
Chapter 37: Quincy, Part 1

I lean against the wall in the hallway, hugging a folder to my chest. My thoughts run rampant as I wait for my new attorney, a man I have never met but hired based on a recommendation.

It wasn't hard finding him. The minute you start asking clients at a salon for resources, people come out of the woodwork to give you names and numbers. Ultimately, my coworker, Nathan, had a client who went through a custody battle last year. From what he says, it was really ugly. But she ended up winning, and she still sees Nathan every six weeks, which means she didn't go broke fighting for her kids. That's good news.

Still, all of the "what ifs" mock me. What if the attorney charges more than I expect, and I can't hire him? What if I hire him, and he's in cahoots with Erik? What if he ends up bungling the case? What if he doesn't bungle the case, but we get a shitty judge who's had a rough day, and I lose custody?