
Captured the Bandit Leader


Three days later, in the morning.

Magnus Valorion gathered the fifty-man team early in the morning. After a hearty meal, Magnus led the team up the mountain with two days' worth of dry rations.

Before leaving, Magnus instructed John Falstaff to tidy up the assets in Willowbrook Town and return to Green River Town.

Given that the food in Willowbrook Town had become unaffordable for the people, Magnus believed it wouldn't be long before the people fled to his Green River Town to survive.

Led by William Anderson, Magnus's group ascended the mountain along a narrow path.

By the time they reached The Crimson Vultures, the sun had not yet reached noon.

Magnus looked into the distance and saw that only a few ragged bandits were barely standing on the lookout tower.

Three days ago, the bandits of The Crimson Vultures, including the leader Tuco and "One-Eye," had felt weak after drinking the herbicide-laced wine and porridge Magnus had provided.

At first, they thought it was just a hangover from the previous night's drinking.

But by the second day, they felt even weaker, barely able to walk a few steps without gasping for breath.

This made Tuco and "One-Eye" begin to doubt their alcohol tolerance.

By the third day, their skin had turned yellow, their tongues felt like withered grass, and jaundice had worsened, looking like a sunset glow.

At this point, Tuco and "One-Eye" realized they had been poisoned!

As they came to this realization, shouts of battle came from outside the camp.

"Attack The Crimson Vultures and capture Tuco alive!"

"Attack The Crimson Vultures and capture Tuco alive!"


Because Magnus had poisoned the rice and wine three days ago, the bandits of The Crimson Vultures were now too weak to fight back.

Magnus led fifty Green River Town city guards and ten previously kidnapped civilians, sixty-one men in total, into the bandit camp like tigers among sheep.

William Anderson, Noah, and other trained city guards killed the bandits one by one, while the ten kidnapped farmers each stabbed a bandit with their spears.

Even though The Crimson Vultures had over two hundred men, they were now as weak as sick chickens.

Moreover, many of the city guards had been oppressed by the Black Vultures before, so they fought with a vengeance, slaughtering the bandits like weeds.

Tuco and "One-Eye," hearing the commotion, judged that the attackers were only about sixty men.

Their first thought was to surround and kill the intruders.

"One-Eye" shouted, "Just a few men dare to challenge us! Brother, I'll lead our men to kill them and make them hand over the antidote."

But as "One-Eye" tried to lift his heavy iron sword, it fell to the ground with a clang.

Seeing this, Tuco hurried to lift his own tiger-head sword, but found he couldn't lift it even with both hands.

"Run, we must escape," was Tuco's immediate reaction.

Tuco knew well that as long as he stayed alive, there would be a chance to rebuild. He had been a deserter before becoming a bandit leader.

"One-Eye" and Tuco supported each other, trying to escape through a secret passage behind the main hall.

But before they could move, a group of armed men led a young man into the main hall.

Seeing Tuco and "One-Eye" trying to flee, William Anderson jumped forward, swinging his sword to block their path.

Startled, Tuco and "One-Eye" stepped back in fear.

Taking advantage, William kicked them in the stomach, sending them to the ground, unable to get up, groaning in pain.

When Tuco and "One-Eye" came to their senses, they found several sharp swords at their throats.

"One-Eye" looked at the young man who had just kicked them down, stunned, and said, "It's you!"

William's eyes were filled with killing intent, no longer the submissive look from three days ago.

Tuco, confused, asked, "One-Eye, who is this kid?"

"A brat from Oakridge Village outside Willowbrook Town, who delivered food to us two days ago!"

William shouted, "Tie them up and take them to the master!"

Tuco and "One-Eye" were tied up and thrown before Magnus, who sat in the main hall.

"Which one of you is Tuco?" Magnus asked slowly.

Kneeling on the ground, Tuco, still defiant, said, "You bastard, who are you to attack my camp!"

"Hmph, ten days ago, you robbed my food and men. A gentleman's revenge does not wait ten days. Now that we meet, you still ask who I am?"

Tuco, startled, said, "You're the owner of Magnus's Grain Store?"

"Of course, I'm Magnus Valorion!" Magnus said with a smile.

Tuco had never imagined that robbing Magnus's food and men would bring death to his door.

"Despicable! You poisoned our wine, not a hero!" "One-Eye" said, trying to spit at Magnus but lacking the strength, his spit falling on his own chest.

Tuco, recognizing the situation, smiled and said, "Master, if you spare our lives, we will be loyal to you. We will follow your orders without question. If you want us to kill chickens, we won't touch ducks!"

Even if there was an antidote for the herbicide, Magnus wouldn't give it to Tuco, a bully.

But Magnus wanted to know if anyone had instigated the robbery, so he said, "Getting the antidote is possible, but..."

Tuco quickly understood and said, "I understand."

"This robbery was instigated by Victor Blackthorn, the manager of the Blackthorn family's grain store in Willowbrook Town."

Magnus frowned.

"As I suspected, this robbery was related to the Blackthorn family."

"No wonder they were the first to reveal the information about The Crimson Vultures to John Falstaff, wanting to see Magnus's Grain Store humiliated."