
The Wolf With Red Eyes

Just a normal kid in high school, middle of the pack in just about everything he does, but after an encounter in the woods with something he can’t explain, everything seems to start getting better for Jacob, until the night of the full moon, where he realizes how it may just be too good to be true, and realizing maybe being middle of the pack, might’ve been better then then the pack he will be thrust into.

KB_DMV · แฟนตาซี
7 Chs


Jacob made his way into his second class of the day and realized he didn't even know a single person in this classroom, so he just decided to take a seat in the back away from everyone because he wasn't exactly the best at making new friends, so after slouching into his seat and putting his head on the desk he began to drift off and next thing he knew he had woken up with only a few minutes left in the class.

"Well I guess that works out for me" Jacob thought to himself with a smile on his face, considering he was able to sleep through his whole class without anyone acknowledging it, and he figured if that was going to be the case for the rest of the year then he could definitely get used too it, considering his studies weren't exactly the top of his priorities as he had never been much of an honor roll student.

As the bell rang he made his way out of his second class and gave a quick wave goodbye to his teacher as he made his way towards the cafeteria so he could meet up with Archie, and even though he hadn't done anything he was definitely starving at this point in the day as it was around 11:05 now since their classes were an hour and forty five minutes each, as well as the transition time between classes being another five minutes.

Making his way into the cafeteria though Jacob was happy to see Archie had already found a table and was waiting patiently for his best friend to arrive, cause even though some of their other friends were there Archie was making it known by his body language he was waiting for Jacob to get there, as he was a more anti-social person unless his best friend was around.

After grabbing some food though Jacob had made his way over too the table and sat next too Archie and the latter seemed happy to have his friends company now as well as the other two kids at the table who seemed happy to see them.

Sitting at a table for four people, Archie and Jacob sat across from their two friends Chase and Marcus, with Chase being a nerdy looking kid with glasses and being on the heavier side, while Marcus was the exact opposite, being incredibly fit as well as being fairly good looking, and he was actually also a star on the football team which the three of them wondered at times why he hung out with them but they didn't mind his company cause all around he was a pretty cool guy.

So for awhile the guys talked and asked how each other's summers were and all around just made the most of the lunch period until unsurprisingly Marcus felt the need to start talking about football and the tryouts that would be going on today, which was something Jacob was trying not too worry about right now, but of course as a star football player he knew it was inevitable he would talk about it sooner or later.

"So you guys ready for tryouts today, I mean after all those workouts this summer you never know, maybe you might have a shot at starting" said Marcus in an enthusiastic tone, but the two across from him were less then excited to think about tryouts as they knew neither of them had a chance, as Archie was a wide receiver and free safety but given the fact he was only around 125 pounds him starting over anyone else on varsity was basically out of the question, especially since one of those starters was Marcus, and then Jacob played QB and linebacker but would probably never start at either of those positions considering they were both already occupied by the one and only Carson Mooney, the same one who has been giving him hell just a couple hours prior, and even if he wasn't the starter and it was someone else his chances still weren't very high cause he wasn't exactly on the bigger side either, only weighing around 150 pounds.

So after thinking about Marcus's question for a moment Jacob quickly replied with "cmon now, you know that neither of us are gonna start, I mean you know what position we play and obviously that's where our star players are, so it's hopeless" and with that he put his head down realizing saying it out loud just made him even less excited for tryouts today.

As Marcus looked at him he felt bad because it's not even like Jacob was a bad player, but he was never going to start over Carson, he was just the star player of Mountain View high, and even compared to Marcus, who was pretty good himself, he made him look like a average player.

Wanting to cheer him up he was going to say something but then the bell rang and Jacob stood up, "see you at practice" he said to Marcus, and then looked at Chase and Archie and said "I'll see y'all later" as he decided to just walk to his third class now as his mood had been killed at this point, knowing exactly what would happen at practice today.