
Go shopping at a five-star hotel

Zhang Yi and three others pushed three large carts of supplies back to the community.

Along the way, many neighbors saw this scene and couldn't help but talk about it.

Zhang Yi is not afraid of being seen. After all, some neighbors have seen him when he was shopping in the supermarket.

And Fang Yuqing and Lin Caining will definitely spread the word about this later.

There is no point in hiding.

He had even predicted that at the end of the day, many people would try to break into his house and steal things.

He has actually experienced all of this.

But he is not afraid yet, because in this life, he will be prepared in advance.

Just to let those people see it, but not eat it, and end up being angry to death.

Zhang Yi and Fang Yuqing live in an apartment building.

Because Zhang Yi works in the warehouse management of Wal-Mart, neighbors often ask him to help buy discounted items.

So everyone knows Zhang Yi.

Seeing Zhang Yi and the three of them coming back after buying so many things, an aunt who was out playing with her grandson came over.

She looked at the food in the cart, as well as the fresh beef and mutton, and suddenly felt a little excited.

"Xiao Zhang, why did you bring so many things back? Was it processed in the warehouse?"

"You can't use up all this, why don't you share some with the neighbors?"

This is Aunt Lin, who works in the property owners committee. On weekdays, she relies on her power in the community to point fingers at her neighbors, treating herself as the leader.

In the past, she often asked Zhang Yi to help her buy cheap discounted goods. She was very fond of taking advantage of her.

In her previous life, she had also begged for some food from Zhang Yi by being messy.

But when all the neighbors rushed to Zhang Yi's house to rob her, instead of stopping her, she acted more vigorously than the young people.

Fang Yuqing and Lin Caining didn't want to offend this woman, so they quickly said: "Zhang Yi bought these things, we just helped him bring them back."

Aunt Lin's eyes immediately looked at Zhang Yi, and she said with a smile: "Xiao Zhang, it looks like the stuff is in your warehouse. How about giving it to Aunt Lin?"

While she was talking, her grandson Xiaohu had climbed onto a trolley, reached out and took out a box of chocolates.

Although he may be small, his eyes are very vicious. That box of imported chocolates costs more than 200 yuan in the supermarket.

Zhang Yi snatched the things back without saying a word.

Then he said coldly to Aunt Lin: "Sorry, I keep these things for myself!"

The end was coming soon anyway, and he didn't even bother to be polite now.

Aunt Lin's expression suddenly changed, "You..."

Zhang Yi didn't give her, the community leader, face, which made her very angry.

Especially her grandson Xiaohu, who cried and wanted to eat chocolate after being pulled away by Zhang Yi.

"The child is ignorant, otherwise you should give him a box of chocolates! I bought it, and I will give you the money later."

Aunt Lin said in a deep voice.

Zhang Yi curled his lips.

Nowadays, all mobile payment is available, making payment extremely convenient.

She said she would pay her later, which was obviously because she wanted to default on the debt.

"I told you, this is what I eat. If you want to eat it, go to the supermarket and buy it yourself!"

Zhang Yi sneered, then greeted Fang Yuqing and Lin Caining and left.

As soon as they walked away, Aunt Lin's loud curses came from behind.

Zhang Yi turned a deaf ear.

Aunt Lin's son and daughter-in-law work outside, and she is the only one who takes care of her grandson at home.

On weekdays, the old woman only buys groceries for one day.

Therefore, after the end of the world, their supplies are the first to be used up.

In the beginning, Zhang Yi helped them with a soft heart, but without Zhang Yi's help in this life, it would be a miracle that this immoral old woman and her naughty grandson Xiaohu could survive for ten days.

Zhang Yicai didn't want to get into trouble with the corpse.

It's not that he is cruel, but that when that day comes, it will be difficult for everyone to just take care of themselves.

The life and death of others must naturally come after him.

After pushing three carts of supplies home, Zhang Yi let them leave.

"Zhang Yi, don't forget to treat us!"

Fang Yuqing winked playfully at Zhang Yi.

But after Zhang Yi saw it, he felt sick in his heart.

He hesitated.

The two women originally planned to stay and look for any clues that Zhang Yi was the invisible rich second generation.

But seeing that Zhang Yi didn't seem to be interested in entertaining them, the two had no choice but to leave first.

After they left, Zhang Yi opened his own alien space and put everything in it.

Be prepared to observe whether there will be any changes when these materials are placed in the space.

After doing this, it was getting very late.

Zhang Yi was not in a hurry to take a rest, but took out a pen and paper and planned the preparations for the next month in detail.

Although he is usually very lazy, in order to survive, people can always unleash enough potential.

"If you want to live comfortably in the apocalypse, you must first solve the food problem. This is easy to solve."

"Except for the things I buy daily, everything else can be taken from the warehouse. But you can't rush this, you have to do your research first."

"And it must be collected a few days before the end to avoid attracting other people's attention. If you are caught, you will definitely not be able to survive a few days in the squad room."

Zhang Yi wrote the word "food" in the notebook and put a check mark at the back.

"And then there's the heating."

"After the apocalypse, energy supply will be extremely short, and air conditioners will soon become unusable."

"Then, you have to use the simplest method. The fireplace is the first choice!"

The principles of fireplaces and fire pits are similar. They both use primitive methods for heating.

The temperature in Europe is extremely low in winter, so people use this method to spend the long winter.

"In this case, the house will have to be renovated, preferably with insulation."

Speaking of decoration, Zhang Yi thought of someone breaking into his home in his previous life, and couldn't help but feel nervous.

"I also need to build my home into an unbreakable steel fortress."

"First of all, it is to pretend to be a thick steel plate, which must at least be able to withstand ordinary blasts."

After the end of the world, people will do anything to survive and must be fully prepared.

You can't joke about your life safety. Zhang Yi has already tasted death once and is absolutely unwilling to experience it a second time.

The safe house problem is also easy to solve.

Tianhai City has a security company that specializes in protecting the powerful.

Among them is the service of creating safe rooms.

Zhang Yi remembered that in his previous life, a top tycoon once built a super fortress that could even withstand attacks from small H-weapons.

"Then, there's medicine. I have to prevent myself from getting sick and incurable."

"Walmart's warehouse has many commonly used drugs that can treat minor illnesses such as colds and fevers. But these are far from enough."

"The Cambrian Storm will last for at least several decades. I must be fully prepared."

Fortunately, Zhang Yi has relatively good connections in Tianhai City.

After all, he works in warehouse management, and he also knows some hospital warehouse staff.

As long as you can give enough money, you can get any medicine.

After these problems were solved, Zhang Yi tapped on the notebook with the ballpoint pen in his hand.

"Next, there is one last problem that needs to be solved."

His eyes became sharp.

"That's a weapon!"

The end is coming, humanity is lost, and battles to snatch supplies can be seen everywhere.

Human life is like a piece of grass. If you want to live, you must have enough force.

Zhang Yi is not a master of fighting, but no matter how good his martial arts skills are, he is still afraid of kitchen knives.

As long as the weapons you prepare are strong enough, you don't have to worry about this problem.

"Machine knives, crowbars and machining axes are easy to get."

"There are also channels for crossbows, airguns and compound bows."

"But the most powerful one is of course the American Iai. This thing can only be obtained through the black market."

Zhang Yi touched his chin. There was no way to solve this problem yet.

But he still has a month. As long as he is willing to spend money, he should have a way to get it done.

It took him three hours to formulate a perfect plan, and then he took a hot bath and fell asleep in his comfortable bed.

Early the next morning, Zhang Yi climbed out of bed.

He didn't sleep well that night, and he woke up several times because of nightmares.

After waking up, I found that I was still lying on the warm and comfortable big bed at home, and I breathed a long sigh of relief.

The last period of time had taken a huge toll on his soul.

In order to avoid making the same mistake again, Zhang Yi became more determined and must be fully prepared!

After Zhang Yi got up, he made breakfast for himself.

Then open the different space and check the changes in the materials thrown into it.

To his delight, the meat, fruits, and vegetables that had been left out overnight did not change at all.

Meat won't show anything for a short period of time, but fruits and vegetables will easily become stale after being left overnight.

However, after being placed in a different space, the fruits and vegetables were the same as when they were bought yesterday.

"My different space is independent of this world. Maybe the rules of time change are also different."

"It's possible that time flows slower, or even stops. This is great news!"

"This way, I can put all kinds of things in it without any worries."

However, when Zhang Yi checked the few fish he put in, he found that they were all dead.

After death, it came to life without deterioration.

Zhang Yi touched his chin and understood some rules for using different spaces.

"Living animals cannot survive for a long time in it. It seems that my idea of living in it by myself is not practical."

This is not a big problem. The other space is completely white, which is not as comfortable as Zhang Yi's own home.

As long as you can put things in it.

Thinking about this, Zhang Yi had many things in his mind.

Now that fresh meat, vegetables, and fruits can be preserved, what about prepared meals?

Although Zhang Yi can cook by himself, the gap between him and professional chefs is still big.

From now on he can only cook by himself, and sooner or later he will get tired of it.

So, Zhang Yi immediately called the largest five-star hotel in Tianhai City.

"Hello, this is Hongfu Tianxia Hotel. How can I help you?"

Zhang Yi immediately said: "I want to invite guests to my house and hold a flowing banquet for three days and three nights. So I need to reserve 500 tables of meals!"

The person on the other end of the phone was also surprised.

Even if they cook 500 tables of meals, it will take them a long time.

Moreover, they are a five-star hotel, and the cheapest banquet costs three to four thousand.

If there are 500 tables, that's more than 1 million!

The waiter did not dare to make his own decision and said quickly: "Please wait a moment, I will ask our manager for instructions."

After a while, another person picked up the phone.

"Hello, sir, I am Chen Dingfang, the manager of Hongfu Hotel. What do you call me?"
