
Changing of the Guard Part 3

The evening darkness was barely beginning to recede as some light began caressing the world into wakefulness. Sitting in on of the coolest remnants of night's shadow was a man, looking out over the garden beyond him. So much had changed… perhaps it was nearly time.

The truth had to come out, she had to know. The hatred he had endured was nearly at an end. There had been so many chances to clear his name, but timing. So much depended on him following the right timing. He groaned looking over as he sensed a pair walking toward him.

Kyera had grown up to be beautiful, in human and tiger form. Most time she stood on two legs, her power hidden by the dainty dresses and frilly dresses that made her look like a fairy. However, this woman that stood behind him was so similar to the man who raised her. The warmth of her soul was carefully hidden behind the mask of a Princess. He rose to his feet as she approached.

"Kyera, what brought you to me this morning of all days?" He asked shaking off the feeling of the past. His mind overlaid the brilliant young child with the woman before her. So many things had changed in her sense then. There was less hatred in her eyes… perhaps?

"I need to ask you, when you put yourself between us, between my mother and I, what were you doing? What was your intent?" Kyera asked, lowering herself to sit beside where he had been. Kan was surprised, but chose to lower himself back down to sit beside her.

"I could sense your anger. She had a tendency to infuriate you and doesn't know when to back off. With you being pregnant I didn't want to chance you losing your temper. If anyone could push you to it, it is her." He replied sighing deeply. Kyera stared at the grass below her, toying with strands gently. The life force of this garden was strong and gentle, refreshing her mind and body as she tried to understand.

"If you could sense my anger you had to have been close by. I wasn't angry enough for it to permeate the earth." Kyera reasoned looking over at him. She was honestly fairly sure she knew the answers. There was something else here, now that her anger was erased and her mind was settled on his aura without those black auras that separated her senses from seeing him clearly. Her senses had been blinded by her own hatred, and now that she chose to let it go, there was sudden clarity.

"I was. I always have been, Kyera. You have sensed me many times, and if it wasn't for the fact that I knew how to blend in with the forest you never truly knew I was there. I am not the enemy, and I think you are starting to realize this." Kan replied, looking at her out of the corner of his eyes. He was trying to read her, but she didn't seem to be showing any hint of what was going on in that mind of hers.

"I am not going to ask why. I don't know if it matters but I needed to ask before I got to the point. I need the strongest fighter at my side during the hunt. Talis isn't a fighter, he needs to stay behind with Raina." Kyera was careful in her wording, turning to face him. There was still the fire in her eyes. The sense of distrust was strong, and it took several moments for what she meant to sink into his mind. He chuckled softly realizing what she meant.

"Are you asking me to act as your guard?" Kan asked there was a hint of mockery to his tone. Kyera blushed softly, as she looked away from him there was a sense of uncertainty in her.

"Kan, I think we both know that I can not trust you. Not to the extent that I trust Clovis or Talis. I am the daughter of a god but I am no saint. Forgiveness has its limits, but I can't let myself focus on that right now. I need need a strong guard that will watch my back." Kyera tried to explain, honestly it was a struggle for words she had never experienced before. She was use to knowing exactly what she meant. It wasn't often that she was at a loss for words, but at the moment the ones she was looking for wouldn't come.

"And the first person you thought of was me?" Kan asked looking her over rather skeptically. He was sympathetic, he understood how hard it was for her to admit what was going through her head. It was possible she felt as though she as betraying her brothers by asking him for this, but at the same time he understood why.
