
The Trouble Maker

If you had all the power in the world, what would you do with it? "I'd do whatever makes me happy!" So it begins. A journey of reaching goals, finding new love, doing random cool shit awaits. Go on, give it a read!

Feign_God · สมัยใหม่
9 Chs

A Case?!

"Miles! Where's the pizza at? I'm hungry as fuck! Why you taking so long? You look like a stuffed animal, who're you trying to impress looking like that." Luke complained as he turned off the Tv and looked towards the direction Miles went off to.

Miles peaked his head in, "I'm right here. Chill."

He walked in, putting the pizza boxes on the dining table. Soon after, the delivery girl came into the living room, looking around, "Where did you go? Take your soda!"

"Could you please put it on the table, thank you!" Miles said as he looked back towards Luke, giving him a signal with his head as he washed his hands in the sink.

Luke seemed to have gotten the signal as he raised an eyebrow.

"Isn't that a little too much? I don't think we could finish all of those if it's only the two of us." Luke questioned.

"Yeah, you might be right! Hey delivery girl, would you mind helping us eat these, I don't think we could finish them all." Miles exclaimed, as he first looked at the food on the table, then towards the delivery girl, as he asked her to stay for lunch.

"Ah! It's not good to waste food, are you okay with me joining you tho?" She said with a little concern.


"Yeah, yeah, just stay for lunch if you have nothing else to do, we don't mind." Luke answered enthusiastically as he got up from the sofa and walked over to the table.

"You might want to take your coat off, we have the heaters on, its gonna be boiling if you have your coat on the entire time." He continued whilst opening the boxes up.

Miles took his seat, as watched he watched the delivery girl wash her hands, her back turned to him. She had taken off her coat along with her gloves and beanie. She had a knitted white turtle neck on and plain long white socks. Her hair was super curly and brown; flowing down onto her chest from the right side, the rest put behind her left ear and cascading down to her mid-back. She was really beautiful, light-skinned, 5 foot 8.

'Damn, she fine as hell! Her curves tho! She thicc as hell too! Mnm! That ass too, perky as hell, the way she walk, them shits jiggle. She got an SS tier bod in my books. Yoo! Don't even get me started on how nice her waist is, the turtleneck she wore is perfectly capturing her figure too! No Fucking way I got so lucky! Not only she got ass, but her breasts are packing too. What are those, D-CUPS!!! Holy shit! She must've been sent from heaven to enter my life. If anyone's gonna hol me down, I wouldn't be surprised if its her. Amma really need that IG or even better, get her number maybe? Ight, ight, ight! Get yo shit together, this will be easy, just play it cool... Play. It. Cool. U got this!'

Whilst Miles was having his inner monologue, the delivery girl, who we still don't know the name of, took a seat on the dining table along with Luke, who brought 3 plates with him.

Seeing that Miles was blanking out, Luke nudged him a little as he handed him a plate.

"Ohh yeah, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Miles, and this is my homie, Luke." Miles said as he looked into her brown eyes, noticing how beautiful they were.

"Hi, my name is Majesty, nice to meet you!" Majesty, the delivery girl, said with a bright smile.

Luke nodded his head, leaving all the talking to Miles. Reaching for a pepperoni pizza, he noticed how hot it was; like it just came out the oven. "How come it's still so hot, did u run here or something?" It was snowing outside, for god's sake. If she had walked here, it would have gotten cold without question.

"Ohh, I came here in my car." She replied before taking a bite of the pizza in her hand.

'Does that mean she's 18, since she drove here, I gotta ask her' Miles thought.

Miles poured coke in everyone's glass teacups as he asked, "Are you even allowed to drive? Do you have your driver's license?" He then passed everyone their coke before picking up his own, bringing it to his mouth.

"Yeah, of course! I wouldn't be able to drive without one." She said as if it's the most obvious thing every.

Miles just nodded along, taking little sips of his coke.

"But are you old enough? I'm 18, so I could drive no problem." He said.

"I'm 17"

"Pfff!!!" Miles spit his coke out, luckily not all over the food in front of him. He spat it all back into his cup, but none of this was the slightest bit important to him.

'NANI DA FUCK!!! That's a case! BrO! That's... A FUCKING CASE. God fucking damn it!!!'

Miles was internally freaking out, he who almost caught a case. Goddamn, his luck today is at a once in a lifetime low.

On the sidelines, Luke was trying his best to not burst out laughing, holding his balled-up fist to his curled up lips and puffed cheeks.

Majesty confusingly looked towards the two before asking Miles if he's okay, "Hey, Miles, are you okay? Did you choke on your coke?" She said worried a little.

*Ahum* *Ahum* "I'm good now, thanks for asking." Miles reassured he was okay, but his pale face contradicted his words.

"When was your birthday, Majesty? Was it recent?" Luke inquired, his instincts were telling him that her answer will be funny as hell.

"It was! My birthday was five days ago, on New Year's Eve." She exclaimed smiling, probably remembering her amazing birthday.

The last nail had been put in the coffin, Miles' eyes rolled back as he leaned back on his chair, lifeless. Luke, who was side glancing him the whole time, couldn't keep his laughs in as he burst out laughing.

"Aaaahhhahahaha! Miles, get up! This ain't no dream!" Luke slapped his shoulders a couple of times until Miles got annoyed of it.

Swatting Luke's hand away, Miles sat up straight, annoyed, "Stop hitting! I'm not dead you idiot, I could still beat the shit out of you!" Miles said, cracking his knuckles trying to seem intimidating.

Majesty, the cause of all of this, couldn't keep up with everything, think to herself, 'Where the fuck did I end up. Is this a hospital for the mentally disabled?'

"Miles, are you really okay? Like in the head? You alright?" She said, kinda freaking out herself.

Miles didn't want to make this anymore uncomfortable for her and assured her that he was okay.

"Yeah, I'm sorry, I'm okay. Don't worry, I only have the sniffles from a cold. Not some mental disorder." He clarified.

"Oh yeah! The receptionist downstairs asked me to check on you. She seemed really worried about you." Majesty mentioned about her run-in with the lady in the lobby.

"Huh? Which receptionist? A blonde or a brunette?" Miles inquired as he put a mozzarella stick in his mouth.

"It was a blond lady!" Nodding, Majesty responded to his question.

Luke cut in to their conversation and added, "Yeah, Miles, she helped me get up here that night. You should give her a call and say thanks. Without her, I would've just left you to sleep in the car, to be honest." he said, laughing at his own joke too. But Miles didn't find it funny, because he knew that Luke was the type of guy to actually do something like that.

'I really owe her alot now. Amma thank her in person tomorrow.'

"Well, enough talking, more eating! The food is getting cold, you guys haven't been eating much." Luke said to the other two. He himself already finished the whole pepperoni pizza.