
The Witch and The Prince

Running away from the palace, Princess Tata hide as she disguised herself into a maid, not wanting to marry her older brother as they were witches to keep their ancestral witches power purer. She fled to Acan kingdom and there the crown prince fell in love with her and married her not believing she was truly a witch. But then his people rejected her and her daughter grew up to face the same fate as hers, as her people wanted her to fulfill an ancestral prophesy of birthing a demigod to restore peace to all the lands.

GoodnessChiamaka · ย้อนยุค
17 Chs


"Do what husband and wife does," Queen Tata told him and he smiled.

"We aren't doing that yet," King Matthew replied her and her hands dropped while she stared at him angrily. If she hasn't locked all her magical powers she could have enchanted him to sleep with her. She shook her head in disagreement and stared at him as he he sat on the bed. "Then how would we have children," she asked him and he stood and move to meet her.

"Not now, probably some other time," he replied, as he wanted to pull her into a hug, Queen Tata pushed him back to the bed and ran out of his room.

King Matthew shook his head, he could understand what she wanted and he so want the same from her but he wasn't ready yet.

Queen Tata left his chamber and walked to the veranda on the third floor, she went to stare out, admiring the view of the palace, and just then a beautiful carriage drove into the palace and halted. The coachman came down from the driver's seat and went to open the carriage door for her, helping her step down from the carriage seat

The Palace maids standing outside the palace immediately bowed lower to her and she handed over her baby to them, while she walked majestically into the mansion and entered thru the first floor

"Welcome Princess Lisa," The maids on the first floor gathered and welcome her as she stepped into the large living room.

Queen Tata craned her ears to listen to them as she had loud ears. "Princess Lisa" Does that mean she's King Matthew sister.

Queen Tata Osas quickly rushed back to her chamber as she didn't want to see anyone related to her husband. His brother staring at him suspiciously was enough torment to her soul. Likewise his mother Queen Rosa who was finding it difficult to adjust to her being her daughter in-law and new Queen.

She walked back to her room on the second floor avoiding to meet with Princess Lisa as she clearly heard her voice from downstairs.

"Where's mother?" Princess Lisa asked as she walked into the living room and sat on the furniture chair to breastfeed her baby that was crying. Queen Rosa heard her voice and came downstairs from the second floor where her chamber was.

"Lisa you are here," Queen Rosa said as she took the flight of stairs coming downstairs.

"Yes mother, Good evening mother," Princess Lisa stood up carrying her baby comfortably in her arms as she walked up to meet her mother.

"Welcome my child, How's your husband and family doing?. You shouldn't have stressed yourself to come visit us," Queen Rosa said.

"No mother, I missed brother's coronation and marriage, I have to come and see him to congratulate him, and also grandma," Princess Lisa went mute, remembering her late grandma was no more.

"Is okay my child, you don't need to worry about that, how's your husband?" Queen Rosa asked as her daughter had married into a very strict kingdom that forbids strangers especially people from Jalin the forbidden kingdom amongst their lands.

"His fine mother, he sent you his warm regards," Princess Tata said

"Let me see your baby is he a boy or she's a girl?" Queen Rosa asked as she also hadn't gone to see her daughter as Princess Lisa welcomed her back same week as the coronation and she couldn't divide herself to attend both. She has to be in the palace to withnessed the coronation of the crowning of the new king and queen and her smiles fell as she remembered the strange woman that has been crowned queen if their lands. Someone who looked totally different from them.

"He's a boy mother, I named him Samson," Princess Lisa replied, handling over her baby boy to her mother.

"Wow, he looks so much like his father," Queen Rosa said as she stared adorable at the cute little baby and went to take her seat, gently on the living room furniture.

"Mother, where's brother, I need to see him right away, and how about the new queen?. I had about the implementation of the new and compulsory use of veil, why are you not wearing veil?" Princess Lisa asked her mother as she stared at her mother's face. Queen Rosa smiled abd replied, "Except for widows other betrothed or married women are to use it.' Princess Lisa frowned hearing her mother. "Okay mother," Princess Lisa replied. Let me go upstairs to see them then, "How about Prince Henry, is he not in the palace?" She asked as she didn't see any of them, does that mean they didn't receive her apology letter that she would be visiting the palace for missing her brother's coronation.

"They're upstairs " Queen Rosa replied, not wanting to tell her daughter that her two sons are not in good terms because of the new queen.

"And brother's wife, where's she?"

"When you get upstairs Lisa, you will see them all." Queen Rosa replied. "Okay mother, let me rush now to go and see them." Princess Lisa took the flirt of stairs, going upstairs to the second floor.

Just as she got on the second floor, she saw her brother Prince Henry Osas coming out from his chamber on the second floor. "Lisa!" he exclaimed abd went to her to give her a warm hug as he was older than her.

"Good evening brother, how have you been?. Managing all the kingdom affairs?" Princess Lisa asked as she walked up to him to give him a hug.

"Am fine Lisa, How have you been doing, how's your husband and where's your baby?" Prince Henry asked. "His downstairs with mother, where's his majesty, our new king?."

Prince Henry sighed hearing his sister,

abd replied, "His upstairs in his chamber."

"Okay let me rush and see him first, I haven't congratulated him," Princess Lisa said and walked back to take the fight of stairs going up to the third floor

"See you later brother," She told Prince Henry as she took the stairs going upstairs to the third floor. Prince Henry sighed abd went downstairs to see his sister's baby as he also hadn't gotten the chance to visit her after she welcomed her baby as he was very busy with his new position as chief commander after his brother, as preferred him handling matters concerning the kingdom and given him only those that he thinks needs him directly to solve. He sighed abd went downstairs.

Princess Lisa took the flight of stairs going upstairs to see her brother, as she got to the third floor, the guards stationed there bowed as she approached them. She walked towards her brother's room door and knocked on it. While Simon stood aside for her to go in.