
The world is about to end? So what?

- Why do you think that i care? -- Kerren answered while looking at her. - You're supposed to! This world is your home... -- she could barely talk at this point. /// PLEASE READ MY REVIEW TO THIS NOVEL! /// - Oh? My home? Well... That's too bad then, my home is going to be destroyed... -- he pretended to think for a while -- Right! -- he exclaimed -- I'm just going to find a new one! Why bother saving one that is filled with cockroaches and wasps? -- his gaze fixed on her face, as if he was pointing at her. - You dont understand!.. You cant leave this world... We're locked here... -- she revealed, it didn't surprise Kerren at all. - Uh... Stop thinking too highly of yourself, it's you who cant leave it -- he countered her reveal with his own -- Also, why dont YOU sacrifice yourself for the sake of your home? -- he asked back. - I'm not strong enough, the barrier wont work for long!.. -- she tried to find a reason behind her hypocricity. - Well, you'll have to choose between that and looking at your planet being absorbed by that tower -- he looked at the giant pillar in the sky. -- Wait, i think i forgot to tell you something... -- he looked back at her -- I was the one who summoned it here... -- he smiled happily.

DaoistBadWriter · แฟนตาซี
93 Chs

Broken floor.

Yeah, he had lots of crystals now, but he wasn't feeling too well because of that.

It simply wasn't enough! Why did he need so many crystals?

Well, in the next few days an auction will be held.

Kerren got that new a day or so ago, he simply overheard someone from the crowd talking about an auction and wanted to check what will be sold there.

It turned out that an item that Kerren wanted will be there. It wasn't anything groundbreaking, it was just an ore.

What ore is so expensive you ask? Well, this one was placed in the top 3 of all ores Kerren knew, and he needed it to make his gauntlet.

It's not like he was so desperate, it's just it's amount was... almost exactly what he needed! It was slightly more, actually, but he could find a use for it.

The ore itself was just that great, it's called "Krin'vah". It had almost perfect mana conductivity and provided good defence on top of absorbing kinetic energy on impact!

It was a base-metal for Kerren's gauntlet and just by acquiring it he could consider it complete, since all other ores could be found easily as he didn't need that much of them.

Of course, given the chance Kerren would rather make a gauntlet out of 1st metal in his list, but it was virtually impossible to get that much of it.

As for this one? It was sufficient for a good artefact that would allow him to make wondorous things.

If his plan worked, that gauntlet of his would serve as armor and weapon at the same time... on top of being able to record certain spells and cast it for no cost.

As for the price of that ore? Well, the website said that the initial price is 1500 kg of A crystals... for 4kg of ore.

Was it too much for such an amount? Yeah, a bit much, considering that the price could double or even triple Kerren didn't even dream of buying it.

Of course, that didn't mean that he doesn't have a plan, on the contrary, he'd prefer not to spend any money on it and simply rob whoever bought it.

Was it risky and dangerous to rob someone who can buy such a thing? Yep, but so what?

Did he care? Nope. Unless whoever bought it wasn't from the top 10 strongest on the planet...

If that was the case Kerren would have to dream about it and be happy with what he has.

He wasn't sure if he could beat the 10th person on that list, forget about the first one. Even for current Kerren they were too much.

Their skills were overpowered, their stats could pierce the sky... He wasn't their opponent.

If he had the gaunlet already he would've tried, but as he is now it was just dumb to try something like that.

Moreover, even if he succeeded in robbing one of the top 10, who said others wouldn't rob him?

As such, the safect option would be to simply get some money first.

If the guy from before really bought it he would have a chance, if not?... Well, Kerren will have to buy something else. It did have items that interested him.

However, he still needed crystals to do that.

In reality, however, he didn't care that much about the auction. He would be able to leech off some powerful guilds real soon.

He heard that in a month or so a big raid is coming, it was an "S+" rank dungeon that even Kerren wouldn't be able to conquer alone.

What about people from the top 10? Well, they weren't as proficient in dungeon raiding as Kerren was.

In reality, he was one of the best raiders, and that was probably his only strength. Apart from magical knowledge and his body, of course.

The latter two are great, i'm not arguing with that, but even he was strong - how could he clear dungeons so easily?

He needs knowledge and proper planning to do that efficiently.

As such, even compared to people from the top 10 he had his strong points.


Kerren spent the night thinking about his options regarding the ore while making some armor sets.

He had some ore from rewards, why not practice a bit? It's not like he had better things to do...

When morning came, even before he could open his store he heard banging on the door.

He didn't make a fuss since it happened every day and he used it as "time" to open his store.

But, when he came closer to unlock the door he saw the middle-aged guy from yesterday.

Kerren was happy internally as he didn't think he'd buy all his store at once.

As he opened the door for him he said...

- I see you weren't lying about buying all i had? -- he was somewhat curious about his identity at this point...

- I brought a bit more crystals, show me what else you have. -- the guy didn't stand in the door and immediately entered the store.

Kerren didn't think too much about it as the guy is probably a guildmaster and has his temper.

- Sure -- he said as he took out every piece of trashy equipment out from his inventory -- Look around, i'll be at the counter

After saying so he sat on the chair before the counter and started thinking about his own stuff.

Some time later the semi-old guy approached him...

- How much for this sword? -- he brought some trashy, but fancy looking sword with him.

- Eh... I think this one is 45kg, it's fancy but believe me, it's not as great as it looks -- he didn't bother lying as it was pointless to him.

- Is that so?.. -- the middle aged guy was somewhat dissapointed... -- Can you recommend me the best sword that you currently have?

- Sure -- Kerren used telekinesis to pull it closer to the guy -- This one is somewhat good, 150kg and it's yours.

The sword that he brought wasn't good looking, it didn't even have any fancy parts about it and looked like an average sword a newbie swordsman used.

- Are you sure u're not mistaken?.. -- the man didn't believe him, it was as plain as could be!

- Why bother asking if you dont believe me?.. -- Kerren thought that it was rude for him to say that.

- Eh... Fine, i will buy everything including that sword, how much would that be?

When he said it Kerren felt somewhat happy, but didn't show any of it on his face.

- In total that'll be 2560kg of "A" crystals, however, i will give you a discount and it'll be 2500kg. -- Kerren looked at the man as he said it, he wanted him to try and bargain since he could crank the price up if he did so!

- Huh? That's a bit less than i thought, okay. -- he took out a giant pile of crystals and simply tossed it on the floor, breaking it completely

- Add 100kg more for breaking my floor you old c*nt -- Kerren wasn't happy with that. Who else but him will have to fix it!?

- I... Sorry, i thought it'll hold on... -- unexpectedly to Kerren, he did apologize...

- Take it all and leave, you can come a week or so later, i will have more in stock. -- he didn't bother looking at the guy as he was busy putting crystals into his own inventory.

The old guy didn't answer as he too was busy with putting stuff into his inventory.

As such, some time later the store was completely empty and the only thing that wasn't plain was broken floor, that Kerren will have to fix later...