
Chapter 1

Welcome to the Wardens of Terra, an elite group of Shifters destined to save humankind!

The Hounds of God have been disbanded by the Catholic Church, leaving a terrible void in the fight to save humankind. As a result, a much older organization returns to power and takes up the reins to fight to save the Earth from the evil that stalks it.

They are the Wardens of Terra, an elite force of Shifters each with a defining power to aid them in the never-ending battle against the forces of darkness.

Alone they are fierce warriors. Once they've found their true mates, they become an unstoppable force. These are their stories.

Instant attraction won't stop him from doing his duty, but there are some things a shifter just can't fight!

Troy Waman is a Thunderbird Shifter, bound to the sign Aquarius, and a Warden of Terra. He is sent to upstate New York to investigate a disturbance in the balance of magic and nature. His job is to decipher whether the sudden string of winter storms is natural or the work of darker forces in the area.

Andrea Kristos' estranged great-aunt recently passed away, leaving her a house in Shadowland, New York. The novice Romani Caster moves into the ancient house hoping to learn more about the parents who left her long ago. During her search, she discovers that some things are better left undisturbed.

Just when things couldn't get any worse, a huge, devastatingly handsome stranger shows up at Andrea's door in the middle of the night and puts her in handcuffs!

How will she get him to believe that she is innocent?

Present day, Roanoke, North Carolina.

"It is time," the gravelly voice resounded off the exposed brick walls of the darkened room. The Twelve had resolved to meet there each month since they'd moved their headquarters to the New World in the late 16th century.

It was the same site where some of their ancestors had met like clockwork on each eve of the New Moon. Though, truth be told, the building itself had changed many times, having been burnt down, rebuilt, and renovated with the many advances in industry and technology over the centuries. Still, it was new compared to the thousand-year-old structures they still owned abroad.

"Aye. ‘Tis time."





So, on it went. Each of the Twelve Heralds of Terra consented in their native tongue. The sounds of the streets beyond the small, dank room were drowned out by the pounding of their fists on the large wooden table where they'd gathered. It was unanimous.

The eldest among them stood and spoke to the group. His skin was spotted with age, his long hair hung down his back like a white river that reached almost to his knees. His once great height was severely diminished as he stood before the other members of the twelve with his back stooped over and his gnarled hand resting heavily on an aged oak cane.

"I have walked Terra for more than a thousand years waiting for this day. It has taken an age to emerge, and yet we have no time to learn to crawl before we walk. Darkness is enveloping our beloved Earth. We must fight it," he exhaled and raised his cerulean eyes to meet those of everyone at the table. The herald was old, indeed, but power was still heavy with him.

"We have trained our Wardens, waiting for this time to arise. It has been a long time coming, but now, we are called back to our rightful positions as Guardians of this planet. We Heralds must do our jobs to ensure each Station Master receives their orders correctly."

"Why, capitaine, do we not lead them ourselves?"

"Because, my Russian friend, that is not our place. We are the watchers, comrades. We have waited for the right time to come, now we must announce it to all of the supernatural world. The Wardens of terra are back."

"I see."

"Good. Now, the Station Masters will hand out assignments amongst the Wardens, this is the way it has always been."

"And if the Hounds re-emerge?"

"Then we shall work with them as we should have been allowed to do from the beginning, but now is not the time to rehash old quarrels. The Wardens of Terra are needed again."
