
The Unconventional Luna

We are the Ridge Mountain pack. Located in the valley between two prominent mountain ranges in North America. The valley is green most of the year, escaping the winter harshness the ranges further north happen to experience. Our pack has owned this land for many generations and have had very little issue with neighbouring packs and rogues. The distance alone made it hard to try and steal our lands and rogues rarely wandered this far south. We have waterfalls, meadows, lush green forests and amazing hunting grounds surrounding us. Not much more a pack can ask for. I just want to live a normal life. No mate, no restrictions. Just be a normal wolf. Of course, the Moon Goddess has other plans.

Zurgy · LGBT+
11 Chs

Found You

The time was well past eighteen hundred and thirty when we were informed dinner was supposed to be eighteen hundred hours. The youngest still had not shown up and Alpha Dax left to go up and gather him. That was about fifteen minutes ago now. "Alpha Dax has been gone a while now." I turned to my friend Zion. "This really is a bit of a mess, isn't it? I think it would be best to go back to the cabins and eat."

Jace, who was sitting directly across from me, stood up. "Please stay. I understand that this may seem rude, but my younger brother is a little bit of a wild card at times. He was caught sneaking out earlier and father, I mean, our Alpha was firm to him about the rules. He was supposed to be finishing his schoolwork for the year before the ball. My brother does not get out to socialize much and the etiquette gets lost around him sometimes." The panic in the young Alpha's eyes was evident, while still trying to fix the situation he was in.

Before I could respond, we heard some loud voices from the second or third floor before we all heard a loud crash. Casually I smirked at the Alpha's son Jace who now looked paler. "I believe I will go up myself and deal with this matter." Turning back to Zion with a slight nod, we both stood up. I looked at the guards to let them know to stay put, then headed out towards the obvious argument.

I barely heard the whisper from Jace as we stepped out, while he sat back down at the table. "Kash has done it now."

As soon as we passed the dining room doors and entered the hallway I whispered back to Zion. "Are you sure he only has two sons?" With his nod of affirmation, I shook mine. "Then maybe it is a friend of theirs. I smell my mate's scent." We had entered another route from where we were now, and I did not smell it then. "I am confused. I did not smell it at the entrance or dining hall. Yet, I smell it now."

"You serious boss?" He was grinning once more. "Let's skip dinner and find them!"

"Knock it off. We are here to deal with a little brat right now so we can eat." I smacked him on the back of his head as I spoke.

The house was well built. Not as open as the cabin built for us but a very warm atmosphere. The timber frame here was aged but well kept. You could still see the touches from the Luna left around. Though now empty, I was sure she had fresh flowers in the vases that were well placed on the desks and shelves. The staircase was a slight spiral with a small platform between the second and third floor. By the sound of it, we were heading to the third floor. I was frowning by the time we got to the top of the stairs. My wolf was going mad. He kept repeating mate over and over. The scent was much stronger here. This was not the scent of a visitor but someone that lived here. Very soon I could clearly hear the voices and what was said.

"Kash, please settle down. Why are you so worked up today? Your brother told me how you were earlier and the reason you snuck off for a run. Your..." Alpha Dax sounded worried more than upset like I expected.

"Don't you even say it father. Maybe it is because you have me locked up. What are you protecting me from? If you maybe let me train, I could protect myself or do something, but no. I am stuck inside unless I want to have guards around me 24/7. You only want me to meet the guests in hopes that my mate will be here. But it won't happen. I do not want one!" The angry voice had to be from the son that no wolf outside the pack had met. I did not recognize the voice at least.

Picking up my walking pace, I turned to Zion. "He was guarded like we were told. And over protected. For what reason?"

"I dunno boss. Let's go meet them so we can eat!" My friend got ready to do his public relations act. He always did this for me, and I appreciated it. Especially now with my wolf on the prowl more than ever.

"Kash, I will order you to dinner." I could see Alpha Dax change his posture. His back was towards us, and he seemed to be just outside another room speaking to his mysterious second son.

"Actually, I believe, our own Alpha has come here to make it happen. We are tired and hungry. The delay is a little disrespectful." Quickly I rolled my eyes before Alpha Dax turned around looked at us with how Zion worded it. I gave a quick nod to let Alpha Dax speak.

When he fully turned to us; it was not fear I saw, but a very tired father. "You are more than welcome Alpha Atlas. Please, be my guest."

Walking towards the door only had me completely assaulted by the scent that was driving my wolf mad with excitement. There, standing before me in the room, was my mate. A fierce looking young male. He was adorable with his softer looks. His small stature would fit perfectly against mine. I could not stop staring at the man before me. His medium length black hair framed his small face, along with his pale alabaster skin looked so smooth and tempting even from the slight distance we held. He was perfect.

"Are you done staring? If so, you can leave." He had now crossed his arms and glared at me with mistrust. I could now understand that he was under eighteen, or he would have scented me as his mate as well. "Well?"

All I could get out of my lips, thanks to my wolf trying to take over was one word. "Mate."

The silver eyes of my mate opened wide before he started to shake his head. "OH, HELLS NO! I am no one's mate. Never will be." He started to back away as much as he could from me as I walked further into the room.

I grinned and kept stepping forward while my Beta took my back. He knew it would be dangerous to get between us right now. My wolf found our mate and wanted to claim him. "I am Alpha Atlas of the Royal Eclipse Pack. And yes, you are most definitely my mate. What is your name?"

He shook his head. He then looked towards the direction of his father stood before looking back at me. "I do not have to talk to you. You are not my Alpha." The glare he gave me was more of a pinch his cheeks adorable, over being aggressive.

Zion stepped in. "Young man. All Alphas must answer the man before you. He is the King and has earned the respect of many. You are a being little disrespectful." He then turned to Alpha Dax. "I do hope you never raised him this way?"

"No sir!" His father was glaring back at his boy. "He has been a little temperamental today. He took off without permission and went for a run…"

I interrupted him. "Ah yes. Near a field and creek at our cabins. I could smell him then..." 

"You went where?" His father was not impressed with the new knowledge and interrupted my conversation.

"Yeah, well you failed to tell me it was off limits. You thought that I only run with the guards like you want? If I waited until then I would be completely crazy by now." The young man now glared back at me. "If you are so hungry take my father and go eat. I refuse to join until I get some questions answered. My father respectfully declines to do so, and so shall I."

"Kash, it can wait until after your birthday. Please. I did it all for your own safety. You must understand." His father was hiding something, and I felt Zion and myself could get it from him with time.

The young man turned away from us and look back outside the window, completely ignoring the people around him. "Everyone but Zion leave." It was my own Alpha orders, and I left no option to be questioned or argued. Now that I had stepped closer to the middle of the room, we just waited for the rest to leave.

Zion closed the door as the others left; I nodded at him and then turned back towards my mate. "Kash. I do not know the questions you want answered, or why they are so important to you. But if you join us to dinner, I will make sure you get your answers."

Even with his back turned I could see him thinking about it. "How do I know this is not a trick?"

"I would never lie to my mate." Proudly I was declaring the truth to him. What I did not expect what his response would be.

He turned around eyes wide. "How can I be your mate? Besides we are both males meaning the moon goddess sure laughs at me. Besides all that, I sense nothing. How do I know it is the truth or not?"

I chuckled. "I am going to assume you are under eighteen. When you are eighteen, you will smell the scent of your mate. Then you will know it is me. First and second genders do not matter in the eyes of the Moon Goddess."

Turning fully around watching me for a little he shrugged his shoulders. "I feel nothing." Very quickly he crossed his arms and smirked. "Then I suggest you leave before the ball."

"Your birthday is the same day as the ball?" I looked at Zion with the implications this brought. "You were born eighteen years ago, when the moon was eclipsed?"

"What does it matter what phase the moon was in? If you leave, I won't smell you and the problem is solved, yeah?" He had now uncrossed his arms. "I do not want a mate. Never did! I can also promise you there won't be a wolf out there that will want me."

I am sorry for the shorter chapters. I will do my best to create a longer update (at least 2k a chapter). I hope you enjoyed this little update!

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