
The Twelve Rings of Truth

In a world where the ancient power of twelve great rings holds the key to ultimate wisdom and unimaginable might, a young man named Art finds himself thrust into a harrowing quest that will forever alter the course of his life. Art's peaceful existence is shattered when his best friend, falls victim to a nefarious plot orchestrated by a malevolent force seeking control of the rings. Devastated by the loss of his friend, Art is consumed by grief and anger. Vowing to uncover the truth behind his friend's untimely demise and the secrets hidden within the enigmatic Tower of Ascendancy, he embarks on an arduous journey to the tower's peak—the rumored repository of all knowledge and the origin of the twelve rings. As Art climbs the perilous tower, he encounters a captivating array of challenges, cunning adversaries, and enigmatic guardians, each more formidable than the last. Along the way, he forms a motley crew of allies, each with their own reasons for seeking the truth and the power of the rings. Among them is Maximus Silverbane, a fierce and mysterious warrior whose connection to the rings remains shrouded in mystery, and Zephyr, a wise sage with boundless knowledge of ancient lore.

Icon_NanVij · แฟนตาซี
14 Chs

Ice Princess

"Art, Shall we go? " Althea asks him while keeping her hand on his head.

"Yes, I didn't know that he was on the same level as Grandpa." Art replies.

Althea was surprised at Art's reply, "How did he know that Dragon was on the same level as my father-in-law, just as I thought he is really an interesting one. What kind of life will embark on Art. I just hope you will lead a happy life with everyone. " Althea thought to herself.

"Art! I hope you haven't forgotten that Crystal is coming today. " While hinting at him, Althea winks at him.

Art immediately grasps her hint.

"Are you serious?" Art asks in a surprised voice.

"I am only telling you about it as you were looking down to give you a heads up!" Althea replies in a nonchalant voice.

"Mom, please help me this once. I will go with you shopping for this whole week. " Art pleads with Althea while looking at her with innocent eyes.

"You really didn't forget your promise with her, did you?"

"No... I did not." Art replies in a hesitant voice while pointing both of his index fingers towards each other.

"Tell me the truth or I will be afraid...."

Before Althea finishes her sentence, Art replies immediately, "Yes!" in a loud and sincere voice.

"Although your offer is tempting, I can't help you. Now be prepared to give her an excuse. "

After saying this, Althea starts to leave towards the airship.

Art's hopes of getting help from Althea were crushed and continued after her in the hopes of convincing her, but he failed completely.



-Inside the airship-

While Art's room is pretty normal, except for his luxury bed and many books in it, the Dragon House was very huge. It has a wide area of 10,000 sq. km. The whole base was like a super-advanced city, with many stadiums and airships on the outer part. In the inner part of the Dragon family base, there are four villas in a circle with a big mansion in the centre of these villas, covering more than 500 sq. km. It has a large number of people in it. The security was top-notch. The airships landed outside the gate on the runaway. The whole place was in the shape of a square with a circle in the centre of it.

"Wow! I will never get tired of watching the mansion from above. It looks like the territory of a huge army. "Art looks at the scene with a sparkle in his eyes.

"Well, it is an army base of our family. There are more bases in the tower that are bigger than this one. If you see your mom's base, you will be shocked. " Althea says to him.

Art was stunned after hearing it.

Art enters the Dragon Mansion.

He sees a beautiful and cute girl with blue-coloured hair. Her eyes were blue, with snow-white skin. She had a cold and majestic aura.

She immediately hugs him.

"Oh my... Sis Vivian, I guess we will have a grandchild soon looking at their pace." Althea humorously teases Art and Crystal.

"I never thought of the Ice Princess being this bold, unlike her usual self." Vivian comments on Crystal.

Art and Crystal were embarrassed after hearing both of them. Crystal's face was beet red.

"Where is Anne?" Art asks Vivian while looking for her.

"She is with your grandma. Grandma Athena is teaching her about Dimension magic types," Crystal replies to him while pouting and continues, "I am curious about your current strength. Let's have a mock battle. "

Art had a happy face and replied in a joyful tone, "Let's have it."

Vivian had mixed feelings about this, as she was concerned about the previous fight in which she saw Art as being different from his usual self.

Althea sees the worried face Vivian and assures her by saying, "Don't worry. I don't know what you saw during Art's previous fight; that aura was given by the demon dragon, and he was enraged for losing his friend. You will see something new this time. "

"I will be the referee for this match," Althea says to both of them.

Art and Crystal stand face-to-face. Anne and Athena join Vivian to watch the battle while Althea is at the middle edge of the battleground.

Anne was a beauty despite being in a wheelchair. She has black hair and black eyes. Anne is younger than Art and Crystal. She has jade-like skin that makes her very attractive and cute.

Althea formally introduces both of them.

"Art Dragon, Age 14, super-level yellow combat master on the left side."

"Crystal Khione, Age 14, Super-level Green Combat Master on the Right Side

"There is a clear one-level difference. Will Art be okay?!" Anne asks Athena while worrying about Art in a soft voice.

"Don't worry about him. He has fine control over his spirit will and magic. " Athena replies confidently to Anne.

"On the count of 3...2...1... start", Althea starts the match.

Crystal starts with a mid-level yellow ice magic attack on Art.

"As expected, She really used Ice spears from the start. Let's try this one." Art thinks about how to escape from the attack.

Art uses observation spirit energy, easily avoids it using low-level orange wind magic. Art uses mid-level yellow magic of both Wind and Fire to create a fire tornado. He immediately takes out his sword, uses mid-level orange lightning magic with combat spirit to create an aura around his sword. He releases the Lightning blade towards Crystal.

In a continuous barrage of attacks, She uses Ice wall to block the attacks and creates armour around her like a knight with a sword.

She immediately takes this chance to attack Art with her sword.

Both swords clash with combat spirit. They both start to fight with each other using sword aura. Every time they confront with their sword, their speed increases.

Art starts using high-level yellow fire and space magic to increase his attack range.

Crystal starts to dominate the fight with high-level green ice and wind magic to cover the whole battlefield.

Crystal takes the chance to attack Art using Super-level green Ice wave to finish her attacks.

"You really are taking it seriously", Art says to Crystal in a calm voice.

"You better take it too", Crystal replies in a confident voice.

"I guess I need to go all out", Art uses his spirit will clear the ice surrounding him.

Art uses mid-level yellow space magic to transfer himself near Crystal.

"Anne, see carefully. Art will use his spirit energy with origin energy to attack Crystal", Athena says to Anne.

"Well, looks like Crystal has improved a lot. Art is still recovering otherwise it won't last long", Vivian gives her opinion.

"No, I feel that Art is going to start using his cards now", Althea says to Vivian in a serious tone.

Art speeds increases and lands an attack on Crystal without even his sword touching her using spirit will.

Crystal falls back ten steps from her position.

Art throws away his sword in the air towards Crystal. Art starts using three magic at one time. He uses high-level yellow earth magic on one of his fists and super-level yellow fire magic on the other. Art uses mid-level yellow lightning magic on himself to increase his speed.

Crystal starts using her super-level green Ice shield and Ice wave with Mid-level green wind, water, and space magic. She launches an all-out attack with her last bit of magic power. She starts using her spirit will around her to defend herself.

Art uses observation spirit realm that he learned from Vritra, starts avoiding most of the attacks.

"You need to work on your realm and spirit energy or else you will get beaten up like this", Art appears behind her.

Art uses mid-level yellow space magic on his sword to transfer it to his hand. Art combines earth, fire, spirit will, and combat spirit in one to attack Crystal.

A huge amount of energy accumulates near his sword and attacks Crystal.

The whole area where Art attacks get destroyed, and a large amount of smoke comes out.

After the smokes clear out, we see Crystal passed out and Vivian stopping the blow of Art.

"You really went all-out on this one despite being recovering", Vivian says to Art.

"Well, If I had not then I would lose this fight", Art replies Vivian while panting on the ground.

"I will take her" Vivian leaves taking Crystal.

"Yeah, I am tired now let me rest" Art lies on the ground.

"Did you feel it?!, Mother-in-law", Althea asks Athena.

"Yeah, he was about to stop but he continued the attack sensing Vivian would move", Athena replies Althea.

Anne was shocked at the scene, watching how strong Art was, despite not using magic stone to increase his level from childhood, and beat the No.1 genius of the Khione Family.