
Chapter 1

The white haired girl clapped. "Nice receive Yukimura!" She shouted loud enough for the brown haired boy to hear. He just smiled in satisfaction, it wasn't everyday he was praised by his Senpai.

The next, and final, one to receive was the blonde haired foreigner. He messed up a bit on his receive. "Davis, You have to put your hands closer together so you won't leave a gap for the ball to fall through. Bend your knees a little more to." She instructed in her soft voice.

"Hai..." He muttered with a sigh as he logged off to the side.

"Today we'll be holding our annual Training Camp. This will be interesting seeing as I could not attend last year's annual training camp." She said as she stood in front of the boys who sat on the bleachers of the gym.

"Coach, when will the other schools arrive?" she asked as she faced him. "They were supposed to arrive 5 minutes ago." He replied. She sighed. "You all will be on your best behavior, am I clear. Especially you two." She stated as she stopped in front of two makes.

One had White hair and blue irises, his skin as pale as snow. He Wore the standard Boys' uniform that they used during practice matches which consist of a white T-shirt and dark blue shorts.

The whole team sweatdropped. "Hey! We don't cause that much problems! If anything, Captain does!" the white haired one shouted as he pointed to the Captain. "Yeah!" the blonde haired one with green irises shouted in agreement.

The Captain who had Dark Brown hair and dark brown and eyes glared at the two. "What'd you say! I'm your Senpai, at Least show some respect!" the Captain shouted.

"Now, Now, no need to be violent." the Vice Captain who has Dark blue hair with  red irises and slightly tanned skin and is of average height, said trying to clam the three down.

The white haired girl sighed.

"I was already in a bad mood today. You three are making it worse. Now because of this, you three will go run laps outside." She stayed as she narrowed her eyes at them.

They shivered. "G-Gomen..." They all chorused in fear.

"Here, Yukine-senpai. I predicted you would be in a bad mood today, so I bought your favorite pocky." The black haired boy with golden irises and slightly tanned skin said as he pulled out a box of strawberry pocky from his bag.

The girl's eyes sparkled and she immediately hugged the boy. "Thank you, Shimizu-san!" She exclaimed. The Team sweatdropped.

'How could we forget... Udai is easily bought off with food...' the whole team thought as they looked at her hugged the boy. He just smiled gently.

"Honda-san, Udai-san, the other schools that are participating in this year annual Volleyball training camp are outside waiting for you." A voice announced.

"Hai, we'll be there shortly, Hanasaki-san." The official Coach, Honda Ren, replied. "Alright, I'll go inform them then." The teacher said as she walked back out.

"Like Udai-chan said, be on your best behavior. We only recently became a Powerhouse school thanks right Udai-chan, so be grateful to her." Honda said with a gentle smile.

"Hai!" The whole Team chorused.

"Let's go then." the Girl, Udai Yukine, said with a small smile. She walked out the gym and Into the courtyard that was quite vast while followed by Honda and the Team. They stood in a line, side by side, with Honda being to the farthest right. Everyone stared at them..l

"Greetings guest! We, Tengoku High, Welcome you to this years Annual Volleyball Training Camp!" Honda shouted as he, followed by Yukine and the Team, bowed politely.


"Here you go." She said as she handed out Water bottles to her Team. "Thank you, Udai-senpai!" Davis thanked her with a grin. She just nodded as she continued.

"Just one more match and you can have lunch." Yukine said softly. "Heck yeah, what're we having for lunch this time?" The Captain, Hanasaki Izuku, asked as he looked up at the girl who was standing in front of him as she handed him his bottle.

"I'm cooking Chaplin Steak Curry for lunch and Beef Bourguigon for dinner." Yukine replied. They were practically drooling thinking of her food. "We'll win our next match quickly, right guys?" Hanasaki questioned with a grin.

"Hai!" They all chorused. Yukine just giggled. "I'll go get started then." She said as she began to walked out the gym. "Yukine-san, you're only making food for us right???" The white haired boy from before, Orihara Izumi, asked. She just nodded. "Of course." She stated.

'They never change...' She thought reminiscing on the past as she smiled.

"Sayonara..." she muttered as she walked out.

She walked to the school building and the down the hall and turned left to get to the Kitchen. When she walked in, she saw the other managers.

"Ah, Udai-san. You're gonna start cooking too?" The brown haired one asked. Yukine nodded. "Yes. My Team will be done with their match shortly." Yukine stated with full confidence as she put om a black apron and tied up her hair into a ponytail.

"H-How are you so sure?" She asked. "They're up against Shiratorizawa and at least years Training Camp, they lost every match. Even now, they lost every match." She added. Yukine sighed.

"Use your brain Hana." Yukine said as she got out some pans, Beef Sirloin, lots of onions, garlic, pepper, salt, potato starch, rice(donburi bowl), Umeboshi Paste, Pickles plum, red wine. soy sauce, and butter as the girl was in thought.

Her eyes widened. "You don't mean-" Hana was cut off by Yukine's sharp green eyes. "Yeah. Up until this point, we've gone easy on you. From this match onward, we'll show our true strength" Yukine spoke with full confidence. The team shivered. Her presence made them weak in the knees and sent them goosebumps.

"And like promised, you cook for your teams and I cook for mine." She said as she started to chop the onions finely.

"Hai..." They all muttered.


Tengoku High sat at a different table than anyone else. Many whispered about them. "I thought they were just good at academic???" The bald boy From Karasuno questioned. "Well yeah... I heard last year they became well known in this preference and only ever have practice matches against real pros... They were known to win every match, but at last years Training Camp, they lost everything match, as I've heard from the other schools, and today as well. Then suddenly they won against Shiratorizawa... Something's not right..." The Vice Captain said.

"Well, last year Yukine couldn't attend because she was busy with Family matters. Besides, Yukine probably has some big plans or reason to let her team lose purposely." The sunshine said as he took a bite of his food.

"You know you, Hinata?" Their 3rd year manager asked. He nodded with a grin. "Yeah! We're childhood friends! Her names Udai Yukine, it wasn't until last year that she told me she was The Little Giant's sister." He replied. "She seems to be in a bad mood today. Probably stayed up all night watching all games." He added as he looked at the girl.

"Ugh.... I want some of her cooking too...." He muttered as he looked at his plate. Even thought he managers were the ones who cooked, they couldn't blame him. Her food smelled delicious which is why some thought they got a pro to make their food.

He felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned to see Yukine. "Here Shōyō, I made some meat buns for you." She said with a close eyed smile. She really missed the ball of sunshine. His faces brightened. "Thank you, Yuki!" He exclaimed as he took the plate.

She chuckled. "I knew you'd go to Karasuno. Which is why I invited them this year. I also went to your Match against Shiratorizawa. I must say, Karasuno does have some pretty interesting first years." She said. She loved to see Shōyō happy and well. It made her mood change again, no longer being mad and grumpy.

Her Team glared at Karasuno. They were jealous.

"I also saw your matches at Nationals. Unfortunately my team lost because of me... I asked Captain of the Girls Team, failed to be there because I got an injury and so that caused the boys team to worry about me, but I promise you this, we will show you the true strength of Tengoku High. We will show you why we are the true rulers of the Sky." She said as her green orbs shined.

"It was nice seeing you again, Shōyō. I have to go now, Sayonara." She said with a gentle smile. Hinata just smiled.

"She never changes does she. I wanna play against her again!" He exclaimed.

"You ayer against her? Hah, I bet she lost. I mean she's even shorter than you." the Salty blonde said with a smirk. Hinata playfully glared at him. "Some 'Tiny Goddess' she is. I swear she was only named that cuz she's cute." The blonde scoffed. Hinata became serious, his smile fading.

"Actually, she isn't called the Tiny Goddess for nothing. You'd understand if you'd at least play against her, no, if you'd at least watch one of her matches." Hinata stated. The Table became quiet.

"Hinata... You can be really scary sometimes..." the 3rd year softy said as he shivered a bit.

"E-Eh? Gomen... Mina-san..." He said as he nervous smiled while rubbing the back of his head.

'Remind me never to get on his bad side.....'

[𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐬]

"𝑊𝑒 𝑐𝑎𝑛 𝑠𝑎𝑦 𝑤𝑒 𝑘𝑛𝑜𝑤 𝑤𝒉𝑎𝑡 𝑖𝑡'𝑠 𝑙𝑖𝑘𝑒, 𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝑑𝑜 𝑤𝑒 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑦? 𝑊𝑒 𝑛𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟 𝑘𝑛𝑜𝑤 𝑢𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑙 𝑖𝑡 𝒉𝑎𝑝𝑝𝑒𝑛𝑠 𝑡𝑜 𝑢𝑠."


General Information


•Name: Udai Yukine

•Role: Female Lead

•Age: 16

•Family: Udai Tenma, Unnamed Parents

•Favorite Food/Snack: Anything Strawberry related

•Position: Captain, Ace, Wing Spiker, Coach

•Number: 1




Yukine is a girl that stands at 5'0". She has slightly long white hair with beautiful green eyes and pale skin with slightly pink tinted cheeks that have a red tear tattoo under her right eye. She uses usually seen wearing the Standard Tengoku High uniform which consist of a white skirt with blue details, a white button up short with a blue tie, and a blue blazer over it. She is seen to also wear black stalkings and her outdoor shoes. She is usually wearing a pair of gloves and usually seen carrying a Case that seems to be for an instrument. Sometimes instead of the white shirt, she wears black shorts of the same length. Under her skirt she has knives and a 45mm strapped to her thighs, seeing as it is a school that is renowned for their military skilled students.




Due to being born into a High Ranking Military Family, she possessed both the skill and mindset of a leader and fighter. She is described by Hinata to have frequent mood swings on days she gets little sleep, but she is very nice when she's in a good mood. She is described by her team to be a spectacular coach and loyal friend along with awesome cook. By Honda she us described to not really be able to express herself much, but does try her best for those she cares about. She is mostly seen to be blunt and apathetic. This is because unlike other children, she was taught to fight for herself and trust no own at a young age. This caused her to have trust issues and be antisocial. Some moments she is seen to be very confident in her Team's abilities, but to doubt her own capabilities as a Human being. She is seen to have a soft spot for cats and ones she deeply cares for, one being Hinata. She is determined to teach her Teams all she can before she has to graduate.


Members of Tengoku High


-Male Team-

•Honda Ren- Assistant Coach

•Davis John- 1st Year, Setter

•Yukimura Zakuro- 2nd Year, Pinch Server

•Shimizu Izumi- 3rd year, Wing Spike

•Hanasaki Izuku- 3rd Year, Outside hitter, Captain

•Orihara Izumi- 1st year, Middle Blocker

•Unomiya Taro- 3rd Year, Vice Captain, Setter

•Tanaka Haruto- 1st year, Libero

•Haiba Levi- 1st year, Ace, Wing Spiker

•Yukimura Yukio- 2nd Year, Opposite Hitter

•Miya Sai- 2nd Year, Middle Blocker

•Shinomiya Kazuto- 1st Year, Middle Blocker

•Okumura Kanato- 3rd Year, Opposite Hitter

•Udai Yukine: 2nd Year, Coach, Captain, Ace, Wing spiker

-Female Team-

•Arataka Kaede- Coach

•Udai Yukine- 2nd Year, Coach, Captain, Ace, Wing spiker

•Yachi Minami- 3rd Year, Vice Captain, Outside Hitter

•Kazuya Rin- 1st Year, Setter

•Kanzaki Irina- 2nd Year, Opposite Hitter

•Kuroo Itsuki- 3rd Year, Middle Blocker

•Sakusa Yuri- 2nd Year, Wing Spiker

•Oikawa Nanami- 2nd Year, Wing Spiker, Ace

•Kishimoto Hiyori 3rd Year, Setter

•Washijō Jiro- 3rd Year, Pinch Server

•Tsukishima Sakura- 1st Year, Middle Blocker

•Ukai Shiro- 1st Year, Middle Blocker

•Kayano Kaede- 1st Year, Pinch Server

•Nakamura Rio- 1st Year, Setter, Defense Specialist