
The Unconventional Luna

We are the Ridge Mountain pack. Located in the valley between two prominent mountain ranges in North America. The valley is green most of the year, escaping the winter harshness the ranges further north happen to experience. Our pack has owned this land for many generations and have had very little issue with neighbouring packs and rogues. The distance alone made it hard to try and steal our lands and rogues rarely wandered this far south. We have waterfalls, meadows, lush green forests and amazing hunting grounds surrounding us. Not much more a pack can ask for. I just want to live a normal life. No mate, no restrictions. Just be a normal wolf. Of course, the Moon Goddess has other plans.

Zurgy · LGBT+
11 Chs

Start of a Truce

The sound of Kash yelling at us to get out could only mean his heat was starting to peak. I chuckled at his idea of kicking people out. "Well Zion, I have been booted."

"Aww boss. Don't sound like a kicked puppy. You want me to bring another cot here for you?" Zion was already thinking ahead. "Not like you will actually leave him."

"Yeah, there is no way I am leaving him alone now. Not even with my guards around." I rubbed the back of my head in frustration. "I should be in there supporting him, not out here." A sound of whimpering from heat pain could be heard. "Damn it! Zion, this is so stupid!"

His chuckle had me look back at him. "You changed the code, so he can't get out and run now." I went to smack his arm. "Seriously, go back in there. You both need to work this out, and if what you said about his wolf is happening, he really needs you. I will contact the pack doctor and get the guards off to the ball."

"You join the ball too. Those are my orders!" Though my smile gave it away, he knew I meant for him to relax for a while. "It has been a mess and you have been busy. Enjoy the ball."

"You mean, of course, while trying to find the rats." Zion's look would kill at this moment. "They threatened our Luna. I will not rest until they are found."

He really was a great Beta and I was reminded once more how lucky I was to have him. Looking back towards Kash's room I tried to decide how to do this. "Prepare Alpha Dax and Jace for a storm when Kash is done his heat. I seem to feel like it is a short one, maybe a couple days max, since it was just a bond heat. Kash will be pissed when I finally let him out. At who, will be the big question."

Zion started laughing. "That's the boss I know. Will do. I will leave a couple guards behind to keep them away. I will also rotate the duties so they can mingle as well."

"Keep me up to date for the search as well. I really want you to mingle in my place. If people ask where I am, I am not sure what you can say."

"We need to keep your bond a secret for now. If we announce it and with who, I worry they will rush their attack and we will not be prepared." Zion looked behind him. "I will have rumours but nothing official. That way the truth will be out there but hidden."

"I like it. Keep the guards in the loop so none slip about their Luna. I will keep mind link off unless emergency. With Kash's wolf down he cannot mind link and I did not see his phone, so his father and brother might not know what is going on either. A little too busy with the ball to worry about him." I huffed at the though. "They left him to be independent during his weakest moments, with no understanding of what he really needs in the first place."

"Well to be fair boss, he just kicked you, a Royal out as well. I highly doubt they would have been allowed." Zion chuckled.

"If they knew what he really needed, it might be different. Wolves all over neglect the needs of omegas and I hate it." The grimace on my face spoke many words. "I plan to show my mate how his heat can be easier with me around. He might resist it at first, but time and patience will win."

"You got this boss. Text me if there is anything you need. I will be close for a little while before I head to the ball." 

Taking a deep breath, I entered my mate's den.

*Kash View*

Suffering. That was what I was currently doing. Too hot with a blanket, too cold without one. To make matters worse, my sleeping wolf had already claimed the blanket for the nest, so it stayed. I could not get comfortable at all. Honestly, I forgot how bad it got in human form. Well, not really forgot, but it has been a few years since I experienced it. 

Biting my arm once more to stop a moan from an increase of scent entering my territory once more, gave way to anger. "I said to get the fuck away! You have ears, use them along with your legs." I grabbed the blanket that was now by my waist and pulled it back over my head.

"You will not get through a heat comfortably like this." I could hear him sitting in his cot nearby. "Kash. I think you have some misunderstandings of your heat. You can listen to what I say and decide for yourself."

I tightened the blanket around myself more, ignoring the sweat already pouring off my body. The sweatpants I put on just a few minutes ago, were soaked and plastered to my body. Not just from sweat. Oh no, of course not. The asshat of a Royal, his scent, increased the amount of slick my body produced. My body was betraying me in the worse possible way.

When I did not respond he continued to speak. "Your heat is not for sex but for breeding purposes. You are not disgusting in anyway with how your body is during this time. However, it is not all that it is about."

"Fuck you! You know nothing of this. You do not go through this. How would you even know?" I now peaked my head out a little from the blanket to glare at him. "You are not only blessed with an actual wolf body, but an Alpha one. Do not proceed to tell me that you know anything about this!!"

"I do know. My packs previous Luna was an omega just like you. Part of my raising was learning how to care for omegas. Both as an individual and a potential mate." I could hear some pain when he spoke of her. His mother I guessed.

"Still not like me." I whispered to myself. 

"No. He was." 

I did not realize I spoke loud enough for him to hear me. Then it hit me. He said he, not she. "Your mother is a male omega?" He responded with a nod. "Wait! So, the queen is male?"

He chuckled, though sounded a little sad. "He was, yes. He is no longer with us. My father followed shortly after. A mate bond is hard on the one left behind."

Feeling horrible at his words I dove back under my blankets. "Sorry, I did not mean to say it disrespectfully."

"Are you feeling calmer now? I do not mind speaking of my family, but right now I would like to help you more." His voice was calm as he spoke.

It hit me then. My heat was quieter. Sitting up in panic I looked at him. "Why did my symptoms settle? I thought I was going to go crazy!"

"Close your eyes and sniff the air. What do you smell?" He continued to speak in a quiet tone.

I narrowed my eyes in suspicion. "Why should I listen to you? You do not listen to me."

"I will speak then, and you decide." He smiled as if my comment was a joke to him. "I scented this place while you were sleeping. It is a mate thing. However, when you are in heat it is not just the normal scent you need. Mine was for two reasons outside your heat. One was marking territory, and before you blow up, I cannot help it."

I was glaring now. This was my territory not his. "You better have a damn good reason for the second reason, or I will kick you out of here so fast."

"Well, it would not matter if you liked the reasons or not. You have no way to contact anyone. Your cell is locked with a new code and my personal guards outside preventing intruders, including your brother and father." He was not smiling now. "As much as I hated to go against your wishes, I had to help you."

"Lies!" I ran to the door and tried my code three times. I already knew my cell was not here as I left it in my room in my rush. Now I was shooting daggers at him with my eyes. "You have no right! This was my one safe zone!"

"But you feel safe! Think about it! You were attacked right here, in your nest." His anger was coming out now and I moved subconsciously away. "Two stinky, vile dogs came in this room, into your nest area and tried to take you away. I almost lost you due to my own short comings." He stopped. "That is not why I came here." He sighed. "Look the second reason my sent was all over was to erase the attacker's scent. You can still smell it if you look for it, but I did what I could to make you comfortable." 

"They came into my nest?" The omega in me started to panic. Without realizing it, I started to scent my area while sniffing for the smells he covered.

He watched me for a little then continued. "I want to help you, and it does not have to be any sort of physical action. The scent I have been releasing now has been helping your heat. More so since our wolves partially bonded. The scent I am releasing since I walked back in is a little different. Your heat symptoms have gone down because of it. You can think of it like our scents mingled and it relaxes your heat. Makes your heat know your mate is close and you are not alone."

"But the females told me it only feels better if I..." I blushed and turned away. "Never mind."

He did not smile or laugh at my reaction. "Yes. Those activities can reduce it as well but what an omega craves more is care. Physical needs can be used as supplements. However, what you crave most, without a mate, is knowing you are safe. Helping to keep guard and keep you nourished with food and water are the two simplest things. Your body goes through heats to find your mate. Yes, the pheromones can attract unwanted Alphas, but the scent is even sweeter to your mate."

"I do not need help! I have done it alone for the last two years." My words were weak since I knew if he left right now, I would be back curled up in pain and pleasure. Unable to have a conversation.

"Yes. I never said you couldn't. However, your comfort level would change. I want to help you as much as you will allow. I never want to go against you, but you have so much to learn." He looked at me to decide.

What did I want? It was nice to walk around, though my clothing was still wet and uncomfortable, I was not in pain, or left wanting. In fact, I was hungry for food more. "Can I get more clothing and maybe food?" I was close to a whisper as I spoke. I was still unsure what I wanted in the long run, but right now clothing and food was priority. 

He smiled at my response and pulled his cell out. "I closed my mind link due to the ball. If I open it, they might think it is an emergency and run over. I will text Zion. Is there any food you crave now or clothing you want more?"

Again, he was letting me choose. This was different to what I was used to. "Umm sweats and tees are fine. I do not know about food. Usually, I just eat what is given."

He chuckled at this. "Is there anything you crave?"

I sat back in my nest to think. A food I crave. Without thinking before I spoke up. "Strawberries."

"I will add that, but you need actual food too." His laugh could still be heard behind his hand, and I glared at him. "Sorry!"

Shaking my head more at my own act than his laugh I decided on a food. "I want something easy, but warm."

"Since you want strawberries, how about crepes? Warm and easy." He looked like he was thinking a little more. "I think some peppermint tea to go with it. That will help your stomach as well."

Smiling with his idea I answered quickly. "Yes, and whip cream too! Please."

Thank you for reading! I wonder why Kash's wolf has gone quiet?

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