
Nexus Origins


A loud sound resonated throughout the environment sending vibrations through the ground. The explosion was the aftermath of a detonated EMP which was used to disrupt the opposing sides electronic gadgets.

"Target approaching." An artificial voice proclaimed.

A soldier clothed with a blue army wear slid pass the dead body of another soldier. With precision, he aimed his sniper at the head of another opposing soldier and sniped him instantly.

"Target down."

"Objective almost complete keep it up."

The blue soldier aimed his sniper around every corner available in his sights searching for the last man.


Like a woman's mood; the tides of the battle changed swiftly as the soldier fell dead on the ground, his blood splattered all around the environment. A large [Defeat] sign displayed on the virtual environment of Zedric. The defeated were returned back to the virtual lobby of the game. Zedric held the side of his virtual reality googles and sat down on his bed highly rattled.

[Zedric]: "How."

[Anthony]: "Bro..."

[Zedric]: "From where brooo, from where."

[Zach]: "All those useless snipers, camping, one-tapping everybody that crosses their sights."

[Zedric]: "Like... I don't just understand."

[Zach]: "I'm talking about you fool."

[Zedric]: "What?"

[Anthony]: "Like your any better, you literally climbed the roof at standoff point and sniped everybody within a 10 kilometer radius. I actually felt sorry for them."

[Zach]: "Poor dudes where just trying to survive and still collected stray bullets, who the idiot was that fired that shot they had no idea."

[Zedric]: "Whatever, I can't believe Battle Warfare is about to shut down. I'm really going to miss this game."

[Anthony]: "Me and you both, at least we have something to look forward to. Today's finally the day the new game launches!"

[Zach]: "Nexus Origins?"

[Zedric]: "Yeah... it's rumoured as "The game that will change the fate of the virtual world" sounds cliche if you ask me. But given the creators it's sure to be a huge banger. Alright boys, this is where I sign off for now. We meet back tomorrow at 9:00pm, we definitely not gonna miss the launch of this new game! Not again!"

[Zach]: "Sure."

[Anthony]: "Later bro."

Nexus Origins, a game which was to be released on the 13th of March 2034 was developed by Rytec Industries which is regarded as the world's "Technological powerhouse." It's technological advancements gave birth to the Virtual reality of several underrated games.

Dr Ishigaki Tenjiro, the founder and creator of the Rytec industries was a visionary and highly proficient game designer who along with his team of highly skilled engineers, programmers, artists and game designers managed to integrate virtual reality into actual reality with this new game, Nexus Origins.

In addition to creating the most popular and most expected release, Rytec industries also partnered with other industries such as Taclicon and integrated their virtual reality technology along with theirs into the games giving birth to Battle Warfare which became one of the most popular VRMMORPG reality gaming. However certain events led to the shutdown of this game.

Nexus Origins.

A highly developed VRMMORPG which is based off several greek mythologies became the world's most anticipated reality game that came together with the Neuro-Sync, the Neuro-Sync is the result of years of research and development as well as investments made by Rytec industries.

It permitted players all over the world to fully experience the virtual world in it's most realistic way. After so many trial and errors made by the industry, they finally arrived at the technology which would change the future of virtual reality as a whole. It was a technology which established a direct neural link between the user's brain and the game itself. Through this link, players were able to gain real sensory feedback making it appeared like they were truly there themselves.

Following the release of Nexus Origins was it's compartments and expansions, players were advised to purchase these expansions ahead of time. The reason was quite simple, to provide for a more better experience and advantage . Any new addition to the playable characters, character's customizations were to be made via in-game micro transactions.

These compartments were:

"Cosmic Gateway". This consisted of several dimensions possessing mythical and mysterious creatures, new sets of weaponry and along with it came new set of skills. Each dimension is separated by a gate created out of cosmic energy which prevented the entities from each dimensions from ever interacting with each other or so it was programmed to do so. It costs a total of $350 if one was willing to purchase it.

"Templar's Maze". This compartment consisted of a ancient and mystic race of sages and witches. With this compartment came additional quests, dungeons and sage-themed playables with abilities that could be unlocked. It costs around $150. Dungeons are mysterious resting place for various kinds of beasts and creatures, it became mysterious as no one knew how they were formed or where it could be found till the barrier preventing it from being exposed to the human world.

However with different dungeons came different levels of difficulty for each one, the difficulty levels were ranked from F-S Rank. The manifestation of an S-Rank dungeon is usually notable by a humanoid beast referred to as "The Red Fury" which is a creature at the bottom of the food chain within that dungeon so it's always looked for a way to escape it.

The final compartment was the in-game microtransactions installation package, several updates to this packages were to be highly expected given the trailer of the game shown weeks before the anticipated release.

It included characters customization like costumes, playable characters, classes, weaponry and store items. This compartments costs a total of $1000 extra seeing the varieties were expansive. The weaponry however were surprisingly cheap, even the one's that had a big impact in the game.

"$450?? After i already spent a total of $3000 just to purchase the VR googles and the game itself? Nah there's nothing anyone's gonna tell me this right here is highway robbery." Zedric complained.

With only a few hours away till the official launch of Nexus Origins, Zedric already made his plans to purchase all the compartments available to really have a full time experience. "Well I did buy the game with the mindset that I was going to blow all my life savings on it so I guess there's no use complaining now." He sighed.

He purchased the game [Nexus Origins], the virtual reality googles [Neuro-Sync] and only two compartments for and the weaponry section and headed back home as soon as he could. The moment he got home, he didn't even care to take a break from the stress of walking. He began downloading the compartments into the game and charged the Neuro-Sync.

As time passed, 1 hour was all that was left till the server of the game was to be finally released. Players all over the world were filled and shivering with excitement and sat behind their desks as they downloaded the final compartments to the game.
