
The world is about to end? So what?

- Why do you think that i care? -- Kerren answered while looking at her. - You're supposed to! This world is your home... -- she could barely talk at this point. /// PLEASE READ MY REVIEW TO THIS NOVEL! /// - Oh? My home? Well... That's too bad then, my home is going to be destroyed... -- he pretended to think for a while -- Right! -- he exclaimed -- I'm just going to find a new one! Why bother saving one that is filled with cockroaches and wasps? -- his gaze fixed on her face, as if he was pointing at her. - You dont understand!.. You cant leave this world... We're locked here... -- she revealed, it didn't surprise Kerren at all. - Uh... Stop thinking too highly of yourself, it's you who cant leave it -- he countered her reveal with his own -- Also, why dont YOU sacrifice yourself for the sake of your home? -- he asked back. - I'm not strong enough, the barrier wont work for long!.. -- she tried to find a reason behind her hypocricity. - Well, you'll have to choose between that and looking at your planet being absorbed by that tower -- he looked at the giant pillar in the sky. -- Wait, i think i forgot to tell you something... -- he looked back at her -- I was the one who summoned it here... -- he smiled happily.

DaoistBadWriter · แฟนตาซี
93 Chs

Strange girl; She knows?;

A week or so later they still didn't find anything of use. Not a single clue, not a single thing that was different from the rest.

At this point, Kerren didn't even bother trying, he lots of time and knew this room as back of his hand!

He was simply lying on the ground righ in the middle of it, not bothering to do anything, he thought about his own things as he liked to do.

Why bother with doing anything if it's impossible for him? Yusaya will probably find an exit on her own.

But, as he was immersed into his thoughts...

- Why are you not doing anything?

Yusaya saing something for the first time in a day or so!

- Why would i? It's not like i can do anything. Do it yourself sweetie.

He didn't move or open his eyes when he said it, he was like a statue.

- Can't you at least try? It's better than just lie down and do nothing, isn't it? Aren't you bored?

She wanted to provoke him into helping her as she didn't understand anything either, why was this so hard?

- Listen, why dont you take responsibility for your actions? U've made me come here and now you want me to find an exit? Dream on.

He wasn't buying it, why would he?

- It's precisely why i asked you to come with me! But yeah, i have to admit that i've underestimated this place... -- she said apologetically.

- Dont you have anything that we can use to get out? Considering that you were able to give me a unique skill book easily you would, so why not use it? -- Kerren asked as he started slowly getting back on his legs.

- Well... -- she struggled to answer -- Even if i do have such a thing, so what? We'll need to get back her anyway, it's not like we have any other clues on solving the mission, do we? -- she used the chance to ask for information!

She thought about it some time ago. Why would Kerren be so carefree about it, as if he didn't really need a clue form this room? Did he already have one, or he knew all he needed to know? Maybe he wanted to take everything for himself?

- Huh -- Kerren said as he looked at her -- Do you think i wont tell it to you? The reward for this dungeon must be enormous, i want to get it as fast as i can -- it wasn't all lies, he did want to get it, but...

He wanted ALL of it for himself, moreover, even if he knew what the "boss" truly was, how could he kill it? He couldn't even notice it among it's clones or whatever it was...

- Right! What did you use to spot that branch? If you share it with me i will help you solve this secret room! -- he finally thought of a way to spot that mosquitoe!

He couldn't see that he branch was special, right? That must mean that a special method was needed... The same could be said about the branch that led here!

It means that if he got it from Yusaya he would be able to spot the real mosquitoe and kill it! What great thing it was! Maybe he'll even be able to conquer the second floor with various methods and tricks he had on his hand!

- Hahaha -- she laughted quietly -- Kerren, that method is something you wont even get, do you really think i'll just give it to you? It's not just a unique skill book or anything like that, it's way, way more complicated that just that -- she smiled mysteriously as she was saying all that.

It made Kerren think that whatever it was that allowed her to see the branch was above unique skill... He didn't even know such things existed! Of course, there were different "grades" of such skills, some were useless and some were godly, but...

There were no grades above unique! At least he didn't hear anything about them in his previous life... Yeah, there were 12 grades of skill, but uniques didn't fall in them! That's why they were called as such!

-* Could she mean a skill of a 9th level and above? -- Kerren suddenly thought about such a thing.

If anything, only 9th level skills broke common sense. Some could bend reality as one wanted! As long as he had enough mana, that is...

Well, could she have enough mana to use such a skill? She would hardly be able to keep up with a level 7 skill, thinking about it was dumb.

Then what? She could see something Kerren couldn't, that only meant that she either had an unknown grade skill that was higher than unique, or she had some sort of an artefact that she used...

Both of those were possible, but he couldn't confirm any unless she told him about it herself...


More time passed, Kerren didn't even count it anymore, he stopped at two weeks. Personally - it didn't matter to him, this place had mana, he didn't need anything but that. So why bother?

Because some people on the outside needed him? Who cares?

As he was lying down he noticed one strange thing that bothered him a lot. Yusaya ate and drank something only once! In more than two weeks! How is that possible for a normal human?

Yeah, if she had some skills that helped with that it would be possible, but was it that simple? She seemed to not get tired either, it's as if she also had a unique body or something!

Kerren, of course, hid the fact that he was special. He ate, drank and even offered some to Yusaya, she always refused, of course...

-* What if she already knows i'm pretending? -- a thought suddenly assaulted Kerren's mind.

She could see what he couldn't, wouldn't that mean that she knows that he's not even human anymore? Why didn't she ask about it, then?

-* Well... she did say that i'm different somehow, was that it? -- he remembered what took place before they entered the room.

Whatever it was, Kerren couldn't keep him calm, he didn't show it on the outside, of course, but it was still somewhat strange knowing that she knew one of his greatest secrets.

Not that she could take it from him, but still, he was curious what she thought about it, as he himself didn't know a single thing about his current body.

Even that black ooze...

-* Wait... black ooze? -- he suddenly remembered this part of his body!

Where did it go!? He didn't notice it at first, but it wasn't present in his body!

Did it leave when he was transported or something? What happened with it?

Thus, he tried to feel it, as it was still a part of his body.

He got the "connection", but it was really weak and couldn't be called one, he felt that it was all around him, even in Yusaya, but strangely enough it wasn't there at the same time!

Just like the room he was in...

50th chapter! Yay!

I doubt anybody would ever read it up to this point, but so what?

But, if you are reading it?.. Why dont you comment or award it then >:(

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