

Getting up from the ground took great effort as he felt that his body was very weak and malnourished. Using the wall as support, the young man made his way toward the voices that he had heard earlier. After a couple of minutes within that dark place, light can finally be seen not to far away.

The closer he got to that light, the more voices can be heard and before long he can hear their conversation.

"The young chieftain is seriously injured! we must seek out help or he won't make it!" said a huge man full of muscle and a tough look that can intimidate anyone that look his way.

"But where can we even find help? all the tribes we know either left for a safer place or raided by the orcs."

"That is right! we were lucky that the young chieftain haven't led them back to the tribe after the encounter. Otherwise, we would have been killed without mercy and our women would be enslaved."

"Don't worry so much, Daniel will be fine since he is still young."

'Ahh shit, I'm the young chieftain? also it turns out the old and new me both have the same name, what a coincident.'

Hearing what they said give Daniel a headache as he could already see his future.

'I should sneak away....there's no reason why I have to be there chieftain and take care of them. That was the old host of this body responsibility and he is dead.'

Thinking up to that point Daniel begin to move slowly towards another location where he can feel the origin of how there are cold breeze in the cave.

'That must be the exit.'

Inch by inch, he move away from the group of people who are still in the heated discussion. Reaching the exit of the cave, a whole different world was reflected in his eyes.

There are towering trees all around with a small clearing not to far away from the cave. Turns out the cave is at a higher elevation with many huts scattered around on the ground level. A simple but thick wall made out of big pieces of logs surrounded the village in a U-shaped with people holding crude weapons patrolling around the parameter. At the entrance up to the cave also have people guarding it.

'No way I can escape...guess I will just gather information about this world first.'

Decided to give up for now, Daniel made his way back inside the cave and headed towards the group earlier. Those people seems to be of high standing within the tribe so they surely have a lot to tell him. Since there are no memories from the old Daniel at all. Usually people memories would merge after coming together as one.

But that wasn't it in his case.

After a couple of minutes, Daniel finally arrived and can still hear them bickering.

With a soft cough he said "everyone, please quiet down a bit."

However, no one heard him or even notice his existence as they continue on talking. It was as if his voice are trap inside an invisible barrier and couldn't get out.

With no other choice, Daniel muster up his strengths and yelled "SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!"

Only then did the group of people stopped talking and turn their head towards Daniel. With a mixture of shock and surprise on their faces.

The young chieftain who they thought was heavily wounded and on the verge of death is actually standing right in front of them. Everyone can still see the dry blood stand on the bandages wrapped all around his body especially his stomach that got pierced by the orc sword.

'Finally got all of your attention.'

Without wasting any time, Daniel said "can anybody fill me in on what is going on, I don't remember anything."

Everyone there is already shocked enough with his appearance but now they are hearing their young chieftain saying that he doesn't remember anything.

The first to get over the shock and step out is the same muscular man from earlier.

"Young chieftain, how are you feeling and what you mean about not remembering anything?"

Turning over to look at the man, Daniel can see the worry and love in the man eyes for his young chieftain.

"I'm still a little weak but you don't need to worry. After waking up, I don't remember anything except for my name."

"It seems that the young chieftain is suffering memories lost due to his heavy injuries." said an elderly man who look like he is about to kick the bucket anytime now.

"How can we help the young chieftain recover then old Joe? you are the only experience doctor we have in the tribe." said the muscular man.

"Don't worry Markus, we just need to trigger his memories by telling him everything he need to know and also show him around the tribe while introducing people to him as well."

"Have a seat young chieftain." said Markus.

"You can just call me Daniel for now." said Daniel after coming closer and take a seat next to Markus.

"As you wish."

"All of you can first start telling me about this world and it's situation."

Daniel know for sure that he didn't get sent to a peaceful place where everyone would hold hands and sing kumbaya. Especially after what he heard about the orcs and the fact that they are living inside a cave.

Feeling weird that there chieftain would ask something like that but no one voice any complaints. They begin to tell him all the knowledge that have been pass down through the generation along with recent events.

Turn out this planet is similar to earth but much bigger and the inhabitants name it spe. Their are a single massive continent where all of the races lived together peaceful within their own territory.

But everything changes when the orcs and there followers in the northern mountains of mogor launch a surprise attack. Thousands upon thousands of the orcs, goblins, and other dark forces swipe across the world. By the time that the alliance knew what happened, it was already to late.
