough to evoid the Alt Eisen and before he knew it he heard the sound of metal opening and he was then met by a barrage of steel ball-bearings.

" What the hell is this." Cried Jilk as he was hammered with the steel weapons.

" This oh just a little thing I call my HEAVY CLAYMORE!!!" Shouted Leon.

" Ahhh!!!" Cried Jilk as he fell to the ground his armor tore to shreds by the ball-barrings

Marie cringed.

" That mob and his damned armor are ruining my plans." She thought

" Don't worry Marie I shall make sure that he loses my armor boasts the highest technology in the kingdom." Said Julius.

" I'll be rooting for you." Said Marie acting sweet and innocent

' that's what the others said.' thought Marie.

" I hope your ready to be defeated boy." Said Julius.

" Bring it on I'll take you and your Gundam lancelot Albion wannabe armor and I'll destroy you." Said Leon.

" You won't best me like my friends or brother." Said Julius.

" I tell you what I'll do with your armor I'm going to take it polish it up real nice turn that sumbitch sideways and stick it up your candy ass." Said Leon quoting the rock.

" Hn obnoxious punk!" Said Julius.

" Okay begin the duel!" Said the official.

Julius attacked Leon with a slash of his sword which lion blocked with the alt eisens revolver stake Leon used his shishio sword in random with the revolver stake to strike at Julius shield which surprised the boy as his shield was made of mythril and it still was cut through Like butter.

" What but my shield is made of mythril!" Said Julius.

" Yes but mythril is not tough enough to handle zero Orichalcium alloy which can cut through almost anything!" Said Leon Leon then dashed forward slashing at the princes sword which surprised Leon that could resist his shishio blade.

" Well how about an adamantine sword!" Said Julius.

{ Tweet.} Said Luxion.

" You've been reading Ultimo again haven't you?" Asked Leon.

" The fact that a machine can have the power of yhvh is quite intriguing." Said Luxion.

" Am I detecting a god complex?" Asked Leon.

" Why no you are not master it's just your books you've been writing have an interesting appeal." Stated Luxion.

They conversed while Leon dodged and countered Julius sword strikes.

Julius went for a thrusting lunge but at that moment Leon deflected the sword away and swung his shishio blade at the swords arm.

" Your disarmed." Said Leon.

" I'm not done yet." Said Julius.

Fine then Leon holstered his blade and he boosted towards the enemy firing his auto cannon until empty then he maneuvered around him and he fired of a salvo of heavy claymore then he drove his heat horn against the enemies neck cutting it before driving his revolver steak into the enemies core and emptied its cylander before boosting of.

" Trump card!!!" He shouted.

Julius unit was completely dismantled fortunately Luxion had made sure Julius would survive

After that Leon went to the stands where Angelica sat and he walked up to her

"don't worry baby I made the big bad wolfs run away." Said Leon.

" That was kinda cruel." Said Olivia.

"Theres no such thing as a fair fight in a warzone." Said Leon.

" Although you are right you did not have to go that far." Said Angelica.

" Well to be honest I wanted to get a good test of all the weapons of the alt-eisen." Said Leon with a sly grin.

" I suppose I should thank you for standing up for me." Said Angelica.

" It's no problem I can't stand to see such a beautiful girl be bullied by a bunch of Lolita obsessed neurotics" said Leon.

After which the group headed back to their quarters.

A few hours later Angelica came out of the infirmary.

She was emotionally distressed.

Leon stood before the duke and bowed.

" My humblest apologies milord but I did what I did because I felt it was morally just and righteous I couldn't stand to see the prince bully Angelica while courting a woman playing him and his friends for fools." Said Leon.

" Sir Bartforde raise your head." Said the duke.

" Yes sir." Said Leon.

" What you did was clearly justified and you had every right to do so even though you went against the prince and the odds were against you, but you proved to be a great solider you also Helped a few of the princes friends learn from their Errors, young master Chris has even spoken praises of your prowess and battle knowledge;so you aren't being punished instead you are being promoted." Said the duke.

" Thank you sir." Said Leon.

" Hold on Leon your school is having a break period soon so why don't you take my daughter with you to the countryside she's in an emotionally damaged state right now." Said The duke.

" Certainly sir!" Said Leon.

Leon left and he felt as if a weight had been lifted from his body but also he felt happy because he got the chance to help Angelica cope.

he smiled this can be a chance for me to help the girls become stronger knowing what comes next.

Leon and his group would head to the countryside.

To be continued.

Chapter preveiw.

I'm a horrible person.

What is the meaning of these maids.

It's called a hot spring.

It's name is the Weiss Ritter.

When you find your own happiness that's true revenge.

a longer chapter than usual unwanted Leon to be honest and I'm pretty sure the duke would understand that what Leon did was the right thing I mean five guys against one girl not only is that wrong but their bullying a girl I may write where boys fight girls but only in self defense and just because I believe in true gender equality but I don't condone wife beating anyway see you next chapter

ian_brookscreators' thoughts