
Prologue - The End Is the New Beginning

"I'm tired. I just want to end this." Standing on top of the railing, Sienna looked down on the glistening river underneath her. With the help of the bright moon light the river seems so inviting. Ready to embrace her if she falls.

"Mom, Dad can you take me with you?"

Lately, life doesn't seem to fall on her side and it just gets worst as the day goes by. Her parents died on a tragic accident, the love of her life left her for another woman and now the hard earned wealth that her parents worked hard for are being taken by the bank as their company slowly goes bankrupt. Everything was just getting out of hand and she does not know what to do because she doesn't have anyone to help her. She was just miserably watching everything as it falls apart right before her eyes.

"If you're tired of your life then can you give it to me?" The river talked to her as it shone luminescent blue, getting more and more inviting as she stared at it.

Confusion was evident on her face. A part of her wanted to jump but then the sane part of her tells her not to. Should she jump or should she not?

"Come to me and I'll make the pain go away." The voice seems to blend into the wind like a beautiful lullaby urging her to jump.

"Would you really?" she replied.

"Of course I would, I would not let anyone hurt you down here. Now come to me. Give your life to me and you won't suffer again."

A sad smile crawled onto her face. What is there to suffer? If she already lost everything that she treasures. If the river promises her with a life without suffering then would she not accept it?

"Don't do it!" a voice shouted from a distance but it was too late, a second too late.

She fell and as she slowly gets near the glistening waters she felt free from all of the sufferings, free from the pain, free from everything that could hurt her.

Come to me and I'll make the pain go away. It seems like the river did told her the truth. The pain did slowly fade. The cold water embraced her, making her body numb and as she sink deeper into the water. Her breath grew short then through her clouded vision she saw something or maybe someone walking towards her.