
The thing from outside

Once there was a being that was a thing in a space where there were nothing.Someday it gains its own consciousness.Thus it's adventure began to the infinite realms Warning There is gore.There will be no moral limit for the mc.He isn't a human.And most important thing is he will be smart(Not smarter than me ofc)

Anonymous_0075 · สมัยใหม่
5 Chs

The Nonexistence that exists

As the black dot entered the egg an intense shaking occurred in the egg.After a few moments the shaking stopped and the egg started rotting at a visible rate.

But then it stopped as a blood red aura started nourishing it.The rune on the egg started writhing more intensely.




The egg started cracking as even the wall started breaking.In the egg a beast started forming first the skeleton with dark bones then flesh and skin started forming.

The picture inside the egg.


A skeletonized hand came out of the egg




Then a full body came out.The was unlike any other creature the universe has seen its body was like a mashed up meat barely alive.In the place of its head there is meat bloated up like tumor's from its head to its throat area.

It's hand's and leg's were like that of a skeleton.And from it's head a long tentacle like extension came out

From its skeleton hands many other like the hands came out.

In its chest area there was a dark orb which was covered by what looked like many bony fingers.

In its abdomen things that looked like organ's covered with no skin could be seen

The picture of what he looks like

It was something that could induce madness into any being that has seen it.This anomaly which was born today was not a human not a

demon not something that could be intercepted in one of those those categories.

It was like those horror which we experience as a kid in the dark not knowing what kind of creature it's going to be. The fear of the unknown.

Staring at it was like those unknowable creatures in the dark.Not knowing what they look like.

The only thing you can experience is fear no hope no light only the emotion of the unknown and the lingering fear.