Harrison Rue Potter is the unwanted Potter child sent to live with his muggle relatives. Unknown to him he is not a Potter but a Mikaelson. Follow him on his adventure of finding a new school, new friends, and more importantly finding his real family. What will the Potters do when they come calling and want him back. Will Hogwarts survive? Will the Wizarding world ever be the same? I also have this story posted on fanfiction. Comments and reviews are always welcomed. I will be posting two chapter a week. If you do not like this then don’t read. I write this for fun not for a profit I can’t make everyone happy with what I write.
Summary: Harrison Rue Potter is the unwanted Potter child sent to live with his muggle relatives. Unknown to him he is not a Potter but a Mikaelson. Follow him on his adventure of finding a new school, new friends, and more importantly finding his real family. What will the Potters do when they come calling and want him back. Will Hogwarts survive? Will the Wizarding world ever be the same?
Dumbledore was in the middle of an interview with Sybill Trelawney when she started sprouting out a prophecy.
"The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches... born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies... and the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not... and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives... the one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies..."
He immediately hired her and then sent her home to collect her things before moving into the Castle the next day. He spent the night researching and determined that it had to be either the Potters or Longbottoms. He didn't know that due to a fight Lilly and James were having at that moment, things would change.
That night as Sybil was lying in bed about to go to sleep her eyes glazed over and she spoke another prophecy at the exact moment that Lilly decided to go to New Orleans for the night. Due to her being alone and never remembering the prophecies she speaks, nobody would know.
"The one who is destined to destroy the Dark Lord is no more. The one who was not meant to exist takes his place. Born to those who will not know of his power and will discard him. Born as the 8th month dies. He will go far and his position will hold for the remainder of his days. He will be discarded but will find his truth. A new power will emerge, A new destiny will appear. His name that once caused fear to all will now be spoken with hope and joy."
Sybil then went to sleep and a new orb was created in the department of Ministries just as another one turned black and dissolved. No one would find out what happened until years later and by then the damage would be done.
Chapter 1: Voldemort's defeat and Harry's Neglect
James Charles Potter Jr. and Harrison Rue Potter were born in late July and late August of the same year. James or Jamie was born July 31, 11:55 pm at 9 pounds 8 ounces. Harrison was born on August 31 at 11:55 pm at 8 pounds 9 ounces. Jamie had blood-red uncontrollable hair, fair skin with a few freckles on his face, and bright emerald green eyes. Harry had black tame hair, emerald green eyes, and two weird birthmarks. The first was the infinity symbol on his right wrist. The second was a weird M on his left wrist. The Potters didn't know what to make of this but it wasn't the weirdest thing to happen in the magical world so it was overlooked as an anomaly. A lot of things in the magical world were overlooked as anomalies. Sirius Black was Jamie's Godfather while Remus Lupin was Harrisons
Lilly had, a very rare condition in the muggle world but a common condition in the magical world, called uterus didelphys. (Real Medical Conditon) This meant that she had two uteri. Jamie was conceived an entire month before Harrison and with magical intervention, Lilly was able to carry both boys and go through labor with James without disturbing Harry's progress at all. Unknown to everyone except James, Lilly, and Dumbledore, James wasn't Harrison's biological father but he did blood adopt the child after he was born if only to keep anyone from finding that Lily had slept with another man.
See James and Lily fought about Jamie after they found out that Lily was pregnant. Lilly didn't want to bring a child into a war zone but James wasn't about to abort his own child just to make his wife feel better. Lilly ended up walking out and apparating to New Orleans to clear her mind. Lilly knew that James wouldn't follow her here because of the difference in the supernatural communities.
She knew it was stupid to go get drunk while pregnant but Lilly also knew that her magic would make sure that the alcohol didn't harm the child, so she went and got smashed. The next day she woke up in a motel room without any clothes on and the smell of sex was in the air. She didn't know what to do so she got dressed and went for a walk to clear her head before going home to confess to her husband what she did. She walked down a street and saw a memorial set up but had no idea what had happened. She walked up to the wall to see if she could figure it out but her eyes got glued to a single thing on the wall. RIP baby Mikaelson. It was at that moment that she knew that she could never give up her baby in any way. Lilly immediately went to a side alleyway and apparated back home to her husband.
James had stayed up all night worrying about his wife and unborn child and was so relieved when she appeared in front of him. When Lilly broke down and told him what she had done and seen he comforted her and forgave her. When it was determined that Lilly's one-night stand had ended up with some extra baggage James didn't even second guess himself when he offered to blood adopt the child. He knew that even though Lilly deeply regretted the night she would never even suggest terminating him after remembering what she saw. Adoption was an option but they didn't want anyone to question why they were giving one child away while keeping the other. This is how Harrison Rue Potter came to be. (Rue is the English name for regret) Known to the world as the second child of Lilly and James Potter but at home, he was known as the mistake they couldn't get rid of.
Lily was 8 months pregnant with Jamie when Dumbledore came to them and told the Potters of the prophecy concerning her unborn children. They then revealed that it could only be talking about Jamie due to Harrison's parentage and the due date being a whole month after his brother. Dumbledore agreed and thus Jamie was liked and loved even more by this parents for being the one to stop the Dark Lord. The next day the Potters disappeared and went into hiding to protect their precious child and the other one.
After both boys were born it was clear to everyone who was in the clear to see them that Jamie was the absolute favorite of the family. In the cottage that they were hiding in the boys had to share a room but as soon as they got back home Jamie would get the heir suite. Harrison would have to have a room in the family wing though. James was going to make sure that it would be the smallest available, which was still a big room but small to their standards. Jamie would always be in one of his parent's arms while Harrison was in a playpen and would only be held when he needed changing, fed, moved somewhere, or when others were over. Jamie would get everything first leaving Harrison to always come in second. Sometimes Harrison slept in the playpen with a soiled nappy and an empty tummy because his parents forgot him.
Even with how he was treated Harrison progressed faster than Jamie in everything. He crawled before Jamie, he spoke before Jamie, he walked before Jamie, you get the idea. Now, this wasn't because Jamie was slow or anything, it was because Harrison was mentally developing faster than any normal magical child should. By the time Harry was six months old, he was already walking and talking and by eight months he was already potty trained. At three months old Harry showed his first accidental magic and that was when the Potters had Dumbledore check him out.
It turns out that Harry's father was a vampire and that was why Harry was developing at a faster pace in some areas. While he was the size he was supposed to be his body was developed as if he was a two-year-old. It was known around the purebloods that a vampire could procreate with a very powerful witch and have a child that was born a natural heretic. The vampire side of the child would make the child more advanced than other children, more durable, but he would age as if he was completely normal during his childhood.
At about 13 or whenever he started puberty he would start to slightly craving blood making him order all his meat rare. His blood would also be able to be used to heal others if ingested by the person. As his puberty progressed so would his vampire side until at 25 where he would stop aging and be a full heretic. That is unless something happened to him before then. If he died in any way that wasn't a natural death before his 25th birthday he would return as a heretic just as if he had died with vampire blood in his system.
Since his craving for blood was a part of him and he would learn to control it over a long period of time he would have no problem controlling himself when he was finally a full heretic. However, if he died and became one early he would have better control than most vampires but not as good as he should have. At the age of 17 when he goes through his magical inheritance, he would then be able to turn other witches and wizards into heretics. Also if he had a coven, the coven would gain certain benefits but nobody knew what those were since covens had been outlawed in the united kingdom for centuries.
Dumbledore warned the couple to keep their eye on Harrison and not let him go down a dark path or let anyone else know of his heritage. If this got out there was no doubt that Voldermort would do anything he could to get the child under his control. Natural-born heretics were extremely powerful and extremely hard to kill. They did not want Voldemort or any other dark power to get their hands on the boy. If raised right Harrison could be the ultimate weapon against the dark.
After that warning about him the Potters assigned a house-elf Gypsy, specifically to Harrison, she was born a few weeks earlier and hadn't started training in a specialty yet. The two of them got along so well that on Gypsy's first birthday, the day her magic would be matured enough to bond and supposed to bond to the Potter family line, she bonded herself personally to Harrison. This ticked James off to no end but eventually, it would mean that the two unwilling parents would have to do even less for him so they allowed it.
When it came to birthdays only Padfoot (Sirus Black), Moony (Remus Lupin), Wormtail (Peter Pettigrew), and Dumbledore were allowed to visit. The Potters had told them they had decided to do a joint birthday for the boys since they were only a month apart and they would have the party on Jamie's birthday. It was apparent to everyone who saw the twins that Harrison was way more advanced than his brother but again this was just another overlooked anomaly.
That Halloween night the Potters left their twins with Wormtail to attend an Order meeting. Wormtail let Voldemort know when the two were gone and quietly let the wards down for the dark lord. When Voldemort tried to enter the nursery Gypsy tried to stop him but he just killed her and kept going. Voldemort was a bit impressed with how the black-haired toddler stood in his crib with a glare that almost made Peter piss his pants. The child did not react as the dark lord raised his wand and uttered the worst unforgivable spell. As the sickly green spell raced towards the toddler Voldemort could have sworn he saw the child smirk. Before he could think anymore on it though his curse hit the child and rebounded on him.
Peter grabbed his master's wand and apparated out of the house while Harrison passed out with exhaustion. The piece of Voldemort's soul that was left behind when the spirit fled the house tried to latch onto him but was instead absorbed into the child's magical core giving Harrison a power boost and expanding his already huge core, all the while replenishing his magical reserves without leaving a scar. The backlash of the spell destroyed the wall of the cottage and a piece of the wood struck Jamie in the head leaving a V-shaped scar and waking the baby up only for him to scream bloody murder. The only thing left of Voldemort's soul piece was a dark residue left around Harrison that would take days to dissipate.
The whole Order of the Phoenix arrived at the Potter's house to find a pile of burnt robes and ashes in the nursery doorway, Jamie was now standing up in his crib screaming and Harry was still passed out. Both boys were taken to St. Mungos. Since Harry had gotten the power boost from the soul fragment his power levels were normal and he woke shortly after arriving at the hospital. Jamie, on the other hand, had been using accidental magic because of his terror, so his magical reserves were depleted and due to the dark magic in the room at the time of his injury, it was diagnosed as a curse scar and would never heal properly.
Jamie had been proclaimed as the Boy Who lived while Harrison had been proclaimed to be a dark creature due to his creature inheritance being leaked to the press. The dark aurora that surrounded him for a couple of days after absorbing the dark lord's soul fragment didn't help matters when he was checked over and it was declared that the magic surrounding the child was indeed dark.
From that day forth Harry was officially the unwanted dark Potter child. Lily and James looked like saints in the publics' eyes by keeping their now dark creature child and trying to show him the ways of good magic. When they moved back into the Family Manor, Harrison was left with the smallest bedroom in the family wing, originally a storage room. Harrison was then left to be cared for by the house elves only. He never got new toys, good food, new clothes, or any of his parent's love. Before that Halloween night, Harrison had been a tolerated extra addition to the Potter Family but now he was a completely unwanted creature that the Family wished they could get rid of.
James also went to Gringotts the day after they got home to cut Harrison out of any inheritance he would receive from the Potter fortune, but he left empty-handed and spitting mad. Apparently, there was a law preventing this. Since lots of families would blood adopt orphans to make themselves look good and then disown them a law was passed centuries ago that was still in effect. Any child that was willing blood adopted by the head of the house would retain any inheritance unless the child renounces the bloodline. This meant that while Jamie was heir and would receive the Lordship and all that entailed including 75% of the Family assets, Harrison was entitled to that last 25%. There was no way around it.
Time passed slowly for Harrison. He understood the change in the family dynamics really fast and learned his place, well he let his parents believe that he learned his place. In reality, he was just putting up a front so his parents wouldn't punish him. During the days' Harry spent his time with the house elves or reading in the library. The house-elves taught the unloved child respect and love. Earthling the Landscaping and Gardening elf often took Harison out into the forest on the Potter estate and allowed him to be a normal child. In the Library, Harry devoured book after book, and after reading about and practicing Occlumency his reading time increased tenfold. With Occlumency Harry was able to organize his thoughts and absorb the information so well that it was like he was born with a photographic memory.
One of Harrison's favorite things to read about was Wiccan Magic. See there are multiple different types of magic and magic users. The most common was wand magic that was used by wizards and witches mostly in the United Kingdom, Russia, Italy, and France.
Another type of magic was Wiccan magic. Wiccan magic was mostly only used in the U.S. because This magic was harder to learn and perform because of the great power a witch or wizard had to have mentally, physically, and magically. What is now known as wand users didn't have enough patience to spend all that time perfecting their magic so they took a shortcut by using wands, well that was how it started. Over time all the families that only used wand magic developed not only a dependency on them but their magic adapted to only use wands. When he read this it made him sad that he wouldn't be able to learn this field of magic because he assumed his magical core was adapted for wand magic like the rest of the Potter's.
Wiccan magic was also labeled as dark magic in the wand magic-using countries because of the heavy use of blood and rituals. To wand users, any magic that required blood was dark and banned. Let's just say that each brand of magic users didn't get along very well, so they stayed out of the other's territory. Wand or Wizard magic didn't mature enough to be practiced until around age 11, so they didn't start school earlier. Wiccan magic could be used as early as their first sign of magic they just needed to put the time and effort in.
On Jamie's 5th birthday Dumbledore wanted to start Jamie on some simple magic lessons so he could begin his magical education early. Now he couldn't practice his magic but he could begin learning theory and harmonizing with his magic as well as Occlumency. He also planned to have Jamie taught martial arts and other self-defense. This way the young savior could be prepared for when Voldemort returned. The Potters thought that this was a great idea. It was then that Dumbledore asked about Harrison's progress and Lilly said on the spot without thinking "Oh Harrison is doing great but is getting to be a handful. We were thinking of letting him spend some time with my sister especially since now Jamie is going to need all the attention that we can give him. Dumbledore didn't like the young heretic being away from where he couldn't keep an eye on him but did agree that Jamie would need all the help he could get.
A week later Harrison was dropped off at Petiuna's house with a sneer from James saying "Here he is your problem now. You will get paid the agreed amount every month just as long as he is alive to go to Hogwarts. Other than that I don't care what you do with the spawn."