
The winged lioness

Sometimesyoujustdo · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs

Strange Place

It was a stormy day and the clouds were blocking the sun, making is seem as though it was night. The lush green forest now looked haunted and devoid of life. In the middle of the forest there seemed to be a cave from which various roars could be heard.

Thunder crashed and lit up the sky making things a bit more visible. As the rain continued to fall and the roars became quiet, a small, muffled, but high pitched squeak could barely be heard. As the day fell to night the clouds gradually disappeared from sight, but the cold winds still remained.


~Where am I?~ I thought as I tried to open my eyes, but failed. I could feel the rocky surface I was on and tried to speak. I only managed a high pitched squeak.

I was dumbfounded as I did not understand what was happening. ~Wait a minute~ I thought feeling the texture of the ground once again. ~Why am I on a rock and not my carpet, and why can't I speak properly?~ were some of the few thoughts running through my mind.

I tried to stand, but there was something wrong with my body. ~what the hell, why can't I stand and what's up with my body proportions~ I thought as I began to struggle. ~I probably look like a danger noodle right now~ I thought, chuckling to myself as I stopped wiggling, afraid someone would see. As I stopped wiggling, I tried to listen to see if I could hear something that could help me figure out we're I was. As I did this I could hear something big breathing from beside me. I froze on the spot and started thinking of ways to survive.

As this was happening I began experimenting with what I could and couldn't do with my body at this very moment. ~wait what~ I thought as I continued to experiment. ~Why does it seem like I have something on my back? Is it attached to me? Why is it there? What is it?~ I thought as I began to notice more oddities with my body. As I was trying to figure things out my stomach started to hurt and rumble.

~Where can I get some food around here~ I thought putting all the things I found to the back of my mind. I then let out a small but pitiful squeak that seemed to have woken the beast beside me. As I heard it get up I froze completely I even stopped thinking and excepted my death. I heard the beast approach me step by step.

I then heard a rumbling sound from behind me away from the approaching beast. I started thinking again and decided that there was power in numbers. I wasn't sure exactly what was behind me but I thought it was better then the thing in front of me. Using my hands and ears I could navigate my way around but the problem was how I would be getting there.

I once again started wiggling danger noodle style trying to get away from the beast. Not long after I had stared this journey across the gigantic boulders; I had bumped into something soft and squishy. I was surprised at first but quickly tried to climb over it. I had gotten more comfortable with my body as I was wiggling over and was able to pull myself up.

Half of my body was now on top of the squishy ball of fluff as it let out a small squeak similar to my own. I no longer was able to move as I was stuck on top the ball of fluff. I began to get worried about the approaching beast so I decided to listen to its breath and footsteps. As soon as I did this I realized the beast had stopped and seemed to be watching me struggle.

~why is it not approaching anymore?~ I thought before I heard another set of breathing and footsteps. ~Ooooh, it was waiting to eat with its family ~ was the only thought that went throw my head. My mind went blank after that as I heard the footsteps getting closer and closer. The footsteps stoped in front of me and it felt like everything froze for a few moments.

After the steps had stoped the beast waited for a few minutes then I felt a wet surface touch the back of my neck. As soon as I felt the wet sensation on my neck my life began flashing before my eyes. Before I got here I was a Brown haired, green eyed girl. I wasn't particularly good looking but my mother was beautiful. I would make friends all the time and had a good family that loved me.

All my life people called me successful and have always said I would live a good life. I would always smile when someone told me this but I was never truly happy. My happiness went away when my father died and I realized that the world isn't always fair. My father was a good man that always helped people in need.

I often tried to stay in my own lane away from people but it never seemed to work. No one know who I truly was and I often felt alone even when I was in a crowded place. The last memory I had before I got here was laying on my carpet looking at the ceiling. I suddenly snapped out of my trance and quickly began to squirm as the beast picked me up.

I started yelling and kicking to best of my ability but nothing worked, I was still in the beasts mouth. I realized it was a predator based on the teeth I felt on my neck. I then started to think again ~why is it not eating me. What's going on. Is it saving me for later or something? Why is this happening to me, what did I do wrong.~ as I was thinking this my stomach began to rumble again. ~not now~ I thought still squirming in the predators mouth.

After a few minutes I found myself on the ground again but this time next to a big fluffy pillow. And another few seconds later more small, squishy squeakers or so I call them appeared next to me. All the small squeakers began moving toward one direction as I followed them unsure were we we're going.

Its been about a week now and I have figured some things out. The first thing I have figured out was that the beasts are not hostile and are actually very friendly. The second thing I have figured out is that I am no longer human. I could tell i was no longer human because humans don't have any ears on top there head nor a tail on there behind. I also have what I think to be a pair of wings in my back though they are the hardest part to move so far.

The third thing I learned is that no mater how hard I try to open my eyes they won't open. I have decided to wait and see if they just need time or if there glued shut. As I was thinking this I heard footsteps approach from behind me, it was the friendly beast. The beast grabbed me and took me somewhere else and started to like me. The first time this happened I was taken aback but I got used to it in due time.

I have gotten used to this place and have found small fluff balls to be my friends and keep me company. I don't really feel like I'm somewhere else ~this place feels like home~ I thought as I cuddled with the many small fluff balls.