
The Train To The Afterlife

นักเขียน: WizKey
Contemporary Romance
กำลังดำเนินการ · 895 จำนวนคนดู
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What is The Train To The Afterlife

อ่านนิยาย The Train To The Afterlife โดย ผู้เขียน WizKey ที่เผยแพร่บน WebNovel.Finding the exit in a dark world seems to be so difficult for August Mauve Dela Vega. When she thought that it was her trauma, regrets, and guilt that chains her from moving forward, she realized that...


Finding the exit in a dark world seems to be so difficult for August Mauve Dela Vega. When she thought that it was her trauma, regrets, and guilt that chains her from moving forward, she realized that there was something deeper that made her life miserable. As Mauve met the grim reaper who saved her from killing herself, she discovers different new doors to open. . . including the door to her previous life. This story is set in the Philippines, and written in English.



In einer zukünftigen Zeitlinie... Die gesamte Welt erlebte eine himmelstürmende Veränderung, als der Planet Erde von unbekannten Kräften gewaltsam aus der Milchstraßengalaxie in eine andere Galaxie verschoben wurde. Eine neue Galaxie, die ihre kühnsten Vorstellungen übertraf. Eine neue Art von kosmischer Energie, bekannt als Mana, drang in die Erde ein und veränderte ihr Wesen, während die Welt mit ansehen musste, wie ihre normale Norm in Stücke zerbrach. Die kosmische Energie drang in den menschlichen Körper ein und erweckte mit Gewalt neue Gene in ihm, von denen man einst dachte, sie seien ein Mythos. Die Regeln der Welt wurden gewaltsam geändert, und sie wurde zu einem Ort, an dem nur das Stärkerwerden zählte und nur diejenigen mit den stärksten Genen Respekt verdienten. Die Stärke der Menschheit wuchs und damit auch ihre Neugier, die sie dazu brachte, die Erde zu verlassen und das neue Universum zu erkunden, aber sie waren schockiert von dem, was sie sahen. Mächtige außerirdische Rassen, die ihnen in Technologie und Verständnis von Mana, weltverschlingender Existenz, unerforschten Welten und Kosmos weit voraus waren. Dieses Universum war einfach grenzenlos, und das Wort "unmöglich" gibt es nicht. Die Geschichte folgt einem jungen Mann namens Zeras Celestria, einem Nachkommen einer der Neun Familien, der als Abschaum betrachtet und an eine dunkle Macht verkauft wurde, die Menschen für Experimente benutzt, weil er nicht in der Lage war, das mächtige A-Grad Blitzhammer-Gen der Celestria-Familie zu erwecken, und stattdessen das trashige F-Grad Vielfarbiges Haar-Gen erweckte. Er wurde in einen Haufen toter Körper geworfen, die als Versager bei den Experimenten galten, und das Leben sickerte langsam aus ihm heraus. Zeras biss die Zähne fest zusammen, während in den Tiefen seiner Augen ein wahnsinniges Verlangen nach Rache aufflackerte, allerdings auch mit einem Hauch von Hilflosigkeit. Das war, bis... "Glückwunsch." "Der Wirt wurde vom Chaos gesegnet." "Der Wirt hat erfolgreich das Chaos verschlingende Gen des SSS-Grades erweckt." Bewaffnet mit einem SSS-Grad-Gen und einem unbändigen Willen zur Rache. Zeras machte sich auf den Weg, der Stärkste zu werden und das grenzenlose Universum zu beherrschen. Ein Weg, den viele eingeschlagen haben, aber keiner hat es je geschafft. -- -- -- Eine Zukunftsszene... "Schau mir in die Augen, was siehst du..." Einen jungen Mann mit weißen Haaren wie der reinste Schnee, Lippenpaaren, die röter sind als Blut, und einem Gesicht, das von der Perfektion selbst geschaffen wurde. Doch diese Augen, nein, die konnte man nicht so nennen... Sie waren stattdessen ein unendliches schwarzes Loch aus... "Ich sehe Tod, Wahnsinn, Schmerz und..." "Ja, ich bin die letzte Verkörperung des Chaos..." -- -- -- Update-Zeitplan: Tägliches Update. Minimum von zwei Kapiteln pro Tag. -- -- -- [Schaut euch auch mein neues Buch an: Infinity Guardian System!]

Supreme_IQ · แอคชั่น
156 Chs


In the vast seas a small boat can be seen being paddled opposite to the the tides. A small boy can be seen paddling and trying his hardest. He face is filled with tears but his eyes shown forth with bright firey ambition. " Don't worry Dad, I will fulfill your promise no matter what!! I will find away to reach home to mom and lil sis no matter what!! I..I WILL SURVIVE AND GET BACK HOME " GASP .... Suddenly the boy wakes up with a start and sees his surroundings. He's on a hammock, in a room. He sighs and rubs his face to find tears streaming down his eyes. He's just about to go back to sleep when the room, together with the boat jolts and he hears a commotion outside. He gets of the hammock, picks up his shirt of the floor and walks out while wearing it. " What's with all the ruckus guys, I am trying to sleep in here. "He asks as he walks out onto the deck of the ship. " Help, Help Kai i am getting blown away by this storm. Ahh not my nose.. " Says a guy hanging of the sails of the ship as another guy with blond hair and curly brows is trying to pull him back up into the crows nest by pulling on his abnormally long nose. " How can you be still be sleeping through such a horrific storm. HELP OUT You idiot!! " Shouts a girl with orange hair, making a scary face. " Hai, hai " Saying that the guy went to help out with the sails on the other side of the ship. " But that guy is still sleeping even in the rain, shouldn't she be scolding him too!? Why are only we doing the work. " He grumbled as he walks past a green haired guy sleeping nearby hugging onto three swords. The guy moves towards the front of the ship and sees a guy with a straw hat sitting on a goat figure head. He couldn't help but grin as he moved towards him. " Shishishi , Just a little bit longer till we reach it. Isn't that right, Kai. " Says the guy with the straw hat, as he looks straight into the horizon as if waiting for something to show up just about any second. " Yup, The Starting Line, for all our dreams. Just a little bit longer. " Say the guy, While standing just behind the figure head looking towards the horizon as well. Just as they were socking in the moment they heard a shout of anger from the orange haired girl behind them. " IF YOU TWO DON'T HELP OUT NOW I'LL DROWN YOU BOTH AND END YOUR DREAMS HERE. " " Waaah." " Runn.. It's a sea fairing witch." And both the guys ran for their lives towards the deck of the ship. " HA, WHAT DID YOU CALL ME LUFFY COME BACK HERE !! " _--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_-- Authors Note Here - First of all English is not my first language so sorry for any spelling and vocabulary mistakes i make. If you could just kindly point it out in the comments i will be eternally grateful. Second Everything From the Cover Pic to every single character belongs to their rightful owners. Instead of the OC Kai D Goldstein and some non canon islands i will be adding to the story, I own nothing else. My writing schedule is a bit messy but i am 100% serious about this work of mine. So i will try to give out 2 to 3 chapters per week. And they are going to be big chapters where i will try to cover alot of the plot and character building to my own added world building. If i can't post a big chapter, i will try to post out so smaller ones daily. I would be very grateful for any type of support i get from everyone. Power Stones, Reviews and New adventure ideas and constructive criticism are all welcome here.

Reality_warper004 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
1 Chs

The Monstrous King and his sweet Evil Queen

In the mysterious realm of Kalvon, where shadows whispered tales of Kings and Queens, none were as infamous as King Jetaime. Whispers echoed through the cobblestone corridors and darkened chambers of the palace, painting a macabre portrait of a heartless sovereign scarred by the cruelty of fate. His legs, so the tales spun, were lifeless appendages, and his face, a grotesque canvas of boils. His was a visage that struck terror into the hearts of those who dared imagine it. Yet, destiny took an unforeseen turn on the eve of a grand wedding night. Princess Jaelyn, cursed and hidden away within the confines of Malavon Castle, was the unwilling pawn in a malevolent game of power. Her name, synonymous with evil, and her every step marked by the devil's touch. However, as she stepped into the grand hall to meet her monstrous groom, a man emerged before her, shattering the grotesque image painted by gossip. King Jetaime stood not as the rumored monster, but as a vision of unexpected sweetness, love, and undeniable handsomeness. The discrepancy between the tales and the reality sparked a whispered question in the minds of those who witnessed this surreal union — had she unwittingly married an imposter, or were the rumors nothing more than twisted fragments of a darker imagination? As King Jetaime and Princess Jaelyn embarked on their tumultuous journey, the chessboard of power and revenge unfolded. Locked in a dance of secrets and hidden motives, the two found themselves entangled in a love that defied the expectations set by the world. The King, who had never allowed anyone close, now placed his heart willingly in her hands. Princess Jaelyn, driven by the flames of vengeance, found an unexpected ally in the man she was supposed to despise. Together, they navigated the treacherous waters of courtly politics, facing a power struggle fueled by conspiracies that threatened to tear them apart. In the battle between love and destiny, the question lingered like an ethereal mist — was their connection a mere human maneuver or a divinely fated love? As the story unfolded, the narrative wove a tapestry of twists and turns, challenging the very essence of their existence. Could love truly conquer all things, or were some cases destined to be eternally hopeless? Two empty hearts, two lives devoid of love, collided in a dance of darkness and light. A monster king and an evil queen united to become one, their journey unfurling like a forbidden scroll. The world watched with bated breath as the saga unfolded — a tale of love, betrayal, and the relentless pursuit of a destiny that defied the predetermined life. Cover by Java graphics.

Marianne_2020 · ย้อนยุค
61 Chs


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General Audiencesmature rating