
Big Brother (10)

He wasn't sure how many years had passed since then. Was it 100 million years? Or a billion? Maybe even 10 billion years had passed.

Now, Jaehwan clearly knew what state he was in. He was still in that damned space, but his consciousness was not awake. Yet, it was also awake in some way. It was possible that someone had endured all that time by sacrificing its own spirit in place of Jaehwan's.

Who? And why?

Jaehwan heard countless universes exploding in his faint consciousness and screaming. He also heard people going mad and dying because of the violence of endless time. They were all voices he had heard before.

He felt like crying.

He wanted to stop them. Why would they? Why would they need to do that?

He then heard the birth of a new universe. A total of 16 universes died and were reborn. It was that long of a time period. Then came silence. No one spoke and no one answered.

In the midst of his dream, a voice spoke from time to time. Jaehwan was able to relax because of it.
