
The world is about to end? So what?

- Why do you think that i care? -- Kerren answered while looking at her. - You're supposed to! This world is your home... -- she could barely talk at this point. /// PLEASE READ MY REVIEW TO THIS NOVEL! /// - Oh? My home? Well... That's too bad then, my home is going to be destroyed... -- he pretended to think for a while -- Right! -- he exclaimed -- I'm just going to find a new one! Why bother saving one that is filled with cockroaches and wasps? -- his gaze fixed on her face, as if he was pointing at her. - You dont understand!.. You cant leave this world... We're locked here... -- she revealed, it didn't surprise Kerren at all. - Uh... Stop thinking too highly of yourself, it's you who cant leave it -- he countered her reveal with his own -- Also, why dont YOU sacrifice yourself for the sake of your home? -- he asked back. - I'm not strong enough, the barrier wont work for long!.. -- she tried to find a reason behind her hypocricity. - Well, you'll have to choose between that and looking at your planet being absorbed by that tower -- he looked at the giant pillar in the sky. -- Wait, i think i forgot to tell you something... -- he looked back at her -- I was the one who summoned it here... -- he smiled happily.

DaoistBadWriter · แฟนตาซี
93 Chs

What did you do?; A partner?;

Kerren stood in the center of the room, waiting for a signal to start. There's nothing much to say about the current situation in his head. He could show his insane skills in mana control, but at what cost? It's going to start a war and nothing will guarantee his safety at that point...

For him it was an easy decision. He would not start doing something until he was absolutely ready. It's not like he wasn't willing to battle a few guilds, but he just awakened, so it would be hard to survive or achieve something great in that war, thus it wasn't worth it, for now...

The signal to start the test rang. Kerren didn't react to it at all, as he was now in deep thoughts about the path he should take to achieve his goal of completing the dungeon... He didn't want to attract too much attention doing it, so he wanted to find a scapegoat to claim the achievement for him. Of course, it was hard, if that scapegoat really completed the challenge on the first floor of the dungeon - he could not even get any rewards, it was unknown how they were distributed in that particular case, since only the "boss" existed that needed to be killed. If he, for example, gave someone that bug and he killed him, would that give him anything?..

As for the test... Kerren didn't want to bother with it. He collected some mana in his right hand and made an improvised bomb, that would explode once he willed so. It wasn't a special skill or anything, it was pure skill in mana control, doing so was insanely hard for normal mages. Why? Because one needed to maintain the form of said bomb at all times, it was hard. Moreover, one needed to make sure that it wont explode on its own, that could even damage the mage himself, so precise control over all of its parts was needed. So, in short, not many even tried that method, it's not like it was useful or anything... yes, it could be used for traps or something similiar, but other than that? It was way easier making fireballs or stuff...

He "placed" the bomb on the floor, it didn't have any physical form and couldn't even be seen, so to those who observed him through the cameras his move looked somewhat strange. They simply couldn't guess what he was doing. Was he checking what the floor is made of? The temperature, maybe? What is it? Well, they will understand what it was soon enough.

Kerren left the test room and on the opposite side of the corridor he was in, looking at the door, that left some of the onlookers speechless. First, he touched the floor and then he left? The hell is he doing? Is he doing to say that there was a thing that made it difficult for him or something? But, soon after they voiced their complaints to each other, an explosion rang, blowing up half of the room, cameras included.

None of them understood what happened, they rushed to the test room to check what happened. As soon as they enter the ex-test room they couldn't even say a word. It was a reinforced room that was capable of defending against a solid hit from a B rank! Of course, it wasn't even designed to be that hard to destroy, as the test wasn't even about the room itself, one was supposed to destroy the targets! Did Kerren care? What do you think? He was given an objective: hit as many targets aspossible. Did he hit them? He did, he hit all of them in a blink of an eye, that was a perfect score! Well, from his perspective.

Kerren observed those people who ran in the room soon after the explosion and chuckled. -* It's going to be fun -- he thought with a slight smile still living on his face.

In a minute or so those people left the room, and since the was destroyed along with the room he knew that they didn't even talk. They approached Kerren directly.

- What did you do? -- one of them told Kerren angrily -- Do you know how much this room cost us? Who's going to pay for it? -- as he saw Kerren move a little he added == Dont even try to apologize or to say something, i've already reported it to the principal, she's going to be here soon so prepare to get kicked out! -- he added with even more anger and some contempt in his voice.

- Apologize? Are you f*kking stupid? Who do you think you are for me to apologize? -- he made a shocked expression, as he didn't understand what the fuss was about -- Listen, what do you think the university will choose, a student capable of destroying a room resigned to be able to hold their power, or a said room? -- he didn't stop even after that -- Also, what exactly did people tell me to do? To hit as many target as possible. Thus, i found that the best solution would be to hit them all at the same time, you got a problem with that? -- will he stop? Nope, until he destroyed his opponent completely he won't -- What's my score? If i'm right the time started going as soon as i hit the first target, and since i hit all of them at, basically, the same time, i set the unbeatable record, right? -- he grinned after finally stopping his speech.

- You little... -- as he was about to counterattack...

- What happened here? -- the bulky lady, who was the principle, finally arrived to the place.

She looked at the door that was just there, on the corridor floor, she looked at angry two angry men and at Kerren, who was currently grinning. She didn't say anything as she entered the now destroyed test room, observing it from the inside.

- What exactly did you do? -- she didn't ask anything but that, because that wasn't as important as the method he used to achieve that amount of damage.

- I made a bomb. -- He answered while still grinning.

- A bomb you say? -- she then looked at two men -- do you have the footage from the cameras recorded, or was it lost? -- she asked curiously.

- We have it! Principle, i ask for you to kick him out of the university for what he did! This is unforgivable! He's not even able to pay for it! -- he then added some more unforgivable crimes like disrespecting him, destroying a part of the corridor with the aftermath... he even said that the sound of the explosion couldn've startled someone and led to an accident!

Kerren didn't listen to anything he said, he simply looked at the door and thought about the explosion - it was stronger than he imagined it would be. In his head, the explosion should've, at best, bent the door and somewhat damage the walls, but... The room was completely destroyed, and the door just flew! He didn't expect that, if he knew such an explosion happened he would've left further than he did, because if he was standing a bit further on the right he would've been hit by the door! He wouldn't die, of course, but it would still be painful as hell!

He wanted to make an analysis on the spot, but the principle started speaking, interrupting the babbling man.

- Kerren, lets go the observing room so i can see the footage from the cameras, after that we'll have a talk in my office, okay? -- she asked gently...

Her tone of voice somewhat shocked the man who was speaking, since as soon as she started speaking he expected her to say that he's kicked out in the first sentence, but she didn't even mention it and just wanted to talk?.. What? The second man, who was observing this whole time wasn't surprised. Remember the guy who the principle talked to after Kerren signed some random contract with the guild? Well, it was this guy who was talking to the principle. He didn't even care about the room, the only who did was the angry guy...

Soon after all of them were in the camera room, watching the footage. It didn't show much, it was just Kerren standing on the same spot for a few second and then him touching the floor and leaving. Other than that - they didn't see anything, even the explosion wasn't recorded, as it happened too fast.

- So, principle, what do you think? Did you like my little bomb? -- Kerren asked half-jokingly.

- Well... i can say that i did, it will cost us around three kilograms for 100% pure A crystals, but i think it's fine. -- she said with a frown, but then... -- Good job, you get the perfect grade and your name will be recorded. Congratulation for beating the previous record of 4 seconds -- her answer made the angry guy widen his eyes. He was shoked!

- Will i get something good for that? -- Kerren only cared about profits now.

- Nope. Anyway, follow me to my office, we have to talk. I wanted to get in touch with you after the test, but i think there's no need for the last one. It was a spar if you are curious. Of course, if you insist we will talk after it. -- she then looked at Kerren, as if awaiting for his answer.

- Who will i fight? -- he asked, before making a decision.

- An A rank Protector. Of course, it will not be a real fight since it wouldn't be fair, you'll need to do as much damage to him as possible. If you can beat him you will get a reward, if you're thinking about it already. -- she added in the end. She wanted to see how strong Kerren was in a "real" battle already. Just that bomb alone made her want to make him her own... Not in that way, u'll understand what i mean some time later.

Soon, the room only had two people. One which was silent all the time, and the other was so angry that he wanted to kill somebody! He did just that, he went to the dungeon right after he processed all that happened.


- Okay, let's get straight to the point - i want you to find yourself a partner. -- the princal said while sitting on her chair.

- What? -- Kerren thought he misheard her -- What partner? Like, the one to f*kk or something? -- Did he have to put it that way?..

- No, not that one, i meant partner as a friend -- she elaborated quickly -- You see, one of the most important things for a protector is teamwork. Of course, if you are strong enough or not planning to do any dungeon raiding it's fine if you dont look for one, but having a reliable partner that will protect you at all times, or at least looked after you sometimes, is a great thing! -- She was right, teamwork is the crux of dungeon raiding and Kerren knew about that like none other, if not for some people that protected him he wouldn't last long. Those weren't even his friends, just some random kind people that decided to protect an unimportant porter.

- It's not like it can't be both, right? -- he said with a smile -- Will i get kicked out if i dont find one? Are there any important tests that require a team or something like that? Why would you propose such a thing to me? -- he was not making a fool out of himself on purpose, he truly didn't understand the reasoning behing her words.

But... Since he already wanted to find a scapegoat to put the achievement of clearing the dungeon on... He was happy that he didn't have to do it out of the blue! He had a reason now! It was the principals order for him to find a partner! So, he didn't plan on refusing, but he'll still make it look like he didn't want it.

- Uhm... You wont fail anything and it's more of an advice. I was one a raider too, i went to many dangerous places and the only reason that i'm alive are those people who were with me at the time, since you are young you might not understand that yet, so i decided to tell you that just in case. -- she then paused for a second -- it's never too late to find a partner, but it's for the best if you knew him for a long period of time. -- while saying all that she seemed reminiscent of something...

- Okay, i will think about it. Now, if you'll excuse me, i have things to do -- he didn't even wait for her answer and started leaving immediately.

- Do you know where others train, Kerren? It's not like you have to find a partner from your own year -- the principle asked, looking at his back while he was already at the door.

He paused for a second, pretending to think, then said - I will manage to find it, dont worry -- he then closed the door.

Suddenly, a man appeared out of nowhere, he was the one with the angry guy in the camera room.

- Do i need to teach him a lesson? -- he asked without a hint of emotion in his voice.

- No, it's fine, i'm more interested in that bomb of his... Try to identify what exactly he did, if we could replicate it... -- something sparkled in her eyes -- Oh, almost forgot, arrange it so he meets the girl, it would be great if you'll force them to rely on each other as much as possible, if they get closer it will be easier for us to control them later on... -- what she said was a horrible thing, in my eyes at least, but it felt like she talked about cute puppies or kittens...

Kerren didn't know about anything that happened, nor he knew about the girl they were talking about... for now, since soon enough he'll get in lots of "trouble" because of the man who was tasked with making a pair out of them...