
The Witches Of Avalon

Adams_SDA · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs


All the high mages, the magic users in the kingdom gathered together at one of the rooms in the Palace. They were all surprised of the sudden call summoned by the King asking for all their presence. They await what he wants to say it maybe decree.

The doors flung open as six guards walked front first. The King walked right after the six guards made their entrance and four guards accompanied him behind and then, Morpheus entered. The entire mages and magic users stood up taking a bow as a sign of respect to the king. The King walked past them heading for the high mounted podium in the room. He stood and gave a loud sharp exhale.

"As you were"

They all raised their heads to their normal posture now facing the king.

"I am deeply sorry for summoning you all at such unruly time like this. I needed to consult with you all a decision to take but first, I've got a message to deliver. No one in this Kingdom knows about this aside of the palace and it's servant. " Azym gave a deep sigh. "Queen Cera is dead"

The whole mages gasps in suprise. Azym held a sorrowful face wand with a slight zeal of murder.

"Your Highness, accept our condolences. We are deeply sorry"

"Thank you wise one's. As you all know that I have ruled Avalon on true justice and in an impartial way so therefore I summon you all to ask from the high wise one, a befitting punishment suitable for the doer of this crime."

"Your Highness, you ask of us a decision! You have the power to do anything in this world. The doer should fall under your jurisdiction"

"You're right but I can't think of a suitable punishment for this perpetrator. I seek your advice wise ones"

"Your Highness," Another one spoke "Anyone who kills but be done the same way. Queen Cera is an important figure in the Kingdom, the doer of this grave thing but be wiped out of the surface of the Earth"

Azym felt satisfied with that answer and gave a wicked smile. "So be it. It pains me to tell you today that.....you all would die"

Now they gasp again not in suprise but in confusion. "Your Highness, what have we done?"

"Your practice have brought an end to the queen. I trusted her to that practice, Galahad told me that she would heal but now she's under the surface of the Earth because of Magic"

"Your Highness, I advise you don't see this in another way. We are deeply sorry for your loss but it is unlawful to count it on us or on our practice. We never had a hand in her highness death."

"I once remembered my grandmother's words..." He said walking down the podium "she told me this world is magic, magic is everything. I once believed her but now, it turns out to be myths. If magic was everything, Cera wouldn't have died and I wouldn't have summoned you all. Your practice puts you into this trouble....why? Because it failed you"

"Its failed Galahad and not us." Another mage spoke from behind.

"Yeah I know that. That was why I ended Galahad as I am about to end everyone of you"

Guards with bows and arrows popped up from the top building aiming down to th mages. More guards came surrounding them on the bottom floor with arrow and bows aiming at them

"This is ludicrous your Highness, you can't end magic simply by killing us"

"I know and you're absolutely right. But I can start from somewhere." Azym said last and the guards took the hit. Mages body began falling lifeless as they were being hit by the arrows. Azym held a wicked smile all through untill everyone of them dropped dead.

"Clean this up, and burn the bodies" he said walking right on top of them.

(Sorry this update is taking a bit slow)