
The Ultimate Lifeform

Mark, dropped to his left knee & propped his right elbow on his hip, holding firm his sniper rifle until he had the Suspect in his sight. Gripping his sniper, Mark aimed straight at the suspect's head as he held a woman at gunpoint. Mark took a deep breath and was about to pull the trigger, but the next second he found himself in a room. Author: I will upload whenever I want... I am doing this for fun, so if I get some good reviews I will continue this story.

Hoosierdaddy · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
13 Chs

Do I look like a villain to you?

The figure stretched its hands towards the Destroyer and they watched dumbly and in shock as the destroyer helplessly levitated off the ground and was yanked hard into the sky with a single gesture of the man's hands.

A loud rumbling in the distance snapped them out of their shock, they moved their head a little to the right and saw Mjolnir flying straight at them like a rocket.

"CRACCCBOOOM!!!!" A blinding bolt of lightning strikes down right on Thor's body from overhead, causing massive clouds of dust to form, which engulfed the whole street robbing Jane and other's sense of visibility for a brief moment.

As the smoke clears, Thor stood on his feet clad in his full battle armor, holding his mighty hammer in his dominant hand.

Jane: "Oh... My... God!" Jane gasped while Selvig stared at him in shock and in awe. Thor looked up and saw Destroyer levitating hundreds of meters above the ground, he moved his attention on the stranger and saw the person slowly clenching his stretched-out hand into a fist.

He watched in bewilderment as the destroyer was crushed itself into a mash of metal ball and then with a snap of the stranger finger the crushed destroyer was blinked out of existence, shocking him.

After dealing with the abomination the stranger descends down on the street of the horse town & approaches Thor.

Thor straightened his back and clutched the handle of the Mjolnir tightly, composing himself to face the stranger, as he doesn't yet know if the man was a foe or a friend.

Thor's body stiffened & he took a step back as he felt a tidal wave of immense pressure wash over him as the stranger approached him.

Thor: "A... A... Cosmic entity...?" Thor paled when he sensed a tangible & menacing aura of the very universe itself from the stranger before him.

Thor stood rotted in his spot and didn't dare to move an inch, all he can do is watch in horror as the being approached him, he heard stories... both terrifying & great about these beings of old from his dear Father, a cosmic entity are primordial beings & the oldest species that predate the universe.

They are mysterious and powerful beyond mortal and immortal comprehension, they are the beings who stood at Apex and could end the universe with a snap of theirs fingers!

Cold sweat trickled down Thor's face as he watched the being finally stopped two steps away from him, the being titled his head and looked over his shoulders towards his friends and lover, his face went pale in awareness that this being might kill them too.

Thor: "Oh Noble Lord, I beg you... don't harm my friends." Thor gulped back his pride and falls to his knees before the being, shocking everyone in the vicinity.

[Uncatalog DNA detected] A foreign inhumane voice surfaced from an odd-looking bracelet, the Cosmic being wore in his left hand.

Suddenly the bracelet released a yellow beam of light towards him, he closed his eyes and psyched himself up for his imminent death, but nothing happened, no pain, no loss of heartbeat... Nothing.

[Uncatalog DNA acquired] Thor heard the same voice again and he slowly opened his eyes only to find the being was gone without a trace.

Thor: "Ha... I am alive!" He touched his body and found himself completely unharmed and in one piece.

Jane: "Thor! Are you okay? Who was that?" Jane, Selvig, and his comrades, now roused, rushed at his side.

Thor: "I... I am fine... My Love..." Sif was annoyed by this but kept her silence. She noticed a battered Coulson approaches them with several SHIELD agents.

Coulson: "... I don't think you've been completely honest with me." Coulson asked Thor, who gave a weak smirk in return.

Coulson: "So, who was that? Your friend?" Thor shook his head weakly, he still can't believe that he and his friend was shown mercy.

Thor: " Cosmic entity... They are the most powerful being in the universe, son of Coul." Coulson knitted his brows on this comment.

Coulson: "How powerful are we talking about?" He asked, still maintaining his calm.

Thor: "They could just blink and we would be gone." His comment left everyone like a deer caught in the headlights.

Jane: "Y-You are joking right?" Thor shook his head and told her he was serious as a heart attack.


[That same Day, Kamar Taj]

Ancient one was enjoying a cup of herbal tea when out of nowhere Mark popped in her room and his sudden appearance caused her to spill the tea.

Ancient One: "... What a waste... What do you want now?" Mark smiled slyly at her and sat before her.

Mark: "I need a place ... a large piece of land actually." Mark replied.

Ancient One: "A lair, to conduct your future villainous experiments I presume?"Ancient One asked with a straight face.

Mark: "Do I look like a villain to you?"

Ancient One: "Yes, you are... Your Clone has tortured me mentally for hours!" Her eyes glazed over a bit as she momentarily went down memory lane, remembering how Mark's clone has annoyed her to no end with his "believe it!" verbal tic when she was helping him to steal Vibranium a month ago.

Mark: "Come on, he was not that bad?"

Ancient One: "He is worst..." She paused when she saw his lips curved up in a sly grin, a bad feeling started to arise in her heart. She was horrified when a clone of Mark pops up beside him, & it gave her an all too familiar shit-eating grin.

Clone: "We are good people, Believe it!" His clone exclaimed loudly with a goofy smile on its face.

Ancient One: "Please, I am begging you... Make him disappear... Please." Mark throws his head back, letting out an amused laugh.

Clone: "I ain't going nowhere, Ancient Lady, Believe it!" Ancient One groaned in irritation, while he looks between Ancient One and the clone, his eyes lit up with amusement.

Ancient One: "I have a place, but first make him disappear!" Mark decides to not get her never and quietly dispelled his clone, not before the clone passed a few last words.

Clone: "I will be back, Believe it!" Ancient One flashed him an annoyed look before she sighs heavily.

Mark: "Sooo?"

Ancient One: "The place is situated on a small island in the Arctic." Ancient One rubs her forehead and exhales a tired sigh.

Ancient One: "Follow me..." She brushed past him and opens up a portal with her slinging. Mark saw a very old sanctum covered in a thick layer of snow on the other side of the portal.

Mark followed her out of the portal and after exiting it all he saw snow and snow, not a spot of ground or any trees can be seen in his vicinity.

Ancient One: "It was used to be one of the most powerful sanctums on Earth, but it was destroyed when Darkseid attacked this planet with his army 5,000 years ago... Throughout the ages of time, it was rebuilt many times, but due to the leylines changing its position it was abandoned in the 19th century." Ancient One stated and stretched her hand towards the sky. Suddenly a blast of eldritch energy shoots out of her palm and it collides into an invisible barrier.

Ancient One: "As you can see, this place is protected by ancient barriers... So you can commit your villainous experiment without any outside interference." She informs him.

Mark: "Cool!"

Ancient One: "Why do need such a place?" She asked him after a few moments of silence, he gave her a mischievous smirk and spoke.

Mark: "I am gonna experiment on humans... like a big bad villain." Ancient One gave a blank stare and spoke.

Ancient One: "Farewell." Mark stopped her from entering the portal.

Mark: "You are giving it for free?"

Ancient One: "Yes, I have no use for it, but in the future, I may... No, I will definitely ask for a favor." She said and moves to leave.

After she left, Mark took out a thin transparent 6-inch rectangular glass object from his pocket, he pressed his thumb onto the glass and it hums as it came to life.

"What can I do for you, Sir?" A female voice surfaced from the object.

Mark: "Kara, contact boss and send him our location." He orders and pushes opened the doors of the sanctum to enter a deserted warm foyer?

Kara: "Yes, Sir."

The Clone looked around and saw ancient Sanskrit writings and symbols embedded on the walls of the old sanctum, he saw the hamsa symbol, Which is believed to ward off negative influences. Its universal interpretation is that of purity, spiritual awakening, and faithfulness in Hindu mythology.

And he even saw old Norse symbols engraved curved onto the walls of Sanctum, the rune of heat is curved on a wooden pillar, which is probably the rune that is keeping this place warm. He noticed a stone tablet placed in the middle of the foyer, as he walked up to it the creaking of the floorboards increases, he crouched down before it & blows out a gust of air from his mouth that blew away the dust.

Clone: "The symbol of light?" He gathered a small amount of eldritch energy in his right palm and the second he touched the tablet, the lanterns hanging on the ceiling came to life illuminating the dark building.

Clone: "It's totally empty..." He was expecting some furniture like a chair or table, but this place looks as empty as the Sahara desert.

Just then, he hears a series of sonic booms in the distance, he walked past the threshold and looked up in the stratosphere, soon an outline of an armored figure revealed itself in the distance as it flew towards this island at breakneck speed.

Clone: "Yo, Boss..." He waved at the approaching figure, even though he said those words causally, he knew Mark would hear him as their senses were enhanced greatly due to absorbing Wildmutts DNA.

He soars over the island and quickly touched down amidst the snow-covered ground, in a blink of an eye Mark's armor deconstructed itself via utilizing nanotechnology and stored itself into the menacing-looking mask.

Clone: "Boss, I checked the place, and it looks okay... But we can't build large stuff in it." He informs Mark, who removed the mask from his face.

Mark: "Then we will build them outside, but first..." Mark waved his hands & the mash of destroyer appeared out of thin air and drops on the snow with a loud thud.

Clone: "You really did a number on it, huh?" The Clone asked on seeing the messed up appearance of the once-powerful and celestial armor.

Mark: "That's what happened when you compress something by 1000 times of Earth's gravity." He said as a slight smirk spread across his face.

Clone: "So how are we going to melt it?" His clone asked as Uru cannot be melt by normal fire.

Mark: "Waybig's cosmic ray will do the work." Mark said.

Clone: "Oh yeah... Boss, did you get Thor's DNA?" Mark nodded.

Mark: "Yeah, with ease... well since it's my first debut I used Shock rock's Omni-Enhanced energy to summon a storm to make myself look more intimidating, and it worked exceptionally, Thor thought I was some kind of cosmic entity, he let me scan his DNA without a fight..." Mark's eyes crinkled with amusement, but what he doesn't know is that the device he wore in his hand is the one who is responsible for Thor's submissive behavior as the Omnitrix uses special Omni-Energy to merge its wearer's DNA with the Alien DNA samples it held to create transformations and Thor sensed that faint energy, thus he mistook him as a Cosmic Being.

Clone: "Well, I think he probably doesn't even have any idea what DNA is." Mark shook his head in disapproval.

Mark: "... Asgardians are one of the most advanced races in this world, they have knowledge in both science and Magic, they knew the term but maybe Thor doesn't." He said while eyeing the sanctum before them.

Clone: "Boss, are you sure Element X is present in this world? Isn't it a mix of marvel & DC extended universe?" His clone looked puzzled as he turns his gaze toward Destroyer.

Mark: "The mother boxes are made of Element X and we saw them in the Justice League movie, so yes it is present in this world, and we must create a device that could extract the all-powerful tenth metal..."

Clone: "To do that we need knowledge about how the substance works, the Element X is the purest form of creation itself, it will take us months and even years to decode its mysteries..." His Clone said and took a deep breath.

Clone: "Why don't you just summon the final batsuit? That thing is made of the same thing?" His clone cupped his chin, lost in his own thoughts.

Mark: "I don't need a piece of suit that will provide me power when worn, I need a suit that will let me absorb the element X and boost my own physical abilities..." Suddenly his Clone cuts him off

Clone: "Boss, we are fucking idiots!" Mark raised one of his eyebrows at this.

Clone: "Boss, the mother boxes... Doesn't they have access to all the knowledge of the New Gods?" Mark's eyes widened and both of them facepalmed at the same time.

Mark: "And we know where to find them... I am such an idiot!" Mark mutter under his breath while he rubs the back of his head.

Clone: "So which one are we going to steal?" His clone asked.

Mark: "We will take the one that is safeguarded under the US Department of Defense." He replied and stretched his hand towards a clearing and took out the Kryptonian Ship from his storage ring.

Mark lifted the crushed destroyer with Gravity Manipulation, a power that he has absorbed from Gravattack, an alien that has the capabilities of destroying the planet itself... heck it can probably destroy the solar system if he creates a large blackhole.

Mark: "Kara, wake up all the service android... and order them to gather in the hall" Mark orders, a soft chime came from his shirt pocket followed by Kara's voice acknowledging his order.

Kara: "Yes, Sir." An entrance opened up at the side of the scout vessel, Mark without another word carried the destroyer with him and entered the vessel, while his clone strolled after him.


A/n: So few people are asking why didn't mark summon the Omnitrix?

- Well, if you have watched the Ultimate ALien, then Asmuth the creator of the Omnitrix said it himself that Omnitrix is never meant to be a weapon. The Omnitrix was created by Azmuth as a tool of peace in an act of repentance following the destruction caused by his previous creation, Ascalon, a weapon of terrible power.

Well, you might ask why not summon Albedo's watch?

- It's simple, Mark will only have access to collect few aliens, and no even though he unlocks the master control he cannot access the alien because... The Omnitrix acts as a wireless receiver for the Codon Stream.

The Codon Stream is a database containing the DNA samples of sapient beings from across the universe, formerly only from the Milky Way galaxy, housing a total of 1,000,909 DNA samples. The Codon Stream was created by Azmuth. He used it to link transformations to the prototype Omnitrix and Ultimatrix, rather than store each sample in separate containers like the Unitrix.

By accessing the Codon Stream in a faster-than-light manner, the Omnitrix used special Omni-Energy to merge its wearer's DNA with the DNA samples it held to create transformation.

Mark cannot access the aliens if he was in a completely different universe, as the connection between the Omnitrix and the codon stream will be broken.

That is why Mark asked Eva to download the DNA data of all aliens from the codon stream, and he has exactly this number of, 1,000,909, DNA sample data stored in his watch.

Another question is why Mark doesn't kill Scot?

- Mark's mission is to hunt down his target, and death told him he can take as much as his time to complete the task, but he didn't tell him that he can stay after he completes his task, right?

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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