
Honesty isn't the best policy

I still remember when some senior girl said during the school assembly "HoNeStY iS tHe bEsT PoliCy". And I took it to heart (I'm a pure child), the next day I got scolded and had to stand outside the classroom, because I said that the teacher's voice was annoying. After that I went to the stupid senior girl and made her listen to me for hours on how much of a liar she was and that her advice was total shit. She listened to me carefully, then said "honestly I just said what the teacher told me" (lol) so then I went to that teacher and put a complain against her to the vice principal. Shut went down and she was kicked outta the school and I was a hero once again-

just kidding, in this ordinary and boring life of mine imagining is the only thing I had fun with.

Will these wild imaginations of mine eve come true or I'll just be the plain old boring girl forever.