
The world is about to end? So what?

- Why do you think that i care? -- Kerren answered while looking at her. - You're supposed to! This world is your home... -- she could barely talk at this point. /// PLEASE READ MY REVIEW TO THIS NOVEL! /// - Oh? My home? Well... That's too bad then, my home is going to be destroyed... -- he pretended to think for a while -- Right! -- he exclaimed -- I'm just going to find a new one! Why bother saving one that is filled with cockroaches and wasps? -- his gaze fixed on her face, as if he was pointing at her. - You dont understand!.. You cant leave this world... We're locked here... -- she revealed, it didn't surprise Kerren at all. - Uh... Stop thinking too highly of yourself, it's you who cant leave it -- he countered her reveal with his own -- Also, why dont YOU sacrifice yourself for the sake of your home? -- he asked back. - I'm not strong enough, the barrier wont work for long!.. -- she tried to find a reason behind her hypocricity. - Well, you'll have to choose between that and looking at your planet being absorbed by that tower -- he looked at the giant pillar in the sky. -- Wait, i think i forgot to tell you something... -- he looked back at her -- I was the one who summoned it here... -- he smiled happily.

DaoistBadWriter · แฟนตาซี
93 Chs

Special?; Target;

As he walked out of the store he saw that Yusaya was still waiting for him. It wasn't something unexpected, he got somewhat used to this girl being weirly obsessed with him.

- What happened in the dungeon? -- she told him as he walked towards her.

- Nothing that you would want to know -- obviously he wont just answer to that question.

- I asked so i want to! Why didn't you leave with others? I heard that you sent everyone back but didn't want to leave yourself... -- she followed him as he was already past the spot where she stood at.

- I did. Only so they wont bother me while i was busy. -- he didn't look back at her while he talked.

- Busy with what? -- she didn't want to give up!

- I already answered that. -- he didn't budge either!

- Why are you so mean to me? -- she suddenly asked -- Are you shy because you like me -- she said while smiling softly.

Kerren stopped and looked at her after she said it. But as Yusaya thought that he'll say something stupidly romantical...

- Why do you think so highly of yourself? -- he said without any emotion -- I'd get it if you were someone special or something, but are you? Nope. Why would i care? Because of your looks? Sorry to tell you but the only thing that interests me, as of now, at least, is power. -- he said all that while he stared right into her eyes, not losing eye contact.

After a pause of several seconds, she finally decided to answer...

- What if i was special?... -- her voice was somewhat quiet and she looked at the ground.

- Then i'd have even more reasons to avoid you, i dont want to get killed because a random member of your family didn't like me -- he said as he left her standing there.

- Hey! Why cant you just talk to me!? -- she said as she ran towards him once again -- Why do you think u'll get killed? I can protect you... -- she tried to act shy so she would seem more approachable!

- Not interested. -- Kerren didn't even bother to elaborate.

- What if i offer you something nice? Do you want elixirs? Mana fruits, or maybe some skills? -- she tried to buy him again!

- Get lost already, for gods sake, why would you want to get to me that much!? -- he didn't bother to look back.

- Why not? Are you afraid of me or something? --- she replied while smiling.

- Dream on. First of all, there's no reason for me to be afraid of you -- that, of course, was a lie, otherwise he wont bother reasoning with her -- Second, why would i want to get close to you? -- he asked as he looked at her smiling face.

- Am i not pretty? It's normal for guys to get close to women, you know? -- she said as she ran around him, looking at him from all sides.

They continued the dialogue that didn't move towards any important direction. Both of them didn't want to answer questions and just talked them off with their own.

Several minutes later Kerren got back to his room, he didn't want to bother with Yusaya, thus he closed the door right in front of her face.

She didn't care about that as she got seemingly used to whatever rude he did.

- I'll see you tomorrow then! -- her muffled voice sounded from the other side of the door.

Kerren didn't respond, he simply sat on his bed and started eating his new sweets.


Kerren heard a knock on the door, a while has passed since last left his room. He didn't bother to answer, as he knew who it was already.

Besides, he was too busy thinking about the recent modification he thought of. It was a digestive system! Of course, it sounds somewhat strange to put it like that, but... Kerren didn't need to eat or drink at all, why did he still do it?

It's because he wanted to experiment on it. He thought that this body should have a method to digest food into mana. After a long period of thinking over it he finally got his answer...

It was insanely hard to make that happen! He could make a simplified version of it that would just take mana that is stored in whatever he ate, althought it wouldn't be effective at all...

But, he recently made some progress! Since he couldn't sleep (and didn't need to) he had lots of time on his hands!

This new verison could convert some basic elements to mana! It wasn't effective, of course, as it was his first prototype of such a thing, but it worked, at least!

As such, he tried to improve it even further by allowing it to transform even more elements into mana!

- Kerren, it's time for a test! -- Yusaya said happily, her voice was muffled as usual -- I've already put your name in my team, so you cant run anywhere! -- she said with a happy voice.

- Yeah yeah, i told you i'm going to take the test alone -- he said as he was getting up from the bed.

- I wont bother you if actually could, but you can participate only teams! Besides, aren't you happy that you have to be in one team with such a beautiful girl? -- she asked coquettishly.

- A beautiful girl? -- he said with a surprised voice -- Do i know her?

- Hey! That's rude! You know that i'm talking about myself! -- she didn't like the joke.

- Whatever. -- he said as he opened the door -- Where is test taking place? -- he looked straight in her eyes from below, it looked somewhat funny.

- What would you do without me? -- her voice sounded like she was his loving partner!

- Oh god, dont ever say stuff like that, it's awful -- Kerren felt bad because of it!

- You dont like it? Why? Wouldn't you like if i took care of you? -- she then asked in a somewhat serious voice.

- Not really. -- that was, of course, a lie. Who wouldn't want a rich and influential partner?

After a short talk they decided to move to their destination, continuing to talk while walking.

A short while later they arrived to the entrance of the dungeon that was Kerren's target!